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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  April 24, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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april 30 at the first, hello, svetlana, hello, i heard you want and love the role?
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for 5 years, and then for another 4 years we pretended that we were together, that i was just going on business trips to earn money, in the end my daughter herself already said that there was no need to do theater, i already guessed that you were not together, but you were young, hot, did you get it somewhere in the country? well, unfortunately, there were a couple of moments, thank god she didn’t discourage you, it was kind of terrible when you met her, there were some kisses, i don’t know, but you were drawn to each other friend, otherwise you wouldn’t have proposed, well, then, as she explained to me, she wanted to have a family, to have a child, well , she did this only because of the child, in the end she said that intimacy should only happen then when a woman is a man. and if you want
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to conceive a child, i see that she’s simply not interested anymore, i’ll even compare myself to how i was sitting, she herself even teased me three times, by the way, i myself was counting on her, see you with the child, unfortunately, probably , we didn’t do much with the child, because that they worked a lot, so i wasn’t around, she’s lost the habit of me and doesn’t really want to communicate, but i helped, i’m helping. until now, and you are making medicine from the venom of snakes, and what kind of medicine is this snake ? it is very popular, yes, in the east, in many places, in india, in china, it is used to increase libido and prolong life. mendelsohn, dear, i’m afraid that here, too , you can’t do without a sexual compatibility test, vitaly, tell me, love is affection, not... well, probably tenderness
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, sex, all together. svetlana, love is a - sex, b - sex, c sex and g - sex, check. melison, can i take you? do you understand me like that? now, i unhooked it from your chest, directly gave it to you, yes, yes, i gave you my brooch. i will never give it to anyone, for any money, what passions, and now it’s a surprise, she needs someone who is also cheerful, with humor, so that they can joke and joke together, i don’t see that with him, that is, i think that he will boring, now, svetlana, i’ll show you the sky in diamonds,
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and now a deadly number, it was my idea to breakdance, i wanted to order a breakdance for you, i would show you how to breakdance, yes
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, yes, oh kolyan, well, yes, we found our weak points. how it opens up, yes, larisa, i was sitting here so modest, let’s take it, well done, bravo, well done, my act was much more interesting, because i showed what kind of a man i am, how i can win the hearts of ducks, girls, what do you say, oh? one is better than the other, it’s true, he sat there quietly, modestly, then once, for the ladies, yes, and he couldn’t do this, the poor thing endured it, he couldn’t push this wife into the bedroom with this twine, so to speak,
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oh, sorry, please, okay, stop fantasizing about it. in general, svetochka, i agree with you, but if he is a she, i can’t do it like he does, svetlana is very fiery, very life-loving, it seems to me that we will suit each other, well, like no one else. i would like to be together, who are you for, i am for romka, for the latter, i am for romka too, and medichka, and who are you for, but here you can really choose, one massage therapist, another fitness trainer, the third master of suspended ceilings, me , probably also for a massage therapist, the main thing is light, ask
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him to take off his socks, in general, whoever you go to let's go, in any case we will support you, it seems to me that even i am sure that she has the most positive attitude towards me, she is still smiling, i think i was able to light a fire in her heart, i invite everyone to come out and support svetlana, i was sure that you impressed me, that you and i would go... and i’m ready to always show you the sky in diamonds, give you a massage before bed and not disappoint you in your choice, i’ll also try to do everything for me things, let's go to the restaurant now, you're inviting me, yes, i won't refuse, y
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we have a couple svetlana and roman, if you are single, or you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i’m larisa. sagazeeva i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you: let’s get married, i’ve eaten now, i’ll go lie down, i can’t control my diet, i don’t have the strength. more i can eat a frying pan of fried potatoes, one pleasure in life is to eat, it’s to eat, high sugar, we were diagnosed with diabetes, plus we have lymphostasis in the legs, however, sparkling water buy it, she can’t really walk to the store on her own, you whole family will have to change your lifestyle, she’s literally bursting at
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the seams, she’ll die, so when you sit down at the table with her, you eat the same, she can also eat from my plate , you need to sew up your mouth, leave a small hole, then it will be... that in patients with such excess weight, this is the main cause of death in their sleep. alisa dubrovskaya, who lost 100 kg, came to our studio to tell you her story. good afternoon, i like to have fun, especially eat, perhaps. maybe it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, eating
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is of course good, but when food becomes the meaning of your life, then very quickly this life can end, yes, i even remember times when i didn’t feel like myself restricted food, everything went away, today in our studio svetlana shveytsova from the republic of bashkartastan, she contacted us for the program. for help. svetlana, hello. hello. well, tell me what help you need. i'm afraid to die. i do not live, but exist. i want to live a normal life. to me only 34 years old. and i can't control my weight. i can't control my diet. i have no willpower. i want it. start a family, you just want to walk, be healthy, but for now you are a hostage
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to your weight, as i understand it, yes, yes, you need help with this, and i ask for your help, because i myself cannot cope with this, and what you had your maximum weight, six months ago i weighed myself on a truck scale, my weight was 240 kg, so...
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i met my husband, so we met on social networks, 3 years we met, well, we got to know each other, i kind of relaxed, that everything, there is a man, i began not to take care of myself, i began to eat, well, like there is a man, he loves everything just like that, but you like to eat, i really like to eat, i even have someone is going to the city, we live outside the city, someone is going to the city, i say, bring me a burger there, i can,
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especially when, for example, i’m nervous, i can eat a frying pan of fried potatoes, yeah, pies, well, that is, everything is fatty and i don’t feel full, i can feel full, i’m constantly, i need to chew something, my husband has appeared, you’ve relaxed. well, now he has, are you living with him now? no, we haven’t lived together for 6 years, exactly, but why did we separate? because you relaxed? i relaxed, began to get better, then they seemed to have a wedding, in the fifteenth year, what was my weight? well , there’s probably 100, 150 kilograms, you met him, you were 120, 150 got married, no, 165, probably. we gained 45 kg during this happy time while you were dating him,
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yes, yes, and he loved me, he said, yes ok, eat there, well, that’s it, but for some reason we separated, we got married in december, and i found out that he didn’t cheat, i found out that he cheated, it turned out that i got pregnant, we went to the hospital, i i told him, he... was happy, he was happy, we made peace, i forgive him, i forgave him, well, i’m still on my nerves, you know that you cheated, as it were, and you’re screwing yourself up, in general, i had a frozen pregnancy. what time period was this? it was 16.5 weeks, a frozen pregnancy at that stage, it’s not just like that, there had to be some kind of the reason that the doctors probably gave you, and it’s definitely not stress, it’s definitely not, because your husband is walking, that’s different, that’s excess weight, they said that you just crushed the child with excess weight, all this time he was also walking, i
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then i saw photos on the internet with others,
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i’m sleeping, i can lie down like this, but everything here is crushing on me, well, it’s just elementary, there’s not enough air, my legs swell very much, you can see the pillows, they just fall through, i get up like this, first i move here, then here so for the nightstand. oh, so i’m standing like that, until i got up, i’m already choking, i’m short of breath, i’m going here to the chair, i’ll rest, i’m going to the kitchen, it’s great, everything is just as you like, one chair is not enough for me, i can’t live without soda, i adore torhunchik . darling,
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now i’ve eaten, i’ll go lie down, my room used to be here, but i haven’t gone there for more than a year, no, i won’t go there, i won’t force myself, i don’t even know what’s going on there, i have my nephews from there via video call they send and show me, they always call me there, but i don’t i can even get up, i’m tired, in short, 5 years ago i wore this dress, the dress seems big, but i can’t fit into it anymore, that’s all, it just doesn’t add up, this is my jacket that i’m wearing now, these are years 7-8 ago,
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just doubled, here everything falls out, everything is in stretch marks. can i sit down, everything is sweating, my hands, this is the most for me, this is all, all this, i ate myself, but i can’t even look at myself in the mirror, i just disgust myself, when you eat, you're having fun, i see you're in the mood completely different, here you are sitting at the table, it’s not faked, your eyes are sparkling, you ’re really cool, soda, boutiques and just the expression on the other person’s face, you even speak differently, it’s like you’re having a real holiday, well yes, because what else do i have to do, the only pleasure in life
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is to eat, this is to eat, that is, this is the only joy in your life. i really want you to have completely different joys in life, and i want to, so i ask for help, i came to you, i was very ashamed, i was getting ready mentally, and this letter wrote my friend, who sees all this, please tell me, when i had to undress on camera, what did you feel, shame, disgrace, disgust, i don’t swim, that is , i haven’t been on the river for i don’t know how many years, i ’m just ashamed to go out , and we used to love to go to the river, of course. once upon a time, these people set the trends in rock and pop music. and now they have left for
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russia and divided the performers into their own and others. former music producer and now agent mikhail kozyrov. there are arts that, as we call them, have ziganed, and there are artists, who are suicidal for them, to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better, i come back to that every night. what could have been done differently, i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days, a broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person, i have never seen him like this, obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is meager, i actually survive on... what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand, what pathetic guys you are, i’m trying to grasp some kind.
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i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially lately, she ’s put on weight, she’s a difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good attractive girl, all this is possible cheer up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me that this is something like what can be performed in this image? you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, i don’t
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i expected such a result, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable sentence, new season, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary of donatatos boniones, i’m going to dargate. can you explain to me what happened? has, again his trace, so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, do we need a person who could identify him? pomilty, why me, why? well, thank god, and i’m ladennikov, how is he going to go to khasa? dead season! he is an actor from god, there is a story behind him. how did you live all that time? have you loved anyone?
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how does she feel about your decision completely? change your life, without this, without you changing your life,
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there will be no weight loss. well, daughter, it’s your weight that brought us to the first channel, i nursed it at almost 27 years old, i lay there for almost the entire 9 months to be preserved. it was a very difficult pregnancy, a difficult birth, well, naturally, like any mother, i cared for her, cherished her, did everything for her, like i tried my best, to feed her deliciously, to dress her beautifully, in the end i now understand that i myself brought her to this state when she started having weight problems, because look, a child’s photo, a thin girl sitting in a small armchair, she doesn’t even have any cheeks, the problems have begun.
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about 19 years old, after she had an accident, then everything seemed fine, she met her future husband, and he seemed to treat her well, he even gained such trust in us that we accepted him as our own son, it turned out as a result, that he was walking, well , the result was that out of nervousness she... began to eat, binge, plus this loss of a child, stress, problems, which means on the female side, problems with sugar, we have high sugar, we were diagnosed with diabetes, plus we have lymphostasis in the legs, in short , there are a lot of problems, well, you know all these problems of your daughter, nevertheless, you buy sparkling water, she can’t really get to the store on her own, and i can’t really either i don’t go, to be honest
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, who buys all this for you? delivery, delivery? well, you have to push the delivery buttons yourself, why do you poke it at soda and all sorts of things, well, okay, it can’t handle it, and why are you encouraging it, i can’t understand this, i’m probably making amends for some of my own guilt, so what are you guilty of before her, well , you brought her to this state yourself, overfed her, let’s assume that your daughter will undergo a full course of treatment, rehabilitation, and then you need... she will engage in physical exercises all her life , limit herself in food, if you are next to such an abundance of the bashkir table, well, anyone will tremble, you understand, that is, you, not only her, you, the whole family will have to change their lifestyle, i’m ready for this, together with her, great, good, you too , by the way, yes, it wouldn’t hurt me either, of course, but we
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we tried it, i told her, i say, sveta, let’s... we’ll be together, i say, i ’ll cook porridge or oatmeal for you in the morning, or in the evening we’ll pour kefir on it, or we’ll pour kefir on buckwheat, we’ll eat it, i- somehow i can, but she can’t eat it, well, what do you mean she can’t, well, she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t eat it, well, well, she doesn’t like it, they put a plate of buckwheat, she likes it, she doesn’t like it, on the fifth day, when she starts will die of hunger, i understand that there is another controller, because it is... daria turned to us at editor, she even wrote a letter secretly from you, i think, yes, who tried to force her friend to give up excess food. dari, come to us. girlfriend, of course i love you, but today i will be tough with you. please help save my friend. she's literally bursting at the seams, she's going to die. i can't argue with you here. why did you decide to contact us?
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i’m your fan, i don’t miss a single episode of yours, and i’ve already seen similar programs from you, i trust you, well, you understand that this is not an easy path, yes, i understand, you need pull herself together, she, unfortunately, cannot do this, i will support any endeavor, if necessary, i will be there, i will do my best.
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she can still eat from my plate too, yeah, so she can continue to move forward, apparently she’s no longer there, she can’t, well, yes, she’s sitting, and i got up, sat down, and so on a thousand times, plus i have four children, i don’t sit still at all, when sveta got married, she actually already had a decent weight, like 180, he said 65, yes, it didn’t bother my husband in any way, it didn’t bother my husband, because he’s a man enough. on the slippery, so to speak, in every yard he, as we found out, has a child, next door to me, well, yes, yes, he, that is, has children, he is happy for all children, and he was happy about her pregnancy, he i’m happy for all the children, but he doesn’t bear further responsibility for them, so to speak, there is a debt for alimony and yes, we just wanted to contact him, by the way, you are still officially married, and this is laziness, laziness, of course, how many times have i mentioned
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i said, close it. old door, perhaps a new one will open, no, until we take it, we won’t take it, you understand that marriage this is this, this is not just a piece of paper or a stamp in a passport, that’s it. you want to buy something for yourself, and then you start getting a divorce, and he will say, wait, wait, this is in marriage, this is in marriage, what was bought, give me half, this applies to all acquired property, you are still married, in short, we called him, we didn’t get through, but while we talked with his mother, that is, with your mother-in-law, it’s interesting what she said to you, very much, let’s listen, about 7 years ago my son called and said that he was meeting.
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i was like this, well, when sveta lived with us, i she cooked, but i wouldn’t say that she ate a lot, no, she also cleaned, washed the floors, and cooked, and worked, they did everything, we didn’t live with us for long, well, then something didn’t work out for them here, well he, he met another girl, now he has a different family, two small children, but they still haven’t filed for divorce, i called today. to him, he said, this, i wish her only all the best, everything is like that, i haven’t seen her for 7 years, it’s changed a lot, well, everything has changed, and her face has changed, and that’s all here, light, i
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i want you to recover, for everything to be fine with you, i wish this for you with all my heart, but why were you so afraid, look how she is, i thought there would be some kind of miguera sitting there now, not everything is so good, in the next yard literally lives... her grandson, his son, whom they don’t know, and more than a million already owe him money in alimony, and you communicated normally with her before, but were on good terms, well, that’s it, she now wished you early congratulations , thank god, the main thing is that you divorce him, please your friend, sveta, evgeniy, yes, hello, you also came to support her, right? yes, well, we’ve been friends for about 2 years, but how did we meet? and i’m her hairdresser, and you come home? no, she comes by herself by taxi, what chair do you put her in, when she is i have a big chair, like this one for example, but that is, i look at home, she sits on two stools, i was worried about the sink, what
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would fit whether it goes in the sink, well, when to wash your hair, and how it fits, you have a lot of clients, really, yes, but why with it? we became friends, what kind of person she is, tell us, well, first of all, i have never met a kinder person. i’ll probably tell you frankly, but this person is ready to embrace the whole world, of course, we always tell her that she needs to stop eating, well, even as a joke, i said, you need to sew your mouth up, leave a small hole and then it will be better, but just she needs help not only financially, but also some kind of psychological, that we need everything together so that there will be a result, because she can’t handle it alone. that is, to her do you need support on a permanent basis, and you also think that you can’t handle it yourself? no longer, i can’t handle it on my own. there are doctors, let’s say, everything is there, this support group, do you really need it? yes
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for what? to know that i'm not alone. yes, it’s good if everyone is together in harmony with a friend, even going somewhere, the main thing here is that it’s not fun for everyone to go together, this is precisely the path of one. i'll die from being overweight at 35, yeah, and it just drives me crazy, but i want to prove it to myself first of all, well done, so what can i do, i like what
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you said, i want to prove to myself, you understand this, that you do it yourself, and this is very important, and the result that comes out will be your result. you see, yes, according to the laws of war, the story continues, do you think that i have no heart? or i don't feel anything. watch the time after the program. mosquitoes have arrived in russia, and not just any mosquitoes, but mosquitoes. how to avoid being bitten? let's look into this issue and many others. in the program "live healthy". tomorrow on the first. voice. the final. live. on saturday on the first, going to the doctor now
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is a tiny first step, but we will take it with you now, since you contacted us, we immediately began to study, look for doctors, went with you to one of the moscow clinics, let's take a look, hello , hello, it is possible, it is possible, of course it is necessary. how old are you, svetlana, over 34, how tall are you? 181, tell me, why did you come to us? well, i want to improve my health. and the main reason for the deterioration of your health is what do you think, overweight, 212, well, i think 211, if you remove the clothes, lost weight, yes, but what was it, 240, well done, smart, well, we’ll presumably do it. for our heroine , our waist of 150 centimeters was a little short for us,
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but i think about 160, 160 waist circumference, the patient is a little confused in the light by the fact that she has shortness of breath at rest, our shoulder volume is 60 cm, these are the ones she has stripes, hyperpigmentation here, and on the cheeks, here, these are all signs of a high level of insulin in our blood patients, this is contosicons, this is what this symptom is called, characteristic. for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, so that we can generally draw a conclusion about whether the operation is tolerated or not, important fundamentally important things, this is an ultrasound of the heart, this is a cardiogram, this is the function of external respiration polysonnography, thank you very much, please, everything is clear, they explained, well, thank god, is it really possible to help svetlana and what
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stages does she need to go through? of course, it is absolutely possible to help svetlana, the thing is that svetlana is in the category of patients, the diagnosis of which sounds superobese, since the body mass index is approaching 70, normally it should be up to 25, this is the weight-to-height ratio, in addition to the fact that she has diabetes mellitus, there are many other diseases, svetlana has absolute indications for surgery treatment for obesity, and how she lost weight was as much as 240. she introduced some dietary restrictions into her life and did it on her own, which makes us very happy. svetlana is at a stage of the disease where, unfortunately, even the introduction of strict restrictive measures it will not fully give the desired effect, because these restrictions work for a while, but while they exist, as soon as svetlana relaxes, the weight will now go up. modern medicine has such a remedy as bariatric. she will allow these restrictions in svetlana’s life
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to be recorded for the entire period of her life, we are going through the first stage of an outpatient examination, this includes cardiac ultrasound, polysomnography, ecg and external respiration function. these minimal surveys allow us to conclude whether we can should we immediately operate on svetlana, or should we undergo some kind of preoperative preparation course in the form of inpatient treatment? as a rule, this is done in the department of endocrinology or in the department of the institute of nutrition, this is a department that... deals with conservative treatment of obesity, and after that, once svetlana has been further examined and prepared for treatment, we will be able to operate on her. an important stage in svetlana’s case is getting used to a special oxygen mask, as we found out yesterday that svetlana is very she snores due to her excess weight; svetlana experiences respiratory arrest during sleep. this is a very serious symptom, in patients with such excess weight, it is the leading cause of death in sleep. an oxygen mask will significantly improve blood oxygen saturation during sleep.
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svetlana will get enough sleep, this will to some extent reduce the level of hunger, the feeling of hunger, yes. secondly, we need the institute of endocrinology or simply endocrinologists to get involved in correcting sugar levels preoperatively. stage. and when all this is done, i think that we can proceed with the operation with complete confidence. the operation will allow svetlana to reach a weight of approximately 85-90 kg. patients are usually hospitalized. about the rules of behavior and nutrition in the postoperative period, we require from patients, this is our urgent requirement, at the time of discharge a detailed hour-long conversation so that they stay in touch with us, the first year is every 3 months, the second year - every six months, then at least once a year for the rest of our lives so that we can control your condition, smoothly,
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slowly, svetlana will reduce excess body weight for about a year, about a year and a half, most likely then you will need a series of some kind of plastic surgery. but this stage is done only when the weight loss is completed, the weight has stabilized, fixed at the lowest point and remains at least 3 months, we are waiting for you with the result of weight loss, then the plastic surgeon, from us, a gift, a bonus, of course, look, eh. .. of course, svetlana is far from alone in her misfortune. let's watch the video where your peer’s weight also went off scale beyond the 200 kg mark, and what and how did she do.
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to lose weight, you just need to behave like a healthy person. alisa dubrovskaya, who lost 100 kg, came to our studio to tell you her story. alice, come to us, my dear, i came to help you. i watched an episode about you, god, i cried so much, i recognized myself in many ways, i really want to help you, let’s get in touch with you, okay, i’m blogging, i help a lot of people, i’ll definitely help you, but you don’t stop, yes, yes, i haven’t finished yet, i’m planning up to 805, then i’ll go for obdominoplasty and rachioplasty and so on, yeah, but there were 200, yes there was 200, this is
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2001, now 103, and what’s your height you, height 178, well, not small either. how long did it take for 98 kg to fly away? look, i actually lost weight to 94 in a little more than a year and a half, but - my mother died in february, i buried my mother in march, dropped back a little, now i’m 103, but i’m back in the gym, i'm working with my trainer, i didn't fall, i got up and move on, what kind of way did you find for yourself to lose weight, and you know, m... i’ll probably tell my story so that you understand what starting point i found myself at and how i did it, why i lost so much weight , i was a normal girl, i weighed 75 kg with a height of 178, i wore size 48 clothes, i was happy with everything, everything was fine with me, that is, i was not prone to being overweight, but at the age of 16 i moved to moscow and
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entered to mstu on a budget, and our family was not very rich, i immediately went to work, at work i... fell in love with a guy, i thought, well, i need to get my tummy a little bit in order, my butt in order, and i thought: i need to go on some kind of diet, well, all the girls are doing it, and i’ll go on it, i went on the jacquey diet, grapefruits and testicles, but i held on, held on , held on, held on, lost weight, but broke down when i returned to normal nutrition, rolled back to 85, then i need to find some other diet, that is, my mistakes didn’t teach me anything, and this includes chum salmon, all sorts of suitcases, and teas for losing weight and so on, so on, i’m done. i mocked myself for a while, nothing mattered to me taught me, i didn’t think about including sports, one day i reached 165 kg and thought: damn, diet is not what works for me, maybe i ’ll just stop mocking myself and then i’ll stop getting sick, but i was wrong because i was sedentary lifestyle,
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there were incorrect eating habits, the habit of eating stress, and in the end, slowly but surely i reached a weight of 201 kg, i didn’t even know that i... weighed so much, but i just started to choke from the fact that i was coming from bed to the bathroom, that's why i, when i looked at svetlana, i burst into tears because i recognized myself, it was scary, and i, you know, i didn’t really notice it myself, my mother told me, alice, we need to save your life, and we thought that we probably need something this time... then connect, they bought a huge exercise bike for me, an exercise bike for 140,000 on credit, when we bought this exercise bike in the store where i bought pro... have i ever done sports, how do i feel, what diseases, and when i listened to everything, only then said: “alice, take your pen,
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write down, in order to lose weight, you need to eat." oh, this phrase, it killed me, i didn’t understand what he was talking about. oleg prescribed intuitive nutrition for me, that is, i didn’t count calories, but with a gradual restructuring according to several rules, well, for example, i had to gradually reduce the proportion of simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed, yes, they quickly make us hungry and switch to... complex, reduce the proportion of saturated fats, observe protein standards for my weight, start drinking clean water, consume fiber in every hey, this is an erroneous common opinion that you need to sew your mouth shut - this is not true, in order to lose weight, you need to eat well, eat a variety of foods and put a lot of colors on your plates, with fabulous ease.
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thousands of journalists, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, i feel like i'm made of one piece of a movie, from head to toe. thank you for being here, matador on saturday at the first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. prima, all the beauties of the world, from my heart, i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold
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what you want, say, mom said, you are strong, without him there is no blue, unrequited, you waited at night for such a cold wind, to remember your secret paradise, it was so cool for the two of us i know, if you leave, i will stay, don’t let them stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, the golden gramophone people’s award ceremony, premiere on april 29, on the first, this is my fight, my line sing to the end point favorite favorite beloved roads, roads,
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roads , we run away on different roads, tell fortunes about love, if you are happy in your eyes, we know for sure, the ice will melt, quieter than midnight and outburst. that long day, this long, so short, it’s hot for us, dubaya, whispers something, hugging, the ice melts and melts, you are a sailor, i am a sailor, you are a fisherman, take a walk, april 30 on the first, i really always when people like this come to me, i don’t believe a word they don’t say, i was very surprised when after 2 months she wrote to me that she wanted to get a consultation again, because
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she had lost 25 kg, then uh, of course i agreed because i was very interested in this, the man weighed 201 kg and he independently reached -25, and there were no difficult things there. to get the result at the second consultation , i prepared a program and nutrition training for her there, then we talked to her, we were always in touch with her, everything was wonderful, look, the problem is for all, well, clients who come with excess weight, the problem is that they will always have... a rollback in order not to gain, when you suddenly gave up training, stopped following nutrition, at least 5 years, only after that
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you can be somehow... in any case, just like watching your nutrition, if you see a person in good shape, you can be sure that he does this regularly, not from time to time time for the season, for the beach, for a wedding, this simply does not happen, if a person is in good shape, then he does this all the time, this is an axeom that you must take into account in your head, but modern medicine, this is medicine, scientific medicine, she says that playing
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sports is not for weight loss at all, this is to maintain tone, to form... but playing sports has little to do with weight loss, it must be too titanic loads for the weight to go down with the help of physical sports, weight loss is 99% - it’s regulating proper nutrition, my for some reason, subscribers think that everything comes easy to me, this is not so, the path of losing weight is not uphill all the time, it is falling, rising, falling, rising, unfortunately, this is so, it is very difficult, without the help of a specialist there is no way will cope. and you a whole set of phrases that help you along the way, right? yes, and i’m writing, i’m with me, i ’m just blogging on telegram, i have girls weighing 100 plus, well, i haven’t seen 200 plus on my blog yet, but i help girls turn to health, to the body, to love, to yourself, understand that losing weight is not only a restructuring of your lifestyle, it is
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a restructuring of your way of thinking, because unfortunately.
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and after that you don’t see anyone, you don’t need to start this from a certain date, from something, you just need to change your lifestyle a little, rethink it, it all starts with psychology, consciously, we need a result, yes, sometimes you can, of course, give yourself slack and all that, but in the long term it should be, well, it is, you can very easily understand from a person whether he is purposeful or not, that is, not for a month, not two, it's just a way of life. everything needs to be changed. svetlana, how scary the program began, you have one foot in the grave, you sat in tears, how do you feel now? well, with the hope of more, more confidently, i see from you that your eyes are burning. svetlana's mom, friend, please help her, if you came to the first channel, you brought her here, be her helpers. and
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the most important thing.

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