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tv   Po zakonam voennogo vremeni  1TV  April 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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first channel. that's all, keep an eye on the time, stay up to date with events, now on channel one there is a new series of films on the laws of war, the battle for rostov. don't lie down, you've woken up. where is my uniform,
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it’s covered in blood, there’s a fascist in the city, the military is immediately shot, why in the blood, in whose blood, who’s wounded, i’m not allowed, i’m pregnant , what’s your name, my name is light, and what’s your name, i’m olya, light, you were shell-shocked, it’s normal, it happens. why is the uniform covered in blood with a shrapnel for the cause of the light you will throw me out don’t you hear me, i’m telling you that i ’m pregnant, i’m shell-shocked, it’ll pass , i’ll go for a walk, now the air will clear up.
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lie down, lie down, lie down, lie down, oh, i’d better sleep then, everything will pass, it will pass, lie down, lie down, don’t think, i don’t think, i have a husband, i’m pregnant for a reason.
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beweg dich, we're leaving.
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light, i brought you hot porridge, thank you, you need to eat, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, well done, you ’ll still need strength. hit me, where's my gun? i hid it so you wouldn't do anything stupid. shooting is cowardice, desertion, hush, thank you. i'm not going to shoot myself,
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where's my gun id? there in the corner under a stone, just know: for a dead soldier they will shoot 50 residents, for an officer 100, as soon as i feel better, i’ll leave immediately, get better, i’ll take you to ours, if anything happens, i’ve been living in this house for thirty second apartment, eat. eat, i'll bring you more.
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there is no one there, yesterday everyone left, today no one came, and how can i make soap now when everything is destroyed, and why didn’t you leave, where should i go? go, i've been a guard here since '22, i have nowhere to go. father, there won’t be any clothes for me here, you, dear man, don’t be angry with me, but when master pyotr alekseevich returns, he will ask me if i should go to trial because of you, i
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’ll write a receipt for the needs of the red army, well, just so that everything is in form, with a seal, of course, in form, but... i don’t have a seal, it doesn’t matter, we ’ll get it from pyotr alekseevich in his office.
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you know, in this situation, i would make this move. "run, lyosha, the germans are in the yard, lenya to the neighbors collect, tsuk'. platoon, leave the car, lyosha, hurry up, son, come with me, where, let's go, bunny, let's go.
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aunt mash, aunt mash, it’s me, alexey, open, take a look, oh,
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pass auf die fenster auf, aufmachen, halt die tür auf,
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i understand, i understand, i understand.
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who are we digging for, not for ourselves, who will sort them out, maybe they will let us go, maybe someone else, everyone who is hiding upstairs.
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we have a restaurant nearby and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think what a holiday is, maybe they missed one, they join us, something like this is going on fun, not only for the spectators who later come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo. and hamlet, they ask why you want to play
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the role of hamlet, simply because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, the premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage, as vysotsky broke his chains, lyubimov, as a director, was eager to freedom, there is no system, stanislavsky, that’s all stupidity, there is a method of work. the person who is responsible for taxes, finance and customs in ukraine, daniil getmantsev, will strangle anyone in his tenacious tax paws, mathematics must be chosen between patriotism and mathematics, he is the leader in creating schemes that allow the withdrawal of billions of dollars, getmansov’s son has offshore companies, they lend to companies that belong
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to getmansovo’s mother, a person who tends to tighten control within himself, so he has reached the level of conflict. most of euro-dollars are being stolen by zelensky’s command, getmansov really wants to become a full-scale eminence grise, he needs a bankrupt picture for western curators, the owner says: carry out your mission to the last, he increases the fees everywhere, the fees are finally finished off by the ukrainian business, then blackrock will come in his place, financial structures, american and european, will buy for next to nothing what else is in ukraine, he is their partner in dirty business, you can’t do without him, gejman. publican and others hetmanites. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. with fabulous ease, the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in
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this film i play a negative character. i'm an avenger. left my rights, jane's script is real literature, we can't leave it, in kan for the festival, thousands of journalists came, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, it hurts, i have the impression that i'm made of single piece of cinema, from head to toe, thank you for being here, matodore. on saturday on the first, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes, kom, vogel, wartet auf dich. beweg dich!
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the great german army brought the residents of the old city of rostov-on-don deliverance from communist rule. germany gave you freedom, unfortunately, not all residents
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are grateful to the wehrmacht troops for liberation from them. death penalty, mom, mom, partisans, partisans, no, no, this is not ours, little one, my, my, my lord officer, forgive him, he is so naughty, quiet, quiet, quiet, come
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here, alvegan, get ready, let's leave.
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svetlana petrovna, glory to you, lord! and you are alive, where is this bokhta of yours? and what am i, i, i, i , by the way, nothing, olya, who was killed, now, she was in hiding and someone gave her away,
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let’s go, let’s go to her house, maybe she’ll find out something, petrovna, she said that she lives in apartment 32, excuse me, can you tell me where apartment thirty-two is, and where is mom, and we will soon go to your aunt in the village, do you remember? she saved my life, oh, sit down, help me
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we need to find these idiots who betrayed them, tell us everything you know, i don’t know anything about their affairs at all, maybe you saw the last 2 days. someone came to them, well , more recently, a guy came, young, still, with a big face, and you had never seen him before, no, never, maybe you heard what they were talking about, olga scolded him for coming, but he was talking about some kirov park, but olga sent him away and told him not to appear again, that’s all. where are you going to put the little boy now? oh, we
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’ll take him to his aunt in the village, really love you. svetana petrovna, you need to leave here before someone recognizes you, settle down somewhere, yes, yes, let’s go, public garden, what do you want to see there, we’ll sit on a bench, get some air, get some air, i don’t know, i have other clues no, that’s what we’re talking about, we need to settle down in a safe place, and then slowly, carefully, so that the traitor.
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why are you following us? under the field we want to join. i saw you in the nkvd department. who are you?
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we'll find out what's wrong, we'll shoot you on the spot, we'll gather a detachment on the outskirts of the city, step you up will take you, some kind of transport, then svetana petrovna has not yet recovered from the concussion, yes, maybe you can have a limousine with a personal driver, you can have a limousine without a driver, i’ll drive it. do you understand what grandfather did to grandmother? okay, let's think of something.
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reference: given to comrade pyotr alekseevich sazonov that he is a crushing foreman at the dairy plant in the city of rostov, i will ask the director of the small brew plant pankratov ee. well, yes, and what kind of filtonogram is this? so there is still no other one.
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the passport was burned in a fire. "these people will believe you, but i won't, i'll i can smell the rudders,
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once these people determined the trends of rock pop music, and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer and now agent mikhail kozyrev. there are arts that, as we call it was ziganul, but there are artists who are suicidal for them to express their anti-war views, mish, well, you probably need to get better, every night i return to what could have been done differently, i am doomed to live with this for the rest of my days, broken, depressed. absolutely devastated. man, i’ve never seen him like this, he’s obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is meager, i actually live on what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand , what pathetic guys you are, i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately.
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there are no people, goodbye guys, you are not relevant, van and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, here and there, excitement and bustle, i don’t know why, if from the table, but i’m used to nat alone, so used to putting on one. and these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, finale, live broadcast on saturday on the first, for the centenary of donatatos banionis, i’m going to dargate, can you explain to me what happened, hass,
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his trace again ? so far everything is against us, there is no photograph, we need a person who could identify him, why me, why, thank god, and i’m ladenikov? how is he going to go out on the show, it’s low season, he’s an actor of god, there’s a story behind him, how you lived all that time, you loved someone, i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, such a foreigner, at the same time ours, no matter how many artists were in the frame, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking my pun, neo doesn’t create his heroes like that at all.
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great self-esteem patience april 28 on the first. stepan, who from the intelligence work must tell you requires your guys could know about the eagles, of ours only three, i am our commander klimenko, who was followed by pashka tarasov, but it’s a pity, guys, how did you end up in the underground, and i was sent by the city committee, i worked as a farmer, i was in a fighter squad, i’ve known the orlovs for a long time, it wasn’t the commander who introduced us a week ago,
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my sister nakhuto?
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and you, grandfather, grandfather, couldn’t say right away, my uncle, but they still don’t understand a thing, yeah, on the contrary, they understood, grandfather found it,
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they told me that a guy from the musical theater lives here, she left. sister to the village, well, we’ll stand there with our eyes , and then the guests will pass by.
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hands up, don't turn around, hands up, i said. that's enough, let go, vasha, put away your pistol, i told you, password, why was it necessary to organize this cirque, today two of our guys were shot, who surrendered is known, i don’t know how the formation of the detachment is going, how many people were recruited, as of today day. two people come
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from the military prosecutor's office, red army soldiers who found themselves in the middle of the enemy , was anyone there? today two people came, a young woman with her child, yalagina, svetka, yes, that means she’s alive, she’s shell-shocked, where is she, they’re in a detachment outside the city, give me a guide, we really need it, let’s go together, we need it too, she’s alive, pasha, go to the archip, tell him when the messenger arrives, so that he goes straight to the detachment, about 10 minutes, wait and catch up with us.
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comrades, general gathering, great! great, hello, today the nazis committed a brutal crime, they tortured and shot our comrades, the orlovs, in front of civilians, women, old people, children, edifying others, but i’ll tell you, they will not be able to break our fighting spirit, we will fight to the last drop of blood. "we will take revenge on all the suffering of our soviet
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people, we will beat the invaders until let's drive the last fascist from our soviet homeland, honor the memory of our heroic fallen comrades, be silent for a minute, everyone , comrade, set up a camp, take some food, oh, i understand that, this is the case, otherwise you can’t fight on an empty stomach, svetlana petrovna, well, at least i would like a spoon, i can’t, comrade deputy commander, there. three people are walking, who are they, ours, far away,
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you can’t see it from here, kondratyuk, i, let’s go with my guys to the position, there is, magilevsky, a penny behind me, well, look, if you pointed it out, so that it’s on your tongue my hair has grown, i, you, you, only three, three, can’t be seen anymore, look carefully, hang up, svetka, light, svetka, light, alive, grigory ivanovich, hello, alive, yegor, there’s a traitor in the detachment, today two underground members were shot in the city, yes, i know, klemka told me. were there any other arrests? no, only the orlovs, but
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could they have punctured themselves? no, they were betrayed. i need to talk to three first: klimenko, dolgikh and tarasov, right now, otherwise everyone in the detachment in the city is in danger. are you sure? i'm fine. commander, table move it! there, what tasks have you been doing the last few days? it was walking around the city, looking at how many germans, guns, tanks there were, when was the last time you were with the orlovs? last month, when they brought me in so that i could remember everything, and what were you doing there 2 days ago, i didn’t come to them, i only did what they told me, the neighbor recognized you, she’s lying, look you in the eye, don’t
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turn away, eyes. yes, i didn’t even have a minute with her, when i was walking around the city, the patrol even stopped me several times, i just wanted to ask the orlovs where and no matter how many fascists they have seen, we are doing the same thing. something happened, did clem send you? no, i myself, i this, why the hell did you come here yourself, i this, i just ask, you fool, you will motivate everyone, i this, i
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will tell you what i saw at kirov square, and you are here, so as not to appear here anymore . yes , there was no tail behind me, i swear, it’s not me, not me, it’s not my fault, you’re a bastard, you’re the last one, dismiss the prosecutor, shoot the traitor, the guys died for him, we ’ll have time to shoot him forever, maybe first we’ll find out what else the germans could find out through him, commander, needs to be closed. where will i close it? which means come, since there is nowhere to close, just so that you can’t escape, set up a guard, nikolai, come here, kill tarasov, there is a vodka to that tree.
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thyme light , i brewed some medicinal herbs for you here, donik there , i’m telling you in the morning i brewed some medicinal herbs for you,
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come on, let’s think about it, thank you , be careful, just hot. “i served in the far east, in the taiga they were the only way to escape, well, there are also berries, all sorts of nuts, what awaits us next, after all this grinding, it’s so interesting what else we are about to experience, who knows what will happen in the future, but i hope it’s not only bad, i, for example, am very glad that we met.” now it’s been so many years, even in such circumstances, i’m very happy, you see, fate sometimes he gives good surprises, yes, he gives bad ones too, i keep thinking,
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i’m sure rokutvo was at the station, we just didn’t meet him, you understand what happens, she laughed at us, the judge... yes, now i know for sure that he is alive, yes, and i feel, i believe, you go, rest, go, go, good night, good night, to the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater, i and...
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i enter the morning in the office, someone is sitting next to me drinking beer, and i’m done with you, why are you coming, i say, for beginning , please, get out of here, yuri lyubimov, man of the century, today. on the first: fashion verdict, new season, let's try, start a new life, tomorrow on the first. the person
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who is responsible for taxes, finance and customs in ukraine, daniil getmantsov will strangle anyone in his tenacious tax clutches, one must choose between patriotism and mathematics mathematics, he is the leader in creating schemes that allow the withdrawal of billions of dollars; getmansov’s son has an offshore company. they lend to companies that belong to getmansov’s mother, this is a person who tends to tighten control in himself, so he has reached the level of conflict with ermak, most of the euro dollars are stolen by zelensky’s team, getmansov really wants to become a full-blown eminence grise, he needs a bankrupt picture for western curators, the owner says: fulfill your task to the last mission, everywhere increases extortions, fees, finally finishes off ukrainian business, then it will be replaced by black rock finance... structure, american, european will buy for next to nothing what else is in ukraine. he is their partner in dirty business, and there is no way they can do without him. hetman, publican and other
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hetmanites. dolls, heir to tutti. tomorrow on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. and, yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right? i am clear. come here.
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life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon at the first, put out the fires, kondratyuk, so that before dawn there will be more than one light, i’ll see who lights a cigarette, will be considered a traitor, stepan, you appointed the duty officers, appointed, lights out in 15 minutes, come on, guys, hurry up, let's put out the fire.
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comrade military lawyer, comrade military lawyer, what happened, pashka tarasov, well... whom you ordered to be arrested yesterday, hanged himself, guys, pashka tarasov hanged himself there.
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my conscience woke up, even though i acted like a man here. please move away everyone, we need look, look, admire, help me remove it carefully, hold it like that, carefully, very strange.
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thai commander, who was on duty? kolya, gorokhov, come here, when you went on duty, he was still alive, yes, he didn’t see or hear anything strange, maybe someone came to him, no, there was no one, everyone was sleeping, and you , admit it, i fell asleep, no, i was standing at my post, on duty. everything is clear, hand over your weapons, commander, now close this, just try to make sure that he too,
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what did you find? next, next, next, next, the next one, that's it, i can let go, yes, freely,
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squad, disperse. “wait, that’s not all, we’re showing everything, we, and you too, and shilov is showing, uh-huh, but i don’t understand who’s in charge here, the military lawyer of the second one”?
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grigory ivanovich, where are you then? the trick we learned was, when i was a child , i herded cows, why did you kill tarasov, i didn’t kill him, otherwise he did it himself.
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how can i get you right away? i didn’t recognize it, i saw this photograph at the orlovs’, this is olga, this is her husband standing there, and you tore him away, why? yesterday i asked you how long ago do you know the orlovs? you... said that recently, why? why did you tear olga's husband away? you loved her, and she exchanged you for
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another, married him, and you decided to take revenge on them, and reported on both of them, they themselves are to blame. they laughed at me, i confessed to her that i loved her, she rejected me, she rejected me, she married this lanky guy, i wanted to hang myself, the noose wouldn’t tighten, i did everything right, but it didn’t tighten, it’s not my fault, the rope was bad, rope, and they laughed at me, that they laughed right in my face, not far away together and with friends then... they laughed, i saw in their eyes that they were laughing, they had to pay me for everything.
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they had to pay me for everything, how could it be like this, because of their love they betrayed their comrades and their homeland, i did not betray my homeland, i did not betray my homeland. and pashka tarasov, he deserved what, but there is no point in feeling sorry for this lazy fellow, he is of no use, he grumbled at the dawn, i am scum, now they will personally shoot you in front of the line, why,
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why, give me a machine gun, i will beat the fascists to the last drop of blood, give me a machine gun, give me a machine gun, well, according to the laws wartime for treason, the highest. punishment, stand up, she will always be with me, she will always be with me, will always be with me, she, she will always be with me, will always be with me, will always be with me, always!


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