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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 25, 2024 3:50am-4:58am MSK

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to the point of tears - she was moved, no, well, yes, she is so vulnerable, really a girl, tender, impressionable, well, a girl, of course you just bent it, well, the lady she is so impressionable, yes, the hunt was given, i shot a duck, i’m like that hunter, just super, the fishing rod has melted, the fishing rod will be mine, but you are practically happy, you returned to us, i think you liked the surprise, you liked it... i am very grateful to you, you liked everything, and in general vitaly, he has the son is already an adult, by the way, the harbinger of your her son, but she really wants a daughter, and you already have one, you still have one groom, meet me, i think that she and i just found each other, and we immediately picked it up, but how can we be on stage together, that is. .. got on
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one, i think that the wave, hello, svetlana, hello, i heard that you want and love the role of the caller, i want to offer you the role of uh, the beloved life partner of the happy one in my life. you agree, i ’ll think about it, come in, it’s very nice, roman, 45 years old, massage therapist, works part-time as a bathhouse attendant, lives in moscow, dreams of opening his own clinic, becoming father learned to play the violin, is proud that he can do the splits, like jean-claude van damme, admits that he often visits his mother, warns that after the first scandal he will put an end to the relationship, roman married a girl with low libido, but for... 5 years i still
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couldn’t show her the sky in diamonds, hoping that svetlana would turn out to be a hot thing. hello, i don’t believe it, massage therapist, the splits in flight are steeper than van dam’s, and we couldn’t show my wife the sky in diamonds the whole time, why, why couldn’t we make her scared? no way, i don’t know, it’s been like this since the first day.
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for another 4 years we pretended that we were together, that i was just going on business trips to earn money, in the end my daughter herself already said that there was no need to do theater, i already guessed that you were not together, but you were young, hot, somewhere in the country they got you, well, unfortunately, there were a couple of moments, but thank god that she didn’t discourage you, what a horror? so that there was a family, so that there was a child, but she did this only because of the child, in the end she said that intimacy should only happen when a woman-man wants to conceive a child, i see that she is simply not interested anymore, i even compare myself to me . well, then, as she explained to me, she wanted, she sat, she herself even encouraged her. unfortunately, probably, mm,
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they didn’t care much for the child, because they worked a lot, so i wasn’t around, she got used to me and doesn’t really want to communicate, but i helped, i’m still helping, and you are making medicine from snake venom , what kind of medicine is this? and that’s what i’m called, very popular, yes, in the east, in many places, in india, in china, they are used to enhance libido and life extension. mendelssohn, dear, i’m afraid that here, too, you can’t do without a sexual compatibility test. vitaliy, tell me, is love affection, tenderness, peace or sex? well, probably tenderness and sex, all together. svetlana, love
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is a sex, b - sex, c sex and d - sex, choose, can i have you. i’ll take it, you understand me, right now i unhooked it from my chest and gave it to you, yes, yes, i will never give my brochure to anyone for any money, what a fear, but now it’s a surprise, she needs such that it would also be fun, with humor, so that they would joke and joke together, i don’t see that with him, that is, i think that he will... now, svetlana, i will show you the sky in diamonds.
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and now the deadly number. it was my idea to breakdance, i wanted to order a breakdance for you, i would show you how to dance a breakdance, yes yes, ah kolyan, well, yes, we found our weak points,
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as it is revealed, yes larisa, sitting here so modest, let’s take it, well done, bravo, well done, my act was much more interesting, because i showed what kind of man i am, how i can win hearts of ducks, girls, what do you say, oh, one is better than the other, it’s true, so he sat quietly, modestly, then once in a lady. yes , and he couldn’t do this, the poor thing endured it, he couldn’t push this wife into the bedroom with this twine, so to speak, oh, excuse me, please, okay, stop
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fantasizing about this, in general, my dear, i agree with you, and if he’s a she, i can’t do it like he does, svetlana is very fiery, very life-loving, it seems to me that we ’ll suit each other, well, like no one else, i’d like to be together, who are you for, i’m for romance, for the last ones, i’m for romance too, but the madison girl, and who are you for?
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i’m sure i was able to light a fire in her heart, i invite everyone to come out and support svetlana, i was impressed that you and i would be a good match and i’m ready to show you the sky in diamonds always, give a massage before bed and not disappoint you. in your choice, i will also try to do everything, it’s up to me, let’s go to the restaurant, now, you invite, yes, i won’t refuse, we have a couple svetlana and roman, if you are single or you liked one of
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the participants in today’s program , write to the website of the first channel, and i am larisa gezeeva, i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let's get married. hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. compensation for lost housing - everything related to the liquidation of the consequences of floods. a big meeting with the president.
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barrier against the epidemic, how the sanitary shield project works, the head of rospotrebnadzor reported to the prime minister. residential buildings are under threat, which can result from careless handling of fire, special fire protection the regime has already been introduced in 23 regions. navigation season is open in moscow, we’ll tell you where you can go on a cruise and what other recreational opportunities there are. suraptsiteli,
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sunny garden, exhibition for the master’s ninetieth birthday at the moscow museum of modern art. many works will be shown for the first time. the amount of compensation for flood victims needs to be adjusted and problems with payments eliminated. vladimir putin stated this at the big one. meeting to eliminate the consequences of the spring flood. the most difficult situation is now in three areas: orenburg, kurgan and tyumen. in total , more than 14 thousand residential buildings are currently flooded there. not only relevant ministers and regional heads were in touch with the president today, but also heads of municipalities affected by the disaster. they know the situation on the ground well. the key points of the important conversation were collected by anton vernitsky. the situation is the most affected. from the flood, the regions of orenburg, kurgan and tyumen are gradually returning to normal, high
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water, albeit slowly, is beginning to subside almost everywhere, however, the lifting of the state of emergency in certain areas of these regions is still far away. in the same orenburg region, which, according to putin, suffered the most, 12.00 residential buildings remain sunk. there are enough resources to eliminate the consequences of the disaster everywhere; not only professional rescuers work, but also volunteers. now the main question is helping the victims. regardless of how rich a particular region is, how many people received
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financial assistance? for example, in orenburg region, we received financial assistance from 46 thousand people, yeah, more than a billion rubles, yeah, in the kurgan region, in the kurgan region 15 people out of 1,500 applications, and in the tyumen region, accordingly, absolutely all applications, and not just within the borders of flooded territories, but
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i don’t really understand what it means that everyone serves, well , that is, people who did not fall into the flood zone serve, or what? yes, yes, yes, then it’s not clear why you are accepting these applications, you submitted an application, it was accepted, it means it’s waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, that’s the work to do to make it clear to people who has the right to what, more carefully, please, during the meeting, putin repeated several times: it is impossible to take a formal approach to providing assistance to the victims, precisely in order to avoid this , not only governors, but also heads of state were invited to the meeting most.
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which are aimed at state measures to support people who find themselves in difficult life situations, aimed at maintaining social justice. vasily nikolaevich said in his conversation with a woman, with his mother eight children. vasily nikolaevich, give the number and telephone number to denis vladimirovich to pasler. okay, and in general we need to once again,
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i want to say again, for families with children,
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let’s note, but first we need to do the work, bring it to the end, everyone must work, and then we will distribute the rugs, among many tasks to restore the destruction of the elements and pay compensation, and as the president noted, there is no such thing anywhere in the world, the authorities have nothing to do with insuring their housing , here russia is an exception, help will come in any case, it is necessary quickly, that is before the may holidays, we should also organize holidays for children from the affected areas, well , now it’s spring, some long may holidays, so where people want, we need to organize holidays for children, and do it as quickly as possible. we have prepared 25,000 places in the krasnodar territory and evpatoria, in principle, at the request of our colleagues, we are ready to work, they can literally send it today, and this week i am holding an all-russian meeting
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on summer holidays, where we will consider additional issues. okay, thanks, uh. right now work this out with your colleagues. presidential instructions to the government also concerned revising the cost of major housing repairs and changing the amounts of one-time payments. our payment amount itself was set in 2008, now it is 2024, and this amount has not been indexed either. i ask the relevant federal agencies. the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction and social departments will return to this and resolve the issue. indexation, let me remind you, today it is 10,000, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. they need to be indexed. now there is a list of property for the loss of which they are paid
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compensation, well, accordingly there - 100,000 or 50,000 rubles. this means - depending on whether this property is included in this list or not. the corresponding funds are paid, this list generally needs to be cancelled, well, what do you mean, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not, well, it ’s some kind of nonsense, this list needs to be cancelled, all your instructions will be carried out accordingly, we really we are talking about the need to help large families who have one home, and the corresponding uh that means housing uh.
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we will return to the situation with the floods later in the program; assistance to the victims was discussed today at the federation council in the government house, but for now let’s move on to other topics. a poignant story from liberated avdeevka: a woman hid her twelve-year-old son from forced evacuation for almost a year. ukrainian military and police, who for some reason called themselves volunteers, behaved more like hitler’s punitive forces in the occupied territories. nightmare. ended only with the arrival of russian fighters, the mother’s story, which throws me into trembling, alexey ivanov listened. they were probably born in overalls, but it’s okay, they come
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there with a gate on their feet. from april last year until the liberation of the city by our military, irina was perhaps the most wanted person in avdeevka. a mother of many children hid her twelve-year-old son from ukrainian police and militants of the armed forces of ukraine for 10 months. they tried to find the child and supposedly take him to a safe place, but in fact kidnap him, security forces who presented themselves as volunteers, these benefactors even have a name, white angels, we so russian, they are white, fluffy angels, white, fallen angels, all the basements, all the cabinets, they looked for everything, they rummaged through everything, my photograph hung on almost every post, we are looking for 5.00 hryvnia for me, they raised my second child from the dnieper, i don't know what's going on there. and a video with my second child, covered in snot, mom, come out. irina, as best she could, hid her son, who was almost as tall as his mother, not only from the security forces, but from neighbors, she says, they took
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the children by force, contrary to all the persuasion of the parents. in avdeevka she knew several families who did the same thing, under any pretext, did not give up their children during the forced evacuation. well, the little ones, who were carried in bags from the basement for 4 years, so that they wouldn’t just be taken away, so that no one would do anything. children were searched for and if found, they were taken from their families by people in military uniform with machine guns in their hands; in this video , supposedly volunteers wearing police insignia, while wearing camouflage clothes with blue ribbons worn by the armed forces of ukraine. the security forces say right in avdeevka they are looking for irina and her son. more i found it a long time ago. recently there was operational information that a mother and her last child were hiding in the old part of the city. now we will work on this address. we hope that we will find the mother and child. they looked in residential high-rise buildings and went into shops.
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well, that is, give the child back, stay here yourself, and we were taking this child out there, from kirova, the father protested, he’s right for meat, as they say, mothers are deprived of parental rights, that’s it, a guardian is immediately found, forced evacuation of children from avdievka ukraine announced last april year, the forcible removal of children and teenagers from the city immediately did not go according to plan, the parents resorted to any tricks they could.
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what father? well, where is he in zhitomyr or chernigov? i say: wow, well, where is he in zhitomyr or chernigov? you don’t know his last name, you still don’t know my last name, but do you know your father’s last name? when the city was liberated, our military, irina was happy, the child no longer needed to be hidden from anyone and she could safely go out into the street. caring people are helping the family; today, for example, they brought a generator, and ukrainian the military, the residents say, specially stopped by this private sector to conduct
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shelling of cities from here. dpr of donetsk, yasenovato and makeevka. in this part of avdievka you can find signs like this, people live , the same inscription on the neighboring house, this indicates that the residents are returning to ovdiivka, and that means they can talk about what the ukrainian armed forces militants were doing here, the investigative committee has already began his work in the liberated city. the investigators listened carefully to the story of irina and her son; the story of the mother of many children will become part of big criminal case. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, alexander napalkov, kristina ivanov.
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vukator, as a result of negotiations, we fixed a list of 29 children who should be reunited with their relatives in ukraine, and 19 children who should be reunited with their relatives in russia. now the progress of the special operation, as reported in our ministry of defense, the situation at the front has been improved by the fighters of the groupings of troops in the west, center, south and east. among the destroyed targets is a combat vehicle of the american haimers rocket system, a circular radar station review, production workshop. workers and a fuel storage facility, the enemy lost over a thousand people killed and wounded in one day, all counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces were suppressed, 16 such attempts were repelled, most in the donetsk republic, including under the hour yar. about our defenders: guard senior sergeant valery khaidukov, commander of the anti-aircraft missile battery squad, provided reliable cover for our fighters from air threats, personally destroyed seven ukrainian
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drones, including. baba ega's hexocopter. guard sergeant andrei zorev rendered first aid to the wounded commander and took over the platoon himself. in the battle, our military destroyed three armored vehicles and two groups of attack aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy eventually retreated. nato military equipment can be seen in the coming days in moscow. of course, at the exhibition of trophies captured in the northern military district zone. it will open on may 1 near the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. among the exhibits are a leopard tank and an infantry fighting vehicle. marder originally from germany, american bradley armored vehicle, swedish cv90 and french amx-10. in total there are more than thirty samples, and also small arms weapons, equipment of ukrainian armed forces militants, documents, maps. in general, there will be something to see. ivan prozarov will confirm. they delivered enemy equipment at night so that the string of tractors with platforms would not interfere with movement. some armored vehicles weigh 35 tons, so the paving stones on poklonnaya hill were protected
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with a special coating. the first spectators could not believe their eyes, at arm’s length the very equipment that the ukrainian command and their western sponsors are relying on, wow, how fearless it is, compared to our equipment, it’s childish, ours is much more serious, much more powerful, much more interesting. the first six samples of western weapons are already in the victory park, each armored vehicle is, first of all , the story of the courage of our soldiers, who not only knocked out this equipment, but were able to evacuate it. american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, no left wheel. here in this part of the track there was a direct hit from our grenade launcher, then a whole special operation. last december , our soldiers took out a damaged bradley right from under the enemy’s nose, for which they were awarded orders of courage. armor is often not saves these vehicles from being hit by even small shells, the bottom is poorly protected from mines, plus difficult maintenance and repairs. as a result, the western media announced that ukraine had already lost a third of the nearly 70 units delivered to bradley on the battlefield. let's launch.
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before being sent to... ukraine, many bradleys were modernized in the usa, additional protection kits were installed, modern fire control systems, the strengths of vulnerabilities are now being studied by our specialists, the result will not keep you waiting, igor solovyov is sure, he served in a tank. troops, what is it for is capable and how can we stop it, as they say, we beat them, we beat them, we will beat them, we will find and try, where are the weak points of such models, another valuable trophy is the german marder infantry fighting vehicle with tail number 323, it was removed our colleagues in the northern military district zone at the beginning of april, the car was pulled out under enemy fire and dragged to rimbat, symbolically, that during the great fatherland. and the soviet wars destroyed the marder self-propelled guns of the third reich, today the same fate is shared by the bundeswiere infantry fighting vehicles. took away from under my nose ukranazis, bmp marder. victory will be ours. however, marder is far from an advanced model. since the beginning of the 2010s, the bundes has been checking them for
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new cougars; decommissioned marders are being sent to ukraine. the american m-113 infantry fighting vehicles have a similar fate; the united states used them in the vietnam war and are now being sent en masse to kiev for slaughter. this is all enough. old production, but after all, everything is not new. visitors are promised to be shown 30 different cars from the usa, great britain, germany, france, turkey, sweden, czech republic, finland, australia, austria, and this is a miracle of ukrainian military thought, an absurd homemade tank for militants of the azov terrorist battalion banned in russia. with a frankly disastrous ukrainian development , engineers took a soviet t-64 tank, sheathed it in metal, cut off the turret, installed systems like these here, they wanted to install two. large-caliber machine guns, but something went wrong, it turned out that the engine was weak, the protection was also weak, the weapons did not meet the declared characteristics, instead of an all-round viewing system they installed cameras from intercoms, as a result , this armored vehicle was not even close to the battlefield even reached the factory tests, just
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like this, rusty, useless to anyone, our military found it in the liberated territories, where they dug up this crumbling thing, it turns out that the azov people buried it under a layer of earth in mariupol, apparently with the hope of victory, as for the new ones by... a historical parallel arises with the exhibition of captured weapons in 1943, when
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german equipment was demonstrated in moscow’s gorky park to show what a strong enemy was threatening the homeland and how soviet wars were breaking it ridge. at the modern exhibition, viewers are eagerly awaiting the appearance of german leopard-2 tanks. in addition to armored vehicles , there will be a display on poklonnaya hill. after the end of the exhibition, the equipment can move to patriot park, where the ministry of defense, thanks to the successes of our fighters, replenishes the exhibition of enemy weapons. ivan prozarov, ilya marin, dmitry bedrev, he signed a package of bills in the white house
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on the confiscation of frozen assets of russia and military assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan. american president biden stated this, popular journalist and tv presenter so carlson has already spoken about the decision on our assets, this, in carlson’s opinion, is outright theft. the bill would allow biden to place frozen russian assets in special funds for ukraine. 8 billion dollars that the us government stole from russian citizens, without trial, we just don’t like you, we’re taking your assets. now all the money is in american accounts, but it is sent to ukraine, because it is much easier for our ruling class to steal money when they are located offshore. a symbol of our military glory, the connection of generations, gratitude to the front-line soldiers and those in the rear who brought the day of victory closer. volunteers share the st. george ribbon with everyone who cherishes it and remembers it in their hearts. behind each tape there is something personal, because there is no family in russia
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where its hero is not remembered. the traditional action unites millions of people in our country abroad. report by dalmira viryukova. a veteran of the great patriotic war, nikolai borisov, a retired war colonel , was the commander. tank company consisting of the fortieth tank brigade fought near kiev, he liberated ukraine, poland and germany. traveled 4.00 km in tanks. today nikolai nikolaevich is launching the st. george’s ribbon campaign in voronezh. this one is ours. to the famous symbol, of course, glory, i would like to see many of us at the holiday with this ribbon, without fail, since 2015, thousands of victory volunteers across the country have been handing out st. george ribbons on the streets, reminding us how to wear them correctly. ribbons cannot be hung on a bag, they cannot be used as a hair tie, or on some belts. even manage to how to use laces, the ribbon is always
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worn on the left side of the heart, as a sign of pride, we have three sons, we are raising all of them so that they know what the great patriotic war is and, in general, what russia is, and what is russia today? russia is a great country in which we believe that everything will be fine with us. cities and generations, as a sign of gratitude, memory and respect for all those who defended our country, it is worn near the heart, the st. george ribbon has become a symbol of the military glory of russia. hundreds of thousands of black and orange ribbons on the streets of moscow today and irkutsk, on sakhalin in saratov, here is a boy from kirov, he asked that the st. george ribbon be attached to him in the form of the letter zd. in khakassia, by the beginning of the action, children had learned poems about the war. khabarovsk emphasizes that this ribbon should be a recognizable symbol, especially among young people. the younger generation still needs
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to be taught somehow, that is, to instill in general love for children, in any case, explain why this is a tribute to memory, every time may 9 is a great pride for our country, and what we were able to do, we won, i’m crazy proud and every year the st. george ribbon unites millions of people, my grandfather was a participant, my grandmother on my father’s side was actually there in these concentration camps, my grandfather and grandmother worked in the rear, provided.
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carry a ribbon with them - this says our dream of a future victory. the patriotic event st. george's ribbon has started in all russian regions and will last until may 9. in donetsk these days tens of thousands will be distributed to clients. victory day feels special here. yes, we have it. hold it, please. i have long wanted to have it in our the family also has participants in the great patriotic war, as in every one of our families.
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but also the intelligence services of some countries undermine the constitutional foundations and destabilize sovereign states, inciting interethnic and interreligious hatred. at the same time, the methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies of russia continue to find out, study all the details of this vile
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crime, identify its participants, including customers, sponsors, organizers. none of them. escape from just retribution. the federation council discussed countering terrorism today with an annual report by prosecutor general igor krasnov. according to him, a full assessment of what happened at crocus has yet to be given, but it is already clear that the requirements of the law on safety at such facilities need to be reviewed. many threats come from members of ukrainian radical groups and their accomplices. every third crime is committed through internet, so it is important to detect blocking in time.
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the economy has suffered significant damage, which has yet to be assessed; i reported the situation to the head of state. the immediate and general task now is to provide assistance to the victims and eliminate the negative consequences. in the future, we will definitely ensure that all those responsible are brought to justice. the situation with floods was discussed today at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and the head of rospotrebnadzor. anna popova reported to the prime minister how work was organized in disaster zone through her department. we separately discussed the federal sanitary shield project, which helps prevent epidemics throughout russia. olga knyazeva will tell you more about everything. the most important topic discussed today by the head of government mikhail mishustin and the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova was the epidemiological situation in flooded regions. the main water source for orsk, kurgany, tyumen is precisely the rivers that
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overflowed their banks. on the very first day you left for orsk, you reported to me from there, also the situation is now difficult in the kurgan region as a whole. lends itself to the population. the water is gradually draining , now we need to monitor the disinfection of areas and people’s health. 150,000 people were vaccinated against hepatitis a. special attention to children. they will definitely be sent to good, comfortable sanatoriums and camps. children's summer holidays should be as safe as possible and rospotrebnadzor works on this all year round. rospotrebnadzor is
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also involved in this area in monitoring the quality of nutrition for primary schoolchildren, are concerned with the quality of the organization. including all events for summer holidays, children's, this is also a very difficult task, but here it is important to exercise close control in each region and throughout the country. prefabricated summer health facilities turned out to be a very effective project, you can create a very comfortable environment for children, but in order for it to be comfortable and safe, all the rules must be followed, we monitor this even at the design stage and of course we control the transportation now together with they plan to transfer by rail. almost half a million guys. the federal sanitary shield project rests on three pillars. prevention, detection, response. this is a powerful system for protecting the population from the epidemic. how are we protected? firstly, there are 46 so-called reference centers around the country. they are designed to monitor pathogens of infectious diseases. for example, there is a monitoring center for tick-borne encephalitis. secondly, sequencing, deciphering
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the sequence of nucleotides in a dna molecule. this method is now the main tool rospotrebnadzor. today, fifty sequencing centers work with strains of viruses and bacteria. rospotrebnadzor is responsible for preserving the health and well-being of people, including as part of the implementation of the sanitary shield initiative on behalf of the president, and this initiative was prepared precisely to counter the risk associated with both infectious diseases and other possible threats. what were the main activities carried out within the framework of this project? this includes genomic epidemiological surveillance and digitalization. today we have certification of all natural outbreaks, the accuracy of the forecast is 95%, and of course it is very important that every case. infectious disease on the territory of the country, in any region, we receive information about it from the central office, literally in a matter of minutes. by
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2030, there will be pcr centers in all cities with a population of more than 100,000 people; test results today can already be obtained 40 minutes after taking the test. and now we have tests based on new genomic technology that allows us to identify any virus or bacteria: flu, measles, smallpox, hepatitis, coronavirus more accurately and quickly and without complex equipment. and this is only part of the work within the framework. the sanitary tweezer project, this is also quarantine control at the border, this is also the necessary diagnostics, which you promptly deployed during the coronavirus, there are many questions here, you said about quarantine control, this is how much the number of examined persons has increased, if in the nineteenth year this was 31 million people, in the twenty-third year it was 42 million people, this is an increase of more than 35%, our new... technologies for working at the border allow us to do very quickly, well, here is an indication of risks in our digital perimeter system, when we can calculate the risk for
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each passenger and for each air passenger. the perimeter system uses big data and artificial intelligence, this increases the accuracy of infection forecasts and reduces the risks of infection, making it possible to control the situation not only in russia, but also in the world. the essence of the project is a sanitary shield barrier against epidemics at three borders within the country, in the near and far abroad. mobile sanitary. quarantine border points make it possible to respond to an outbreak of any infection, including an unknown one, within 24 hours. olga knyazeva, olga gerosimenko and sergey shatila, channel one. the growing burden on the judicial system speaks of the trust of citizens, as stated by the new chairman of the supreme court, irina podnosova, in an interview with our colleagues from vgtrk. there is an increase in the number of incoming appeals to the court every year, this is the number. increase in circulation, it, of course, indicates that both citizens and organizations feel a sense of
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security and trust in the judicial system. increasing this trust in the judicial system is one of the main tasks of both the entire judicial system as a whole and the supreme court in particular. an important criterion regarding changes in the judicial system. according to irina podnosova, they were, they will be, but we shouldn’t wait for global ones, they have already happened. arbitration disputes to simplify the work of arbitration court judges, we will consider proposals that
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vladimir vladimirovich putin also said so about, maybe by exemption of courts from certain cases that can be considered out of court. the entire belarusian people's assembly began working in minsk today; this is the highest representative body of the republic, which determines the strategic directions for the development of the state.
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the people's democratic republic has long-standing friendly relations. currently , we note increased contacts between the russian federation and the korean federation, including in most areas of agriculture. this was certainly facilitated meeting of the leaders of our countries in september last year. work also continues through the intergovernmental commission following the meeting in november twenty-third. native
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fires, but there are cases when people deliberately commit arson and do not think about the consequences, but there will definitely be financial consequences for them, because the forest guard system comes into play, which sees who, how and where set something on fire, and fines for this can reach up to a million rubles, maryana yatskevich reports on the situation in the primorsky territory. primorsky region shkotovo, the consequences of the fire are clearly visible from a quadcopter, black earth for several kilometers, driven by. chaotically destroyed somewhere a barn, somewhere a fence, someone's bathhouse caught fire, but in some areas, like here, almost everything burned down to the ground, only the chimneys from residential buildings survived, these neighbors' bathhouse barn caught fire, from there the spark to them, and accordingly, from the neighbors to us flew here onto the veranda, the house is completely chalked up, completely over there, well, here it’s like a pantry,
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here and... all the supplies, and these products, and coal, there was a house here and it burned down in less than 2 minutes, right before my eyes, then the slate began to shoot, often the flames spread from the grass to the forests, which after large-scale fires take up to half a century to recover, animals suffer, and poor fellows, fir trees -sticks, human animals suffer, a special fire regime is now in effect in 23 regions of russia. but neither bans, nor large fines, nor even the threat of criminal liability stops arsonists. sometimes violators can be detained in the literal sense of the word by hot traces, helps observation from the air. it was established that two cars were found in the center of the fire, they saw that these two cars were moving directly from the winter hut, which is located, that is , in the center, they burned it accordingly and
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thereby caused a forest fire in the state forest fund. they burned it out, because fires might come there in the spring, so that their hunting property there would not be burned, they protected it by the fact that it had already been burned, and a fine was issued in the amount of 40 thousand and 700 thousand for extinguishing the forest fire for expenses, satellites and video cameras help track fires, the information is processed by the forest guard system, the efficiency is very high, this system is equipped with artificial intelligence, which means it itself determines ...
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so that they pay attention to the grass, so that they mow it on time, so that they monitor it in time, as well as well, so that there are no more such emergencies. maryanavich, yan sovitsky, dmitry klimov, sergey prokofiev, vladimir bilyaev - channel one. good news from the southern urals. special operation participant i came from the chelyabinsk region from the front to share with my wife the joy of the birth of triplets. the governor congratulated the happy parents right at the perinatal center.
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the next day we were already sent home, thank them very much, of course, joyful, we haven’t seen each other for almost six months, it’s exciting, i also saw the children, this is the program time and we continue, moscow, the port of the five seas opens summer navigation, new interesting routes, the number of river cruises have increased, fifty of the most beautiful cities in russia, now... what is called floating accessibility and important an indicator of good organization, those who went on cruises last year come back again, about the growing prestige, the profession of a riverman, the impressions of passengers, in a report by maria saushkina, the opening of summer navigation at the southern river station of moscow begins with the raising of the flag by cadets of the academy of water
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transport, with the development passenger shipping, profession: a responsible profession, filled with the spirit of adventurism, allows you to grow personally and professionally. this season you can travel by river transport from moscow to st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, kazan, samara, yaroslavl, in almost 50 cities of russia. more than 2,000 flights are planned, which is a quarter more than last year. today the first liner sergei dyagelev departed from the northern river station on a flight to yaroslavl. we have been married for over 35 years. many of those
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tourists who were there the year before come back to us for the third or fourth time, this is beautiful nature, this is a fabulous vacation. there are more than 50 berths for pleasure fleet and regular fleet on the moscow river. river electric transport, which does not stop cruising around. year. intensive traffic has become a full-fledged type of urban public transport in moscow. now there are two routes between the piers of the kiev hearts of the capital, as well as in the direction of the printers to the zil station. the third aquabus route will be launched soon; it will run between zil and novospaskoye. another expansion is planned in the future. the fourth route will run from kolomenskoye to the south gate pier, the fifth between the khoroshovomnevnike piers and the residential area. arkhangelsk, the sixth aquabus will travel between the northern river station and the mayak pier in khimki, the seventh will pass between kievsky and novospassky. i can go straight from home to the southern port, and i have already traveled with a stroller
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and my baby back to zila, it’s so pleasant, comfortable, and accessible. the route here is great, i live in the printers, i took a ride along the moscow river with great pleasure. well, here the stops are made in such a way that he is first on one side about... then the other, quite good, first impression, which was when i saw it, that the future is already here, because it looks very modern, very beautiful, i can’t wait to try it. today, 16 electric-powered passenger ships sail along the moscow river, and soon their number will increase to 26. river transport will primarily contribute to the connection of residential areas located on different banks; their accessibility should increase several times. another route is opening, we also had it in past years, it was very popular, which connects the northern river station with the other bank, by metro and public transport it takes almost 45 minutes to travel there, but
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by ship this same route can be covered in 15 minutes. fifty-seater steel vessels reach speeds of up to 15 km/h and are equipped with panoramic glazing and led lighting along the perimeter. to save court time. should be moored to the pantons with the bow and not the sides, development of transport infrastructure, reconstruction of the southern and northern river stations, once again confirmed the status of moscow as a port of five seas. maria saushkina, larisa nikitina, andrey stoika, anna lepatova, yulia zagranichennogo channel one. this year , 27,000 sites have been prepared for the victory dictation, and not only in russia, but in 50 other countries. the dictation itself is the day after tomorrow on friday.
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historical, linguistic, cultural unity of the ancient russian state to the decisive role of the red army, the soviet union in the victory over hitler's germany, in this regard, i believe that the dictation of victory is not just a massive historical and educational project, but an event very important for... the socio-political life of our state and society. the new non-profit organization eurasia will also be involved in preserving historical memory. its branches will begin to operate throughout the post-soviet space. schoolchildren,
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students, aspiring politicians and businessmen will have an excellent chance to show their talents and make their wildest dreams come true. cultural exchanges, internships at leading enterprises, exam preparation universities, sports competitions, in general there are many plans. for russia to build relations on equal terms, in this case through public diplomacy, i am sure that this will be the basis of the activities of our eurasia, this is completely natural, because this is how... we build our life within the country, within russia, we will be very just building this kind of relationship, opening up our country in the humanitarian sphere, in the field of education, in the field of culture, in the field of sports exchanges, science, business, whatever else, inspiration, colorfulness, positive outlook , sunlight, meeting with chagall and picasso, who influenced the work of zurab tsaritel. the moscow museum of modern art is preparing for the opening of a large...
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personal exhibition of the people's artist, president of the russian academy of arts, who celebrated his ninetieth birthday this year, here's how to maintain creative longevity, interest in life and be interesting yourself, zurab konstantinovich shows through his works, this our correspondent kristina levieva saw it. gardens bloom in his soul, there are ripe fruits in the trees, and bright sunflowers reach for the sun all year round, this colorful world is like the eternal manifesto of tsuraba tsiritelli, his love for life.
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first of all, an artist, that is, in a broad, universal sense, that is, he is not only a painter, not only a sculptor, not only an author of mosaics, enamels, but an artist, so at this exhibition we wanted to show this range and variability of his work , we created a special, more intimate space where we placed what are called small cabinet versions, models, sketches, of various monuments, of various characters with whom he immortalized. from miniatures to grandiose monuments of st. george the victorious in front of the new york un headquarters. memorial history of georgia in bilis, huge peter ii over the moscow river and a forty-meter column of friendship forever. on tishinskaya square in moscow, which he designed together with the poet andrei voznesensky. and here's an amazing fact. over the 90 years of her life, zuraba tsiritelli has practically no self-portraits. but there are hundreds of sketches of familiar and complete strangers, hundreds character of moods. perhaps alterego, ceritelli is charlie chaplin, the hero of a little movie with'. with sad eyes, whom i saw
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many years ago in my childhood in bilisk. or maybe the artist is that same sunflower who generously shares its brightness and energy with the world. kristina levieva, pavel volkonsky, olga kovalenko, nina khoreva and nika vishnikova, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on channel one there is a new series of films based on the laws of war, the battle for rostov. anxiety, anxiety, comrade of the first rank, the final missile, where the signals came from, i don’t understand, stepanov, my squad along the perimeter, was destroyed behind me.
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