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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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the work of special rcbz units in the north military district zone and new personnel from the front line. suspected of receiving a bribe of at least 1 million rubles. faces a sentence of up to 15 years in prison. deputy defense minister timur ivanov was detained, the investigative committee reported. one of the main symbols of our great victory. the st. george's ribbon campaign has started across the country. starting today, volunteers are distributing them on city streets. in the fire of the forest, populated areas, in some areas, like here, almost everything was heated to the ground, only the chimneys from the fire survived residential buildings. in primorye, the fire season began earlier than usual. when a patient cannot get to the clinic, a medical team arrives to him. it is very important and pleasant to meet future doctors.
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medical students help residents of remote areas of the nizhny novgorod region, what kind of help do they provide? at the beginning of the special operation , russian troops captured a stronghold on the outskirts of chasovo yar. aviation artillery struck the fortifications and firing points of the ukrainian armed forces. then the assault group of ivanovo paratroopers went into battle. from the air covered by drone operators. this is footage from the kherson region, where the positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank were destroyed. the camouflage of our troops is provided by the rkhbz unit, with the help of special machines they create smoke that confuses the enemy and saves the lives of russian soldiers, and those who make our military invisible, report by alexey kruchinin. the first thing that catches your eye when you see the tda2 car is the massive grille that protects the cabin, tda stands for thermal smoke equipment, a system for creating. smoke-veil. unfolding
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the vehicles are in battle formation, the crews first stretch around the mask network and set up aerial observation posts. fighters with drone detectors and anti-drone guns. my assistant says that a drone has been detected, roughly tells me the direction where it is. i watch him and begin to slow him down. and my assistant is already starting to shoot him down with small arms. this unit of the southern group of troops has an interesting name: an aerosol countermeasures platoon. the machine is a large aerosol generator, reacting when temperature is about 900°, chemicals and diesel fuel turn into white smoke, screw the nozzle so that the direction of the smoke is. another element of camouflage: they also blow fog around the car using smoke bombs. the aerosol escaping from the nozzle drives the thick mist forward, at least a kilometer. the fog of war, as they usually say in general about something.
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another task is to support attack aircraft who, under the cover of a smoke screen, attack the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. we do not interfere with the attack aircraft in any way, that is, we make sure that the assault aircraft units moved forward with full orientation to the terrain. already a platoon commander in the army. 30 years, the call sign wheel was not given by chance, for long service, no matter what kind of equipment he drove. he came to the chemical troops from the landing force, where, for a while, forgetting about levers and pedals, he worked against enemy aircraft with anti-aircraft missiles, that is, in essence, he covered his comrades in arms, and now he does, in a different way, but also effectively. it feels, as they say, that we are helping our brothers who are moving forward, we are helping, the main thing is that the car does not let us down. the fighter is already 47, but life, he says. it’s just
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beginning, he and his wife are expecting another child, the same age as the wheel, the commander of a neighboring car with the call sign smith, also a father of many children, says hello to his wife and three daughters, he has been serving in the north military district for a long time from the first day, fatigue, no, no, because well, it’s necessary now, our country needs us, so we will rest later in retirement, even though the chemists don’t shoot, their work makes life much easier for our other combat units, the enemy knows this in their vehicles. hunts for millstones, such as hailstones or heavy flamethrower systems. therefore, when the smoke disappears, it’s time to disappear from the combat position. alexey kruchanin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mishcherikov, tatyana shilino and denis larin. channel one, lugansk people's republic. sometimes our military has to save ukrainian militants who have decided to lay down their arms from being shot in the back. one of the captured soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces spoke about this, and also about the lack of normal equipment and support. according to him, they
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are literally thrown to slaughter, when we were taken out of the trench to another position before being captured, then... deputy defense minister timur ivanov faces up to 15 years in prison; he was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe,
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the investigative committee reported. the criminal article under which he is charged requires a particularly large amount, that is, at least a million rubles. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that the deputy minister had already been detained. reports that ivanov has been under operational investigation for a long time, the case is being supported by the military counterintelligence of the fsb. ivanov held his post for the last 8 years, in the department he supervised the work of the military-construction complex, was responsible, among other things, for property management and the provision of housing; he was also in charge of purchasing goods under state defense orders. receiving a bribe. the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, ivanov of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is timur vadimovich, was detained. appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. now there is a small
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advertisement, we will be back in a few minutes, do not switch. this is a fashionable verdict on channel one, i’m with you, lilia rakh. girls, i'm guessing. we have such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get his jersey back, can i hug you, of course, i fixed it all, it’s all bullshit, being a husband, children, when to be a girl, going on a date in this way, well, it’s not me anymore, all
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together , beauty, beauty, the khazhors will have a fashionable verdict, a new season, today is the first. everything is brilliant, spicy, here it is, ginger, crushed with onions, pepper and mustard, about ginger and much more important and interesting for your health, in the program to live healthy, today on the first, the person who is responsible for taxes, finance and customs in ukraine, daniil getmantsov. anyone in their tenacious tax clutches, mathematics must choose between patriotism and mathematics, it is he who is the leader in creating schemes that allow the withdrawal of billions of dollars. getmansov’s son has offshore companies, they lend to companies that belong to getmansovo’s mother, this is a person who tends to tighten
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control in himself, so he has reached the level of conflict with ermak. most of the eurodollars are stolen by the team zelensky. and getmansov really wants to become a full-scale eminence grise. he needs a bankrupt picture for western curators, the owner says: carry out your mission to the last, increases extortions and fees everywhere, finally finishes off ukrainian business, then black rock will come in its place, financial structures, american, european will buy up for next to nothing what else there is in ukraine, he is their partner in dirty business, you can’t do without him. hetman, publican and other hetmanites. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. co with fabulous ease, the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, there are no doors. in this film i play
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a negative character. i'm an avenger. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano. thousands of journalists came to cannes for the festival, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, that’s my impression. that i am made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matodore on saturday, on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. it is absolutely clear that the closer to the completion of work on reich, the greater the chances for other intelligence services to detect her. there is one west german intelligence officer in the city.
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to tell you, it requires great feeling on april 28 on the first, the work of a scout must have dignity and patience, this is the news on the first, and we continue: in the tyumen region the flood situation is worsening. in the obatsky district , the water level in the ishim river increased by another one and a half days meters and exceeded nine - almost a critical mark. rescuers carry residents out of a flooded area. meanwhile, in the orenburg region , large amounts of water are gradually receding. the main task now is to dry out the houses and carry out sanitary treatment, as well as restore the supply of light gas. in orsk , most houses were freed from water. humanitarian aid from kyrgyzstan was delivered to the city. more than 170 tons of essential items, equipment for rescuers, columns. met by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, he thanked his kyrgyz colleagues for their support.
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in other regions, on the contrary, dry weather and natural fires in primorye alone extinguished almost 30 fires in a day, but the fire still managed to reach one village, houses burned down in a matter of minutes. year after year , rescuers remind us of how important it is to follow safety measures, but there are always those who ignore the rules. report by maryana yatskevich. primorsky region shkotovo, consequences. the fire is clearly visible from a quadcopter, black ground for several kilometers, the flames driven by the wind chaotically destroyed somewhere a barn, somewhere a fence, someone’s bathhouse caught fire, but in some areas, like here, almost everything burned down to the ground, only the chimneys from residential buildings survived. at the neighbors, these people 's bathhouse barn caught fire, from there, a spark came to them, and accordingly, from the neighbors to us , it flew onto the veranda here, the house was completely destroyed, over there...
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a person, a special fire-fighting regime is now in effect in twenty regions of russia , but neither bans, nor large fines, nor even the threat of criminal liability stop arsonists. sometimes violators succeed to detain in the literal sense of the word in hot pursuit, aerial surveillance helps, it was established, two cars were found in the center of the fire, they saw that these two cars were leaving directly from the winter hut, which is located, that is, well, in the center. they burned it accordingly and thereby caused a forest fire in the state forest fund, they burned it because
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fires could come there in the spring, so that their hunting property there would not be burned, they protected it by the fact that they had already burned it, and a fine was issued in the amount of 40 thousand and 700,000 costs for extinguishing a forest fire. satellites and video cameras help track the fire. the information is processed by the lesokhranitel system. the efficiency is very high, this system is equipped with artificial intelligence, which means that it itself determines the presence of a fire, gives a signal both sound and color, preventive raids are also carried out, all owners of household plots are prohibited from clearing the surrounding area of ​​dry grass and leaves burning dry vegetation, garbage and making fires. those affected by the fires are receiving assistance in shkotovo, some fire victims have already received assistance. housing certificates, but it’s unlikely that any of them were going to start life from scratch. i
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would like to say that they should be more attentive to the grass, that they should mow it on time, that it should be looked after in a timely manner, and, well, that such emergencies would not happen again. maryana niskevich, yan sovitsky, dmitry klimov, sergei prokofiev, vladimir bilyaev, channel one. a symbol of pride and military glory, the great feat of our soldiers. two weeks before the day victory, an action was launched: which annually unites millions of people, st. george ribbons began to be distributed on the streets of cities, they are usually worn close to the heart as a sign of gratitude to those who saved the world from the nazis, they are involved throughout the country.
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and at the end of the issue about future doctors who have already passed their main exam for mercy. in the nizhny novgorod region, students of the medical university provide assistance to residents of remote areas, who often cannot get to the clinic themselves and the volunteer team with the red cross is no longer counting one life saved. about volunteers who definitely did not make a mistake in choosing a profession, lyubov filippova. it’s very nice, of course, that they pay attention to you. attentive medical volunteers examine, listen, try not to miss anything, and shma say, why is this just like that, just like that, no smiles anywhere, jokes and a good mood, patients tell them they also treat, these guys, students of the volga medical research university, volunteer the siren brigade was invented by ourselves. the meaning of the project is that we are going specifically to remote settlements
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of the nizhny novgorod region, where residents do not always have the opportunity to go to the regional hospital for medical examination. each such volunteer day begins with a small fly-out at the local central district hospital, the guys are divided into teams, this time there are five of them, two or three people each, in the village of chishchikha, the regional village of krasnye baki, the lists are cut into pieces like this, so that everyone has address, telephone number, first and last name of the patient. the benefits of such examinations are enormous. recently, for example, volunteers discovered a hidden heart attack, immediately reported to the hospital about the patient’s condition, now the chief tells them that he is alive. is healthy, continues to live, is being treated, thank you very much, we are glad that we were able to successfully capture this moment, before the most acute condition developed, recently a volunteer team won a grant from rosmolodezh, purchased medical equipment, and district hospitals provide transport for rounds, for their help from students is also invaluable, there will be much less advanced diseases among the residents, they help us unrealistically,
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they come to the house of people who for some reason did not make it to the clinic, they... with their sociability, with their i don’t know, some kind of youthful enthusiasm, they just take them and hug them. each of the teams has glucometers, pulse oximeters, tonometers, in general, something that no doctor can do without, here is the most valuable thing, yes, that’s right, the most valuable thing is our electrocardiograph, that’s exactly what was bought at grant, yes, that’s right, it’s problematic for dmitry and svetlana smirnov to get to the hospital, but they need to get checked for a long time, both have pain in the heart, they have a cardiogram, and for each it is mandatory... this is when the norm is five times lower, i urgently had to call an ambulance, to the hospital, to the hospital, because this is a medication correction,
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diet correction, selection therapy, the future, because well , this is already full-blown diabetes, and she didn’t know that she had diabetes. i don’t have the slightest idea about this, at least two dozen addresses are visited every day, sometimes interesting cases happen, and patients are like that too, and maybe you’ll guess, we’re here tasks for us, exams are being carried out, some of the guys studying in residency are already working, daria, for example, is not an anatologist in intensive care for newborns, but continues to volunteer, but still experience, skills, i want to develop as a doctor, therapist, and for whom - some of the students are meeting with their first patients on... on such trips, all the patients are like teachers have their first children, we have our first patients, they say, they remember all their complaints, symptoms, even if you wake them up at night, it is very important and pleasant to meet future doctors, well done guys, they looked at me, very good relations, and of course, it is precisely such volunteer trips that make each of them
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understand that they were not mistaken in choosing a profession, at this moment you probably understand that you are on your way, and for the sake of ... these words, for the sake of not even a word of this smile, kind eyes, i want to continue working. lyubov filippov, arman serebrennikov, larisa nikitina, channel one, nizhny novgorod region. and this concludes our issue, stay with us and stay updated. and the third match of the final the gagarin cup series between lokomotiv and metallurg brought victory to the club from magnitogorsk. however, this time the outcome of the game, which took place in yaroslavl, was decided by overtime. during the main time of the meeting, the teams exchanged goals. i opened the scoring in the thirty-fifth minute. three-year-old forward of the guests dmitry selantiev. in the third period, playing in the majority, the railroad workers immediately after the penalty time had expired.


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