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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 27, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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why mix dampness with some strange odors? perhaps this room is at the disposal of the municipality, i don’t know, maybe it’s someone ’s living one, these houses have been in this condition for several years now, they have been brought down, they have been made worse by poor quality maintenance, untimely maintenance, major repairs, i guess i'll globalize it a little.
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the house will most likely not be built in two, three months, in a year, yes, but still this is at least the light at the end of the tunnel, we have been waiting so long and we can wait a little longer for a new house, but the main thing is to have somewhere to wait, where, not only does he not help me, my husband, but he also throws himself at me for no reason, at home he could close me and forget me.
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about us for four days in the cold, the children cannot be returned because he lives there , they took the children by deception, they had every reason , both parents were drunk, sasha, go away, you have a woman, i’m on duty, she has it starts along st. petersburg all she was with, these are all my friends, you’re kidding, look at yourself, get away from me, she’s never cheated on you in your life, yes, always everything was fine, everything was always fine, she was fighting alone, alexandra. anh, please tell me where and how she lost her arm. good evening, live broadcast of the big game, i, vyacheslav nikonov. today is a professional holiday, celebrated by the soldiers of our national guard. uh, they really serve in very... dangerous, difficult situations
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and always show their best qualities. russian president vladimir putin congratulated the fighters of the russian guard on the holiday. the russian guard solves significant, responsible tasks. this is the fight against crime, terrorism, extremism. security and protection of the most important strategic, including industrial, transport, and infrastructure facilities. effective control in the sphere of turnover. weapons. in close contact with other law enforcement agencies and special services, you ensured security during election campaigns at all levels, including the russian presidential elections. they acted in a well-coordinated manner during major events and forums, including such as the future games tournament and the world youth festival. i would especially like to mention our comrades who are serving in the donbass in... russia in areas located in
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close proximity to the combat zone . i know that you fight without fear, risking yourself. you protect the lives of civilians, carry out bold, daring operations, destroy enemy sabotage groups, help ensure the cover of the state border, the reliable operation of army communications and the security of the rear of our units and units. we will always remember the hero. those who died in the righteous struggle for russia, for the future of our people. well, we join in these congratulations to the president with all our hearts, from everyone present, from channel one, all our television viewers, because these people ensure our, our safety, our peace of mind, these are truly courageous , selfless fighters, so happy holiday to everyone, everyone involved, but ...
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a holiday for veterans, today, by the way, the state duma began its meeting by congratulating the deputies while standing and congratulating them. scenarios are played out using religious and ethnic factors, we we understand this very well, looking at the direct perpetrators of the atrocity committed in crocus cityhall, the ill-wishers of russia tried. to use internal problems with the migration situation, aggravating interethnic relations in our country, including with the help of the radical islamist factor, an attempt was made to push two traditional religions together: to divide people according to religious principles, of course, we cannot allow anything like this in russia,
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i think , that the very important words of the patriarch were spoken, now, when, as they say, emotions against this monstrous terrorist act are cooling down, we understand the diabolical... plan that was laid there, it is not just to scare, not just to somehow destabilize, to divert attention from the failures of ukraine at the front, the task is to split russia, and i will remind you, our enemies understand perfectly well that in any case they will not be able to defeat russia on the battlefield, they constantly rely on internal unrest, but if in the twenty-second year the main bet was placed on economic destabilization, as a result of which it should be... with the soviet union they did the same story on interethnic, as they believe , interreligious contradictions, and we see very
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active activity in this direction, i want to remind you that when there were well-known unrest in makhachkala, they were puppeteered, controlled by internet channels from abroad.
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who call themselves russians consider themselves real russians, at the same time there are a huge number of ethnic russians, the number of people of different nationalities,
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including muslims, is on the line contact, every day for the sake of you and me he sacrifices his lives, and in such cases, you know... their relatives cannot find them, so we don’t know where they are, maybe they are among those bodies that are unidentified or that are difficult to identify, people are still bringing flowers, and in armfuls, by the way, there is a known case when a tajik owner of a flower shop
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brought a whole truckload of flowers there to crocus city, everyone is grieving, but some details are being clarified, in particular it turned out that... two terrorists lived in turkey is enough for a long time and returned from there by one plane, and lived in hotels in the city center, this means that it is clearly not a cheap option, it is not...
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using methods that we have not yet seen, let’s say, the velvet gloves in which she
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acted before are still about to be dropped, well, in some ways they have already been dropped, yesterday, the day before yesterday there was a powerful blow just at the headquarters of the sbu, by tsercon, the blow was accurate, yes, well, that ukraine has switched to completely outright terrorist methods of warfare , this is clear, what we will answer and we will respond... to these decision-making centers that were hit,
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except for the zircon, unlike the dagger, the dagger, of course, it is vulnerable in what way, that the mik-31k rises immediately it is detected from space and so to say, the air defense system is starting to work , this won’t work with zircon, well, secondly, we now have, so to speak, three-ton weapons... extinguishing bombs, which, together with the ballistic, with the ballistic reset computer, reduce the circular probable deviation to several meters, this block of planning and correction allows it to be dropped from a height of 12 km from a distance of 65 km, that is, without entering the air defense zone, all this gives our armed forces a huge advantage when compared to
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sound missiles, zircon can indicate a shortage of other types missiles, we have the necessary means to shoot down russian zircons, well, it’s clear that they can’t shoot down anything, but he’s still young, and he doesn’t know that they can’t shoot them down, well , besides, well, this is the usual russian fun, when there is no bread we eat cake, this is it’s clear, that’s why the zercons, yes, all the rockets are gone, so dear ukrainian friends, you’ll have to live with the zircons for now. until we produce new ones, what should we do, yes, kuleba
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made a statement here, just panicky , let’s listen to him, give us ethirt patriots, give us ethirts, well, they’ll give you ethirts, they don’t shoot down zircons, and even more so they shoot down aerial bombs that he wants them to shoot down, and there is also an interesting message that the governor of the kharkov regional military administration... oleg seneguv, a ukrainian figure, announced that in a number of regions of the kharkov region, mandatory evacuation will be carried out, why would that be? i address this question to boris aleksandrovich rozhin, who will also tell you how our zircons, which we use against ukrainian targets out of poverty, flew to kharkov and nikolaev today. good evening, borisson, good evening, well, as they say, whoever speaks out of poverty, they also stated that we are taking advantage of their despair, but again, all these statements
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are intended to somehow reassure the personnel, because all the talk is about what do you have we are running out. iskanders, also today kaba arrived in kharkov, and previously they did not reach kharkov, now we see that our military-industrial complex is constantly expanding the possibilities of using guided bombs, their range is increasing, which creates more and more new ones for the enemy. difficulties, the enemy’s transition to terror tactics, both the use of terrorists and attempts at shelling, specifically in the belgorod, kurdish regions, that is, again, this is what is called tactics of despair, because the situation at the front is developing at all the way they expected and are counting, because in all our directions we
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have the initiative, in the zaporozhye direction our troops continue offensive operations on rabotinsky you... fierce fighting is taking place in the stupa to the north-west of verbovoy, where our troops are trying to advance to the north to reach the flank of the group defending the northern part of rabotin. also, our troops continue attacking operations in the area - staromaisky and urozhayny on the vremeevsky ledge, there we have small progress in in the staromaisky area, we are also attacking in the ugledar direction, there are fierce battles for the center of novomikhailovka. we have also advanced north of novomikhailovka; we have made progress in the area of ​​krasnogorovka and georgievka over the past 24 hours. in the avdeevsky direction, after the first military operations in semyonovka, our troops are already directly fighting to liberate this village. assault operations are also underway in the northern part of berdychi, that is, in principle, where the enemy has concentrated
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his main forces, we are also advancing gradually squeeze it out. the main positions of the next line of defense are located in several. kilometers in a trap, that is, this line is actually, well, already collapsing literally, well, one of these days, in theory it will completely cease to exist, also in the artyomovsky direction fierce battles continue in the krasnoye area, the main battles are taking place over the heights, we have also advanced to in the center of bogdanovka we continue to move in the direction of the chasovyar, it is worth noting that yesterday information was received about the liquidation of the polish general adamchak in the chasvyar area, which was destroyed by a strike from...
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spain, of course, is not considering the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, and i do not know that any country is currently considering such a possibility, on the other hand, ukraine is not asking for troops to be sent, it is asking about other things, she asks
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for humanitarian assistance, she asks for military assistance, and this is what we provide her both from europe and from spain... already by european voters is in no way read or perceived, just look, like a thin layer belgium, france and
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so on are covered with manure, well, it is obvious that what will happen next will be something different and much less pleasant than just a thin layer of manure, so i think that western, especially european , colleagues need to accept the simple fact that time stereotypes that ukraine needs to be helped, russia should...
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dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, is this the same one who ratted out his partner,
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or what? what have you done, no one wants to work with him, behind the wheel he’s like a fish in water. we are launching an experiment. taxi, taxi under cover. colonel, is this legal? i had my own plans for this car, but they forced it on me. one shot of you, and you'll fly out of here like a champagne cork, an interception plan has been introduced, an armed attack at the address north 27, it looks like we have a new maniac, another corpse, and what should we call you now, a taxi driver in uniform , bombed in the law, which is unfinished, you yourself decided to start the investigation, persistent and smart, so what kind of puzzle do we have here, why are you helping me, you’re not will you calm down? yes, until you catch them. what's your name? for you, i'm just a taxi driver. undercover taxi, premiere. watch
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the time after the program. then you fell, then what? well, this is how to live with you? well, you don't live. war has been declared on russian sports. the results of our team at the beijing olympics have been revised. the team ended up in third place. but the usa came first. russians will not be allowed in.
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there are people who don’t need to be told whether there is nazism in ukraine or not nazism in ukraine, they have seen it all with their own eyes, we hear from people, this is fascism 2:0, and ukraine does not care whether the inhabitants are peaceful or not, when they first received the copters, they trained on local ones, there are supposedly no nazis among the ukrainian pilots, their stripes represent doves of peace, the cross is painted over yellow circle, this is a symbol of nazi germany, anti-fake.
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big game live, yesterday many in europe were deciding the question: what is stronger, water honey or dung honey? this battle took place under the walls of the european commission, the european parliament, and it continued for quite some time. for a long time, with varying success. that it is possible to steal 5 billion euros from russia from a percentage of the funds that are in belgium, but what should these funds be spent on? the european commission made a decision, ukraine says: come on, no, they decided
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that they should be deposited. the economy of germany, the sick man of europe, is in virtual recession due to economic contraction for the second quarter in a row. the economy is expected to grow at zero during the current year, its industry has become a liability, demand is low and the deglobalizing world has deprived germany of such tools as chinese exports, cheap russian gas, and reliable us security guarantees. a new cause for concern is the sound of coughing coming from other
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eurozone countries. trade-dependent economies such as the netherlands and ireland were big drivers of european growth in recent years, but they are now stagnating. france, whose demand-driven economy typically falters, has achieved meager growth due to a widening budget deficit caused by high interest rates. in that leaves the last major european leader, italy, where officials expect gdp to rise by about 1% this year. economic benefits are in the past, but financial costs are... in the future , said economist fabio bolboni. everyone is saying that germany is sick, but i am more concerned that the whole of europe is getting sick,” said the head of the german central bank, joachim nagel. and it seems that italy is really the only country there that is growing, doing so simply due to emissions, since they have a federal budget deficit this year and 8%. you know, this is generally an amazing situation, how many years have european countries built their well-being
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and... in a short period of time, they are losing it, literally before our eyes, in just a couple of years the entire european economy is simply collapsing, in fact, the experiment is being carried out in a terrible way, so to speak, but nevertheless, in general, of course , it’s interesting that the article talks about two quarters in a row near zero growth of the german economy, in fact, for five quarters in a row, and moreover, the german strategic the department was forced to come up with a new amazing phenomenon like a positive zero, but such an invention in order to at least somehow at all. well, the first thing, of course, that catches your eye is that it turns out that russian energy resources were the basis for the competitiveness of the german economy, this is the most important thing that we should learn from this whole situation, why? because without russian energy resources the german economy is not competitive, no energy-intensive industry can withstand competition with the american, chinese, and by indian manufacturers, simply cannot, that is, accordingly, the foundry industry, the glass industry, the fertilizer industry,
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the chemical industry, germany is reflected in all other countries, why? because the entire economic landscape of the european union is changing. well, now, in fact, we are also seeing problems related to agriculture. the last industry, in fact, which was such a unifying element for the entire european union, is now experiencing biggest problems. the fact is that, probably, after all, europe succeeded, so to speak, the most important thing that they succeeded in was a unique, completely agricultural policy, which, on the one hand, made it possible to fill their countries with food.
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american agricultural holdings in ukraine supply insane quantities to europe, respectively, and european farmers go bankrupt, that is, by and large. has worked out quite successfully, but in the united states there is also a congressional budget office, which is basically an analogue of our accounting office chambers, most likely, they also presented a report, the conclusion of which was quite interesting, financial times in any case sounded the alarm strongly after
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this, let's listen, philip svegal, director of the us congressional budget office, said that the growing us debt is moving on an unprecedented trajectory , which risks a crisis similar to... which caused the collapse of the truss government in the uk in 2022. the danger lies in the market reaction that the uk has faced due to attempts politicians to take action,” swegle said. the u.s. isn't there yet, he said , but as higher interest rates push creditor payouts to $1 trillion in 2026 , bond markets could snap back. well , i must say that debt payments are already higher.
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they threw it like so-called helicopter money, as if they were scattering it from a helicopter, and distributed it to citizens so that they could just sit at home. any economy in the world, repeating a similar experiment, right there would face hyperinflation immediately, and this would mean the burning of working capital of enterprises, the burning of personal savings of citizens, an increase in lending rates, and then everything would go down the chain. the united states of america seemed to be holding on, on what they were holding on, they were holding on by inertia b... on the fact that the surplus dollars located within the united states of america splashed out into international trade and became elements of international financial reserves. now the share of the dollar in countries’ reserves
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is declining, the share of the dollar in international trade is declining, so the export of its inflation to other countries, mastered by the united states of america, has already stopped working, which means that...
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there is absolutely nothing waiting for them, but the most important thing, which is amazing, is that they do it with their own hands, i want to remind you of vladimir’s interview vladivich putin to tucker, where he said, guys, well, you started using it yourself.
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but it must be said that the situation is truly unprecedented, the bridge is important, strategic for baltimore, and in general for the entire east coast, one of the main ones. well in connection with president biden has already held meetings of his cabinet and even delivered a meeting in which... he made another blunder, let 's listen to him, at about half past two in the morning a container ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge, along which i traveled to work from the state many times delaware by train by car. well, i must say that not a single train has yet passed over this bridge, probably except for the one on which biden was traveling, because this is a purely automobile bridge, but what everyone paid attention to, and karina jeanpierre asked a question, and does she have dementia after this, she was offended. said, this is an absolutely offensive question, but nevertheless, in america
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they have already begun to discuss the topic of the terrorist attack, in particular, michael flynn, the director of the intelligence agency of the us department of defense in the past, spoke about this. you called this event a black swan, can you explain what this means? first of all, a black swan is a financial term, it means an event that you could not even imagine, and that is certain.
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american blogger. it's strange that the us government spends hours investigating the collapse of a bridge in baltimore, but immediately realizes that the attack took place in moscow. gil. yes, here is michael slean, of course, he quickly changed his shoes, because he was considered a great friend of the soviet russian federation. he was sitting at the same table with our president then. no, another flint. this is this flint, this is the boss. just the dawn of control, he was
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with trump for several months until he was accused of being a russian agent, that’s why he quickly changed his orientation, but the talk that this was a hacker attack by the russian special services, that the electricity on this container ship was turned off twice and it was practically uncontrollable, and then the russian fakkers naturally... sent it very lightly into this bridge support and the bridge collapsed, so i think that this version, it will gain momentum, but the fact that they immediately, so to speak , said that the attack on crocus city was carried out by isis, so, and the justification is some very simple, the ukrainian government stated that they have nothing to do with this period, as the representative of the state department said, that’s the whole
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logic, yes, but in general the bridge really played a big role, and most importantly, a large number of maritime transports took place under the bridge, including military ones, it is one of the main ports , the ports from which ukraine was actually supplied, as i understand it, too, here’s another interesting opinion from journalist lara logan, let’s listen, i talked to people. who are immersed in the issue, who are in service or already retired, everyone from builders to national security officers and intelligence agencies say it was a cyberattack on us critical infrastructure, for those who think that... it's just a river in baltimore, how could it matter? you don't understand anything about this. this corridor literally connects north and south. we are talking about the transportation of hazardous substances. this is a well-planned strategic attack on one of the most important logistics hubs. the only other similarly busy alternative is to the west in california. when i
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said about dangerous substances, i meant purified fuel, propane, diesels. all this is flammable. everything is transported in excessive quantities. oversized, in addition, there are substances that are so dangerous that their transportation requires specialists and permits, which require time and money to obtain, such trucks require escort, and they can also only be transported at night, which automatically affects throughput, this is what they call death by a thousand
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cuts, well, it must be said that there were human casualties, we naturally offer condolences, but there is already a lot of black humor in relation to all this, in particular, that the captain... of the ship, a ukrainian, simply confused the bridge and crashed into the wrong one. among the peoples of the world , yes, there are many designations for various systemic ills, some have a black swan, some a white fluffy animal, but nevertheless we must understand that the world infrastructure - commercial production and so on, it is very fragile, when processes begin that are associated with illegal introduction into the economy of different countries, this has a mutually acute effect, it all has a return and... therefore there is nothing surprising is that at first in the united states of america, due to the dilapidation of the railway infrastructure, trains were derailed, now bridges are collapsing, as a result of such actions, but all this will be thrown onto the notorious russian trail, because the information stereotype
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that the russians did it russian, it certainly sits in the brains of the average person, so when politicians begin... to blame the russians for what happened, at first it causes yes, well, of course, yes, but over time, this is already happening now, this already causes irritation, wild irritation , and you seem to have only one reason why everything that is happening around us is happening, the standard of living is falling, and logistics are being disrupted and so on, i think that about the main problem of the western, in particular american is that they do not solve problems, it is a model. the behavior is stable, but they shift it, explain that, well, yes, this happened for such and such a reason, guys, and what did you do to prevent this from happening, there is no answer to this, the dementia factor comes into play joe biden, whose handshake is strong and everything else, but i think that this system really won’t last long,
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unfortunately for the united states, if the next president solves the problem in exactly the same way, in this way, then i have bad news for the economy . yes, but in general the question is whether these problems can be solved, because if we look at the statistics, the state of infrastructure in the united states, it is simply devastating, which means we show trains, yes, but we show a small fraction, for last year we calculated the number of train derailments is 1,163, 1,163, the american society of engineers assessed the condition of the bridges, do you know how many?
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israel defiantly bombed parafakh after the advertisement. war has been declared on russian sports. the results of our team at the beijing olympics have been revised. the team was in third place, but the usa was in first , the russians will not be allowed in until they show that they are a pure nation, what is
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vada’s position really, we decided to find out from witold banka himself what he thinks, normal countries have no politicians who say: no, no, she’s not guilty at all, why did they get to the bottom of valieva and keep up, we ’re not giving away one of the most watchable sports to anyone, we don’t like it, team usa. kirill budanov is a serial killer, we analyze his role in the mass terrorist attack in moscow. we
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have killed russians and will continue to kill russians anywhere in this world. the number one terrorist in ukraine today, fsb director alexander burtnikov said, he is a legitimate target, raised by western intelligence services, his specialty is a saboteur. obama 3 days before the terrorist attack, suddenly arrives in great britain. of course, the british also took part there.
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put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, can you work alone without a partner, taxi? why does covering up a taxi driver give such great results? yes, because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to taxi drivers and taxis. at the same time, if necessary, a taxi using built-in flashing lights in the radiators is one per...
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taxi under the guise of the prime minister, look after the program for the time. beat the world, the cross is painted over with a yellow circle, this is a symbol of nazi germany, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, the will of zhenya
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beloosov, the battle for the inheritance of a star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all the participants in the conflicts in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance is unfair got it to my sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything, why... the singer’s son is sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know , to be honest, no, but you were getting divorced officially, it turned out that the court had divorced us, just imagine, 26 years later there was such a blow for me, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state...
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the big game is live. the united states, through its decisions and simple words , crosses out international law and declares it invalid. the security council voted on a ceasefire resolution in the gaza strip for the duration of religious holidays. but the united states did not veto, it simply abstained. execution, but america has its own interpretation of international law, let's listen to what john kirby said. what is president biden's reaction to netanyahu's decision not to send a delegation to washington this week? i must say that we are somewhat disheartened by this decision.
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there are two points here that need to be reiterated .
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listen to what one of the knesset members, koin, said. the prime minister decides to send troops to rafah, but this must be done. now they comply fasting, they are tired, they are exhausted. it is necessary to break their guests. have our women really forgotten what happened on october 7th? why should i be the only one to remember this? our brothers and sisters were kidnapped, and we are waiting here because they are observing ramadan. ramadan is the best time to interrupt them.
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now the united states, which is extremely dissatisfied with israel’s behavior, is also against them. well, it is quite obvious that israel will not survive, that is quite obvious. another thing is that israel challenges the entire world community in this way, because
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the norms of international law are supported by the entire world community. and the fact that the united states issued such a card blanche, as our representative nebendia said, well, in fact , it seems to me that this is still such a slightly arrogant story, that is, if israel takes advantage of this card blanche, and it apparently seeks to do so. then it’s just that the question of the existence of the state is really at stake, why are they doing this, well, it’s a dangerous story, ismail haniyeh, the head of the political office of hamas today in tehran, very harsh statements are being made there and from hamas and from iran, this could all really end very badly for israel, but unfortunately the logic of everyone is shabbat, mine is thursday, it is very vicious, because it implies that the person who...
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hello, the evening news is on the air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, this is the main topic. nato technology.


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