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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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decision, you must, as a father, first of all think about your child, about your son, about your health and say: i myself will fulfill the court’s decision, i will take my mother now, i will take my girlfriends, i will take my child, let’s go to vdnkh here, we’ll sit in a cafe, we’ll come to an agreement peacefully, calmly, so that the child does not suffer, this will be on your part, a competent man, the only decision now. well, regarding cancer, if, as a doctor, as an expert, we say that this disease, yes, is a malignant disease of the lymphatic system, but with with proper competent treatment, patients go into remission for long years, 15, 20, 25 years, but as for the child, of course, i’m just not only an oncologist, but also a nutritionist, a doctor who deals with human nutrition, and of course the child needs proper nutrition , in general it’s just... the right way of life, in
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this family, of course, it’s difficult for him, maybe a person with that weight has mayonnaise at home, maybe tell me, well, no, of course, well, maybe he doesn’t understand this, that’s what i’m talking about i'm telling you, you really love him, how you know how to do it, you love it, you even adore it, there is a court decision, and you are obliged to fulfill it. now i’ve eaten, i’ll go lie down, i can’t control my diet, i have no willpower, i can eat a frying pan of fried potatoes, one pleasure in life is to eat, it’s to eat, high sugar, we were diagnosed with diabetes, plus we have lymphostasis in the legs, so you buy no less sparkling water, but it can’t really get to the store on its own, your whole family will have to change their lifestyle, it’s literally bursting at the seams. she will die, here you are, when you sit down at the table with her
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sit down, you eat equally, she can still eat from my plate as well, you need to sew up your mouth, leave a small hole, then it will be better. in such overweight patients , it is the leading cause of death during sleep. alisa dubrovskaya, who lost 100 kg, came to our studio to tell you her story. good evening, live broadcast, the big game, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, today in moscow we said goodbye to semyon eremin, this is a military correspondent of izvestia, well known to us, who died at a combat post, the profession of a military correspondent, she really extremely important.
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by decree of the president of the russian federation, semyon eremin was awarded the order of courage posthumously. bright memory. happy memory to one of the regular participants in our big game program, yuri nikolaevich ragulev, died yesterday in moscow after a serious illness, we remember him well, he and the united states are very strong from my point of view.
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then we will see that the united states has a colossal trade deficit with all states, that is, it buys more than it sells, yuri nikolaevich was my teacher, when i began to study the history of the united states of america as a student, nikolaevich taught me a course on the history of the united states of america. we worked together at the department, and he
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headed the center for american studies at moscow state university, a wonderful person, a teacher, and well... allows us to constantly provide fire to georgievka, our high combat potential , on the enemy, not to allow him
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to hold the line of defense. washington intends to allocate almost 60.1 billion dollars to prevent the collapse of the ukrainian armed forces to the kiev regime, most of the allocations will go to finance the military-industrial complex of the united states. the american authorities cynically declare that ukrainians will die for their interests in the fight against russia. in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, losses in the ukrainian armed forces amounted to almost half a million military personnel. the kiev regime was unable to achieve the set goals of the counter-offensives prepared by nato instructors. our military personnel. dispelled the myth of the superiority of western weapons, commensurate with the threats posed by the united states the states and their allies will continue to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, increase the production of the most popular types of weapons and military equipment, increase the intensity of attacks on
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logistics centers and storage bases of western weapons, the russian armed forces will continue to solve assigned tasks until the goals of 349 anti-aircraft guided and tactical ballistic missiles, 278 anti-revolutionary missiles, 270 helicopters, 37 balloons, but as for supplies to our armed forces, in the twenty-fourth year, the first
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samples of the zrks-500 will arrive, this is the best thing on planet earth from the point of view of air defense, hello patriot, and the s-400, s300 complexes. which is also better than the patriots, beech m3, tor m2 and new generation radar stations. and i must say that sergei shaigui has not named everything yet, because even in the last 24 hours we have made very good progress in a number of areas, and yuri ivanovich podalyaka will probably tell us about this now. yuri ivanovich, good evening, over to you. yes, good evening, indeed we are we have advanced, we continue to advance in a number of areas, primarily in cheretinsky on... with an organized attack, we were able to take control yesterday in an unprecedentedly good manner of most of the populated area, for which very large battles were expected, and, if you look at the video that our guys put up on the network, we see that they are not hiding behind, they are not waiting for a drone attack, that is, it is clear that they
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have solved this problem here, that is, during the assault, it seems that the problem of radioactive electronic warfare against enemy drones, and this became the key to success, and according to the data that i was able to ... collect, and the assault was ensured by very small losses on our part, the enemy suffered many times more losses than we did and, accordingly, set up more defense lines, this morning, our troops took control of the settlement of the south, which is located novobakhmuloka, here, too , exactly the same thing was repeated, but in miniature, minimal losses according to my estimates, according to my data, not according to estimates, i know the exact data, one to seven against us to ours the benefit of losing the enemy, while we took it. populated area, that is, the enemy has obvious problems, and even the vaunted forty-seventh brigade, which was thrown into a counterattack, tried to be abandoned, it did not go on the attack, it simply tried to hold our defenses with fire from neighboring solovyov, well, try to prevent our defense from gaining a foothold in novobaknutovka, that is, here we see a very
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well-organized attack and technically, well , in general, a completely well-organized attack, which any army should be proud of, at the same time, there are very serious battles going on today. in nitaylovo, and on both sides of the river our troops were able to approach higher, well, to the north of the settlement, take control of the section of the road from mitaylovo to umansky and thus create a northern ugro region. attack on this line, if we can break through it, then the path to karlovka will be open to us, and the fighting in novomikhailovka also continues after the liberation of this settlement, we move on, now there is a big threat to poroskoivka, the neighboring one, which is located northwest of this settlement point, and we are also moving through the fields south of novomikhailovka, well, there are battles for hours.
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the last few days have appeared on ukrainian public pages, that is, thanks to the fact that he threw better forces into battle, he still manages to hold positions here, but on the other hand, his best elite troops are being ground down in these battles, that is , this is the situation, thank you a big story about how our troops are advancing and doing this.
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well, here we will put another tick to the uk government when we have to present the invoice, pavel alekseevich kukushkin is with us, today is a rare occasion in the studio, usually he is on the line of combat contact, what is the mood there now and what can you generally tell us . how are things now and why have we really been able
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to quickly break through the ukrainian defensive formations recently, as yuri ivanovich correctly noted, that the pressure is quite serious and indeed this is the ratio of losses, it would seem that the inverse proportion should be in the attacking ones - they should lose more people, but here, on the contrary, one in seven is in our direction, this suggests that, firstly... the electronic warfare system is working, this is very important, and secondly, they have learned to fight, yes, indeed now the fighters who have been shot at are fighting who have been on the front line for more than one month, who know how to behave both during street battles and during battles there in the forest belt, in the field, and very coordinated work is carried out by the aerospace forces, artillery and attack aircraft, that is, the aerospace forces work first, works out - by factories with ump, again, the presence of fabs with umpk with
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unified planning and correction modules allows our aircraft to accurately hit detected targets from a safe distance, since bombs not only plan, they are also controlled, the flight is adjusted accordingly, they arrive accurately either at a temporary deployment point or at a concentration of armored vehicles, accordingly this is already on the outskirts it is demoralizing. firstly, it destroys a large number of defending personnel or armored vehicles, secondly it demoralizes, then the artillery begins work on the advanced positions, barrel artillery, and after that the attack aircraft go in the classic way, they enter, it is clear that the artillery will not completely suppress, it is clear that they remain, in particular, yuri ivanovich said, there is that same notorious third assault brigade - this notorious nazis, and banned in the russian federation.
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they are moving forward, there are successes, cities, villages, populated areas are being liberated, of course, this is inspiring, this breakthrough in ocheretina that i spoke about just now.
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we are ready to move out, now i am with the night i move to the point like wolves, and where the bashniks work, i’ve never been there before, well , now the wolves akela and yakut will lead me, i’m going with them, how is the situation here, tell me, it’s stable, tense, fun, well, we’re moving forward, yes little by little, sweets, like his delicacy, delicacy bites. well, everything is according to background, akelo and yakut are a little ahead, i’m a little behind, well, for example, it’s not far away anymore, this is our city working, you can hear it, yes, you can’t see it, but you can hear it, you haven’t left, there are still
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guys here from the night wolves, hello, she-wolves. hello, valkyries, valkyries, yes, everything is correct, of course valkyries, let's go, now we will be loading on the road, yeah, well, i'm with you, don't forget to pick me up, be sure, night volts, victory will be ours, that's it, equipment delivered to the point, armored car at home, loading onto mobile equipment. and we begin to carry out combat missions, now we can go for a ride, something like that, have you ever run away from babuegin on a motorcycle, we haven’t, but you, but we have, and you have, yes, that’s enough adrenaline, yes, that’s it here they are fighting , moving on motorcycles along the front line,
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by the way, a very important point, this is not a blurb, i ’ll literally add a few words, and motorcycles, of course... are constantly on the front end and show remarkable courage, boldness, heroism, constantly on the front line, a few words about the commander, their call sign is hollywood, while rescuing his comrades, he was seriously wounded, thank god, now the danger has passed, he is in moscow, undergoing rehabilitation, but what i mean is that the guys at the very front have been fighting
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non-stop since '22, and this is an example of truly heroism and courage. all the guys there are like that, and no matter who they are, bikers, these are businessmen, these are teachers, miners, all the people there are like that, and well, bikers are one, how to say, one of those of our people who now considered it necessary to be there, yes, they they left their families, they left there, some business, some others, they went to defend their homeland and do it every day, showing heroism, and the country , of course, is grateful to these heroic guys of ours, who are now actually moving forward not only the offensive of our armed forces, but also the whole world, the whole world. politics, because it is there at the fronts the outcome of the huge universal battle of good and evil is now being decided. well, we
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will continue after the advertisement. according to the laws of war . a story to be continued. we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people. look after the program, time for the sixtieth anniversary of the taganki theater, i saw him, when i played some sailor there, he was sitting in the box on the left, suddenly he said: “please pay me norzan, everyone was running here, narzan is not on the arbat it turned out that there is no stanislavsky system, it’s all nonsense, there is a method the work of a great master." i all stood against the wall, but with a real fodar, it was my military man, there were green, white, red,
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the artists knew that red was a rehearsal until the last metro, why can’t you calmly sit on your hip , well, now it’s hard for me to run out to train you, i was kicked out three times or even four times, i’m in the office in the morning, someone is sitting next to me drinking beer, and i’m done, finish with you, why are you coming, i say. , first of all, be kind, get out of here, yuri lyubimov, man of the century, today is on the first day, everything is brilliant, spicy, there it is, ginger, crushed with onions, peppers and mustard. about ginger and much more important and interesting for your health in the program to live healthy tomorrow on the first here and
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there the excitement and fuss why i don’t know to take off yes i’m used to giving birth alone so i’m used to giving birth. these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, the voice, the finale, live broadcast on saturday on the first, for the centenary of donatatos boniones. i hear we will have a guest, he caught the character, he immediately captures the character, it’s impossible to play something big a person, when you, no matter how the scale of your
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personality does not correspond to this, did not always do as the director wanted, stunning hits in the image, here they are the philosopher’s eyes on the galaxy, turned out to be a very simple, kind person, no greatness, no pathos, although i repeat that this is a legend. premiere of the documentary on april 28 at the first, you are irresistible, like in the primo ballet, all the beauties of the world, from my heart, i took the keys, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, my mother said, you are strong, without him... the blue sky is unrequited, you did not expect such a cold wind at night, we will
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remember our paradise beyond the light, it was for the two of us, and i know that if you leave, i will stay, let me not stop waiting for you, the russians are coming, the award ceremony is on ... of the people's prize golden gramophone premiere on april 29 at the first my fight burns through the line my fight to the end and period beloved beloved beloved roads roads roads we run away on different roads don't guess about love. happy eyes, we know for sure, the ice will melt, the quiet midnight will sing and howl, long day. such
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short, we are in the heat of dubai, hugging something whispers, the ice is melting, soaring, you are a sailor, i am a sailor, you are a fisherman, i am a fisherman, take a walk, april 30 at the first, a big game live. broadcast, well, now there is absolute agreement in the world that there are only three superpowers, these are the united states, russia and china. between two of these three countries, between russia and china, the relationship now is simply unprecedented. i just feel it myself. among other things, i am the dean of the faculty
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of state. management in moscow state university, you know, now literally every day we have delegations, here is a delegation from the university of shenzhen, in shenzhen there is a joint university, moscow state university and the beijing polytechnic institute, a joint university, we have already recruited students this year to our faculty in shenzhen, that is and it is already working today. a huge delegation, and only half of this delegation was brought to me, because they are really very large delegation, which represented the chinese association of non-state universities, it turns out that a third of chinese universities are not state-owned and there were several dozen universities represented that are ready to cooperate with
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all of our universities and with moscow university, you know how many students from china i have at the faculty of public administration at moscow state university now, 400, i thought i’d say 100, but imagine, this is chinese public administration, that ’s another question, there are already 30 graduate students, that is , it’s really already, well, it just reflects a completely different qualitative level of development our relationship, and even today. here we are looking at the news feed, and there is really a huge amount of information about how cooperation is going between russia and china, nikolai patrushev in st. petersburg meets with a member of the politburo of the central committee of the communist party of china, chen wing qing, who is responsible for the power bloc in china , and they meet in an interesting context, this is a meeting, or rather a forum on security. in
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which representatives and heads of security services of 100 countries of the world participate, you can imagine, not first, everyone is friendly as one, or here is the message from the ministry of defense of the russian federation, we can listen. during his visit to the people's republic of china, the commander-in-chief of the russian navy, admiral alexandrev, met with the commander of the navy , admiral noak.
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but this is already from the series of fiction, so he comes and will not tolerate the chinese, they are already explaining that they will not tolerate this, you know, what reminds me, well, this is an imitation of diplomacy, this is understandable, he was such a wonderful journalist, and then he became wonderful writer, wrote detective stories novels where the action takes place in asia, valerian skvortsov, he has continuous aphorisms and quotes, for example this one, it is generally stupid to throw out a challenge, in asia in particular.
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during our last visit, we did not find any evidence that china transferred weapons to russia. as you know, we have been very concerned about this issue from the very beginning of the ukrainian conflict. we have made it clear to beijing that we will monitor the actions of privately owned chinese companies. we want china to take appropriate action and stop exporting goods that may be used in the interests of the russian military-industrial complex. if necessary, we will not hesitate to take further steps. well, that is, they will challenge, but it must be said that the department of north american and oceanic countries and the ministry of foreign affairs of china, on the eve of blinken’s visit , made a statement that the united states should not denigrate and discredit the normal relations between china and
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russia. b. the ukrainian issue is not a subject of discussion between china and the united states. washington should not turn this into a problem in bilateral relations. that is, sir blinkin, if you want to discuss ukraine, then... you have come to the wrong place, that’s not all, pressure from the united states on china in various areas does not eliminate markets, risks, but creates them, that’s not all, the fact is that the chinese they also said that we don’t understand at all, you are supplying deadly weapons to ukraine, that is, don’t hide at all that you are on one side of the conflict, why can’t we supply, let’s say, machines to the russian federation, which , in principle, are absolutely not lethal , so to speak weapons, well, that's a statement. usa with on the one hand, they are putting forward a bill of large-scale assistance to ukraine, on the other, they are groundlessly criticizing the normal trade and economic interaction between russia and
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china. such actions are hypocritical and very irresponsible. china strongly opposes this. on the issue of ukraine, china has always maintained an objective and impartial position, and has actively promoted peace negotiations and politics. the right way out, he hasn’t said anything yet about the allocation of money by the american congress to taiwan, taiwan, that’s all, you you know, after all, the united states, it seems to me, they don’t even understand this, because
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the entire elite was brought up in this theory of the doctrine of their exclusivity, they don’t feel that the world has changed so much that those whom they considered were still controlled when -that or, in any case , amenable to them? some warnings, have already passed the stage of non-return to that state, and the more they are somehow humiliated, because this is already perceived as humiliation, and not just infringement of interests, the more salient this protest is and the reluctance to follow this at all, despite the fact that china is the wisest partner who will never do anything against its own interests, that’s why these are the united states.
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but it must be said that at the same time the rhetoric in america regarding china is simply increasing, the rhetoric is harsh, china is already accusing everyone of mortal sin, although china seems to have done nothing of the kind to the united states at all in principle. china
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is rapidly becoming more aggressive in its rhetoric and actions across asia - said the outgoing head of the us indo-pacific command, admiral john aquilino. the military buildup despite the poor economy, pyatin's growing belief that everything beyond the dotted line is china's sovereign territory, all their others. actions aimed at coercion, we all need to understand that events are moving very quickly,” he said. his comments come as the us seeks to create a network of partners across the region to counter china. beijing condemned the move. at the same time , secretary of state antony blinken intends to use his first trip to china since the middle of last year to express us concerns about chinese companies supporting the russian military machine, and also to try to avoid it. undermining ties between washington and petin,
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it’s clear, yes, that is, china is showing some kind of unknown aggressiveness, against which it is necessary to create a network of military bases around china; now they will also deploy medium- range missiles that have been baptized talking about the inf treaty in the philippines, we already have a message that the united states and the philippines are conducting exercises in the south china sea, naval exercises, land exercises, and so on and so forth. that is, the united states is clearly now escalating tensions in the asia-pacific region, the question is why? you know, they always seem to act according to the same scenario, here, probably, krylov’s words are best suited, it’s your fault that i want to eat, right? guilty because the united states still wants to eat, but china stopped letting itself be eaten and also got a very good one, earned more precisely. good economic appetite, in this regard, the united states denigrates china,
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endows it with certain aspirations, and the main task of any speaker on chinese issues, by the way on russian issues, is to constantly say this, say, repeat, repeat, repeat, they believe that a lie repeated thousands of times becomes in fact, goebbels spoke about this, and before him other founders such oratorical receptionists, and here, he is doing something to china, but how... to be friends, starting with the fact that it is not china that dictates to the united states of america with whom they should and with whom they should not, although the friendship of the united states, in quotes , it is always directed against china, so this is a traditional anglo-saxon campaign of denigration, which will be followed by some other steps if the one who is not being pressured. does not lend itself, well - these steps
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are directed not only against china, but also against our country, because well, the same medium-range missiles on in the far east, they can also be used against our country, which we actually warned the americans about, that if they place something in the far east, we will also place something in the far east, and they will not think much of it, especially since that china now really has a huge superiority in this component of weapons over the united states, but also... of course, the bone in the throat for them is the growing russian-chinese trade, which is breaking more and more records, trade turnover is really growing, here are the latest the figures on the graph can be seen for the first quarters, you see, the first quarter of this year is noticeably higher than the figures for the first quarter of last year, and it is no coincidence that the united states is finding new ways to damage this. the united states is developing sanctions
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that threaten a number of chinese banks to remain cut off from the global financial system. this will provide the head of the state department with diplomatic leverage to stop chinese economic support for the russian military-industrial complex, people in the know say. officials count on the threat of losing access to the dollar and the risk of deterioration in trade. relations with europe will force beijing to change course. according to washington representatives, sanctions against chinese banks are one of the options for escalation in case diplomatic methods do not convince beijing to limit its exports, if chinese...
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somehow trade goes through it, it is calculated in yuvaniys there, not in dollars, and there are no significant problems here, as for the threats that americans are afraid of from china, this is steel, these are electric cars, this any product, but there are also quite funny things, the pentagon beeps, there is this b-21 - this is a bomber that looks like a flying saucer, super super new, invisible, impenetrable and so on, yes, so i read material yesterday about that , that it has not yet seriously entered service with the american armed forces, but it is already morally obsolete, because chinese technology has made it visible, that is, they see and catch it, at the same time chinese submarines have become not only invisible, but also silent, because one technology,
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they are kind of covered by tracking, all these things are observed by all asians, if i now...
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already work in china and you can make payments through them, and of course the chinese have a lot of different companies that are not global players and who, in general, simply don’t care about american sanctions, as a result of which the americans simply undermined their positions, now in saudi arabia instead of investing. money in american securities, i decided to invest money in one of the large chinese corporations for as much as one and a half billion dollars, or there will be more, in the usa, well, after the advertising we will see how trump is tried, for the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater,
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at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. they ask why you want to play a role, but simply because it’s a good role, he probably would.
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we need to touch it, today is the first one. once these people determined the trends of rock pop music, but now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov. there are artists who are like us we call it ziganuli, but there are artists who consider it suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better, every night i return to what was possible. to do otherwise, i ’m doomed to live with this until the end of my days, broken, depressed, devastated, absolutely human, i’ve never
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seen him like this, bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is meager, i’m actually banking on the fact that my friends give me, lord, how i feel sorry for him, on the one hand, on the other hand, what you are pathetic guys, i'm trying to catch some glimpse of...
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these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project among them, of course there is a winner, voice, finale, live broadcast on saturday on the first, with fabulous ease, a provincial resort. turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i ’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in this film i play a negative character, i’m an avenger, i just left my rights, jane’s script is real literature, we can’t leave, thousands have arrived. this no more movies, please be careful, jack. damn, it hurts, i feel like
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i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. three chords, new season. on the first of april, this is a hiding place, which means a robbery, i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers and the gilded watches, these were not germans, not germans, who are forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, well, why are you, i’m a wall for medical treatment came, then climb to the front now, you don’t... tell me svetlana petrovna this, they wanted either to destroy our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any
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case the group worked, and if he is a traitor, i will shoot him, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, watch the time after the program, ask for whatever you want, you know what i want, send me some news vanya, a big game on the first: american democracy is taking more and more yawning heights , second day criminal trial of the former possibly future. us president donald trump. several trials, but this is the first criminal trial in history against a former president. trump
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is charged with what he gave. from stingy one woman who accused him of sexual harassment and did not declare the money he paid her. for this he faces simply a prison term. moreover, the court immediately ruled that he could not speak out on the substance of the trial itself. at the same time, trump is the leader of the presidential race and is actively participating in it, but here’s what he said. jaycee waters, fox news anchor. if the former us president leaves the courtroom and goes to the toilet - prison. if he calls the prosecutor corrupt - prison. if trump even moves or says a word, they will shout at him: go to prison. trump is not even allowed to complain about the thermostat, but there is a natural freezer inside, he will be condemned if he even blinks. donald trump
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has been on the move all his life, golf, racing, traveling. action, sun, fresh air, freedom, this is unfair treatment, this is torture, they force a seventy year old man to sit in a dark room 8:4 days a week, and as soon as he moves or speaks, prison, during an election campaign, this is the key phrase , which was not heard in the phrase of the american observer, of course, not having the opportunity, well, as we see it now, to remove trump, without yet having... the opportunity to convict him, he is simply physically deprived of the opportunity to conduct an election campaign, and we can even guess why, because today the other candidate, the current president biden, is not at all clear how he can conduct this campaign, he physically does not have enough strength to travel, he does not have enough spiritual and mental strength to to say another stupidity, at which american allies will then be horrified or laugh, how
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can this be balanced, you can conduct an election campaign instead, but in the end...
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russian president vladimir putin has the right to refer to immanuel kant, according to chancellor, the aggressive war of the russian president contradicts all the fundamental tenets of the great philosopher. putin has no right to invoke kant,
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yet the putin regime remains committed to appropriating kant and his work at almost any cost, scholz said. did he read scholz, read kant or putin, i was surprised and respected scholz, because i thought he didn’t know this name.
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the bible, after all, they have a monopoly, so to speak, this is the peculiarity of great names and great achievements in philosophy, or in physics, poetry, culture, music. that they are the property of the whole world, but of course, i think that this is a hidden claim on the kaleningrad region, so behind this there is a little bit of it, just a little bit, you know, that what is it like yours, it’s buried, this is not your land, but he is simply afraid to say so, the germans are still more careful in revising post-war realities than, say, the same poles, the balts, so i think in this, well, it worked out. very clumsy and downright stupid, that’s what i often ask myself the question is, where does this stupidity come from, which is just now rushing from the western country in an endless stream, in fact
6:00 pm
, the answer is very simple, if god wants to punish someone, he deprives him of his mind, so it’s just god’s will, if you want to make them like this, and the worst thing that can happen for them now is for people to really realize that behind all this... hello, the evening news is on the air in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. half a million militants were liquidated first by the north military district.


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