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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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i still want to appeal to the prosecutor’s office, because i have reason to believe that the guardianship authorities once again failed to work, showed criminal negligence, and as a result, the child was at risk, and will be at risk if you do not make some decision. please check the activities of the guardianship authorities. you , irin, are now in a very childish position, you are very offended, you are stuck somewhere at the age you are now. and your eldest son said absolutely wonderful words: you have a chance to regain their trust, but for a very long time, a lot of work, if you are ready for this, then right today, from this second , stop being a child and take responsibility for what happens to you and your children, i can take responsibility, these two, they
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set up irina, everything is clear, this is a useless conversation, completely, however , i don’t know when at what point you built this wall around yourself, you turned the whole world against yourself precisely because you yourself are so inclined towards it, so if you want to change this world , start yourself from your relationship to this world, yes, but you didn’t hear it, you won’t hear it.
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three houses, she is in a slipper, she ran out into this cold , undressed, we are very much afraid that we will simply collapse, i have three children, which is at the same time a maneuverable fund, i am generally shocked where people from two hostels are being moved, i managed to move out into rented housing, if i hadn’t moved out, i would have buried the child long ago. ekaterina mamontova has been dealing with the problems of such houses for a long time, she came to us today, let's hear why. good evening, the big game is live and i, vyacheslav nikonov. well, all these days we discuss, think, remember the tragedy that occurred in crocus city on march 22. this day has already gone down in our history forever, as a black, tragic page, but now. of course, the main thing is to find answers to the
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questions that concern everyone, how this could happen, who did it, and what needs to be done to prevent this in the future, and how our society should react to this. yesterday, you know, president putin held a big meeting where he discussed issues with everyone who, one way or another, is now dealing with these issues, and today he spoke at the prosecutor’s office of the russian federation. made a number of important statements there. let's listen to the president. our country, as we know, is fighting to protect its vital interests, for the right to independent, sovereign development. and, unfortunately, our ill-wishers, our competitors, opponents, forced us to defend these interests by force, to fight. with those whom they
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armed and trained to fight russia in territory of a neighboring state, in today’s conditions, everything we do in all spheres of our life should be dedicated to russia’s success in this area, which means that the prosecutor’s office, of course, is retained. the most important tools for achieving success, we must under no circumstances allow any slackness; we must instruct all government bodies, all citizens of the country to strictly comply with existing norms and laws. we must be focused and efficient. no slackness, composure and efficiency. this should be the reaction of society. well
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, it seems to me that these are the words that we expected, and if we continue the president’s thought, then everything that is being done today inside russia is aimed at winning, at falling behind. shelling of belgorod, donetsk, lugansk, and other cities, these are terrorist acts. this is all a link in one chain, these are all ways of influencing our enemies on russia in order to prevent complete sovereignty, strengthening russia, increasing international authority, creating an alternative, so killing people
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in moscow is also a way to preserve hegemony of the united states of america and the dollar. indeed, the question of who benefits , it... has, in general, in my opinion , quite obvious answers, it is important that it is also obvious to the president of the russian federation, he was the one who answered - to this very question, yesterday, holding a meeting with by their colleagues, the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this atrocity may be only a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country with the hands of neo-nazis since 2014. kiev regime, the nazis, as is well known, never disdained use the dirtiest and inhumane means to achieve their goals, especially today, when their advertised counter-offensive has completely failed, this
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is already recognized by everyone, it is not disputed, the russian armed forces hold the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the enemy to... stabilize the front does not bring success, hence the attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including energy infrastructure, attempted missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the peninsula itself. bloody acts of intimidation, such as... the act committed in moscow, quite logically fit into this series. the goal is to sow panic in our society. and at the same time, show your own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime. you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian,
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obey the command from washington and adopt a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler yugan. in its new edition, of course, to knock out for this new weapon and additional money, a significant part of which can be stolen and put, as is usual in ukraine today, in your pocket. well , we remember, on the very first day of the tragedy, putin said that the traces lead to ukraine, but now he has clearly gone further, he clearly has information that the threads stretch from ukraine much further. alekseevich, at the expert level, at the level of political, expert assessments, it was immediately clear that the ukrainian trail is no different from the american one, well, maybe in size, yes, but in principle they follow each other, the bloody
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trails really lead in this direction, in the western, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that the question is who benefits? it’s not just hypothetical thoughts, such abstract ones... thoughts about who benefits, we saw during these 24 hours that passed after the terrorist act against this barbaric action, after after this barbaric action, that the americans consistently tried all this time to use this barbaric terrorist attack in order to harm russia in one form or another , the terrorist attack was tied to... elections, they excused the ukrainian leadership, they tried to stir up the interfaith, interethnic theme in russia, that is, this is not just profitable, in the abstract, we see, how they tried to use this terrorist attack, the media
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effect that it had, and the practical consequences from it, to use to the detriment, to the detriment of russia, and i think that those who, those who are professionally engaged. with this kind analysis, they really have a fairly clear idea of ​​where the traces lead, but at the same time, i want to draw attention to the fact that our top management, and the heads of the law enforcement agencies. after all, they are speaking legally quite cautiously and correctly, because one thing is the obviousness of the situation at the analytical level, and another thing is to consolidate all this with reinforced concrete relevant testimony and evidence, it is clear that the west will use our slightest misfire, that we are supposedly slandering there, we are...
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for the majority of people , everything is already clear to the world community and the world analytical level, but it will probably be specific to them. surely, because it is clear that the accused themselves are already singing, and the number of accused is growing, they are now being held accountable, in any case, charges are being brought against those who provided them with apartments where, apparently , this terrorist attack was being prepared, and those who represented provided transport, and it is also known that on the instructions of president rahmon, the president of tajikistan, there in close cooperation with our special services, the special services of tajikistan are also actively collecting material, including.
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what should be stabbing us, of course, is the collegium of the prosecutor ’s office, the heads of our special services were also present, they have always done the same, they are, i’m sure it will be like this, there are quite a number of, i think, eloquent statements there, let’s listen to the director of the fsb, alexander bortnikov , we believe that the action was prepared by the radicals themselves, the islamists, so naturally. western intelligence agencies contributed to this, and the ukrainian intelligence services themselves have something to do with this
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direct relation, i think that what is the interest in shaking up the situation, creating panic in society, well, you see what is happening on the line of combat contact, the notorious counter-offensive, the so-called, they didn’t succeed in anything with this matter, what needs to be done, it is necessary to prove their worth, today the head of the sbu admitted practically... to the terrorist attacks of the russian organization , isn’t it time to recognize them as a terrorist organization, well, we need to do this, of course, yes, i believe that this is a basis not only to consider, but also to accept the appropriate ones, you recognizing them as a terrorist organization, of course, where we have our legitimate goal, the ukrainian special services, but everyone who commits crimes against russia and russian citizens is a legitimate goal, and patrushev, our secretary of the security council, was also asked a question on the move: this isis or ukraine, that’s what he answered? isis or ukraine? ukraine. ukraine. well, in
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general, it’s quite clear, i think, and the president yesterday, and now bortnikov said that after all, western intelligence services were the final beneficiaries, well western governments are naturally the customers in this case. i would say it's very difficult here. the assembly was , as far as it is possible to reconstruct at least something now , as far as i can state such things at my level of awareness, but believe me, i also consulted with many colleagues, including here,
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the so-called isis in the turkish region is also involved, so now turkish colleagues are working together with us to establish the facts about the training of these terrorists on their territory. well, what about the sbu, in fact, yesterday they celebrated their day, they had a holiday, in connection with this, the head of the sbu, malyuk, admitted that, in fact, they
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were behind all the terrorist attacks that have happened in our country recently, let’s listen. it’s true that the security service of ukraine was involved in the liquidation of such characters as kiva, tsarev, tatarsky, can you tell us any details, this is really true, your question is exactly at the address, we will not officially admit this, but at the same time i’m ready tell you some details, absolutely all the details of these crimes, well , the truth must be said that yesterday our zircon still hit the sbu building. so their holiday was not entirely festive. boris aleksandrovich rozhen is in direct contact with us now. boris aleksandrovich, what news do you have, how far all our latest strikes on targets on the territory of ukraine have achieved their goals. so what is happening there on the fronts? and good evening, yes, if we say obudare for oblivion, that is, the three-story
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building that was used by the sbu for its purposes, that is, they tell us that this is a civil building. this is not so , there were dead people there, but naturally they are now keeping everything secret, nevertheless they said hello, the sbu also said hello in odessa, where there was an arrival at the sbu sanatorium, there was a secondary detonation of ammunition, and, as they already say, there was quite a lot of dead, again, including sbu officers who were there celebrating the anniversary of the creation of their special service, and as for other attacks, very serious damage was also caused to the energy structure of kharkov, krivoy rog and zaporozhye, it continues there. blackouts, some facilities , according to ukraine, will not be able to be restored even for several years, this applies to tets-5 and dneprogesa, which were especially badly damaged, all this naturally occurs against the backdrop of ongoing fighting at the front, where our army holds the initiative, our troops continue attacks on the rabotinsky ledge are now mainly east of rabotin, we
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are advancing to the north-west of tverbovoy, there we have progress in our favor, we also continue to put pressure on... on the temporary ledge in the area of ​​urozhainy, staromaisky and shelter, we also continue attacks in the ugledar direction, primarily in the novo mikhailovka area, where we control about half of the village and continue to develop an offensive, also to the north of it. in the marinsky direction we continue the assault on krasnogorovka, there are battles in the southern part of the city, we are also storming georgievka, where the fighting is moving towards the city center, in the avdeevsky direction our troops continue to advance further in the tonenky area. to the west already, we also started the assault the village of semyonovka, located between berdachi and orlovka, there are already direct battles for the village , and battles for berdychi are also ongoing, that is , we are somewhere there... our troops
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repelled a fairly powerful attack during the day yesterday, in the end the attack was repulsed with losses to the enemy, at the same time our troops are advancing towards chasya, for which there is less than a kilometer left, there is an advance in bogdanovka, according to a number of data, the enemy is retreating from the center of the village. on the northern ledge, our troops are advancing in the area between heartbreak. with porn there, about 3 km have been cleared in the landings, we are also storming belogorovka, here the zaki shows without changes in the kosnoliman direction, we have serious progress towards the thorns, positionaries have been taken there, now the battles are going on there again on the outskirts, also our troops have slight progress at tabaevka, well, at kupyansky there are still no changes, it is also worth noting that on the borders of the belgorod region our troops have achieved serious success.
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lyosha, do you work part-time as a taxi driver? remember, i told you about the secret work. attention, at gorrikovskaya 158, entry into an apartment. this is the son of the victims, alexey turbin, our colleague. no matter what, you can always count on me.
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gay pride parade in helsinki, so don’t be mistaken about his wife and children, he ’d rather be an unknown person, eat well, drink,
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and then go to the salo with him, when he talks about security, he talks about what, about nato security, his children do not speak finnish, finland is just a stepping stone for him, there is no talk of any national interests, finland is being prepared for the big war, we agreed to become part of the nato nuclear planning system, against whom, against russia? alexander stup - a complete european stup. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. the head of the international olympic committee called for a boycott of the friendship games. we talked with the president of the world anti-doping agency. they hid the conspiracy, one might say. the idea of ​​holding the friendship games is contrary to the olympic games. we need to talk to other leaders and convince them not to participate in these games. in fact. on the international level they are trying to destroy russian sports, who is behind this? i took the initiative to stop them from destroying the olympic games, a shocking admission by western sports officials in
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an exclusive investigation from vanavan and lexus. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. war has been declared on russian sports, and the results of our team at the beijing olympics have been revised. the team ended up in third place, but the usa and russians were in first place. vada does not touch the usa in basketball at the olympics, they do not give up.
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the olympic movement, like the organization, turned into a political cudgel. premiere, van and lexus show. tomorrow on the first. the will of zhenya belausovo, the battle for the inheritance of the stars of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. yes, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could be a fake, i want to find out the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, in bold, honestly i’ll say, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine, 26 years later it was such a blow for me, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere was on saturday, at the first one, when you were entering into an inheritance, you said notary
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about the fact that there are more... potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died, i work undercover, combine the duties of a police officer and an opera, show me your id, abandoned building in the area of ​​the appanage park, suspicious persons were noticed, we need to check, what should we call you now, taxi driver in uniform, bombed in law, hands behind your head on the ground, for this snake... undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. the big game
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is live: we are indeed being very seriously investigated into the circumstances of the terrorist attack, the customers, the perpetrators, the ultimate beneficiaries, in the united states in the west, actually announced that they know that it was isis, and this was said 2 minutes after the terrorist attack itself.
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u.s.a. we expressed ourselves to the utmost clearly this was a terrorist attack carried out by isis. mr. putin knows this very well and understands this. there is absolutely no evidence that the ukrainian government is in any way connected with this attack. british secretary of state for defence, grand chaps. first of all, i would like to join my esteemed colleagues in expressing my condolences for the terrible terrorist attack.
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aggressivenessevna, we are glad to see you here - in this studio, what happened, what is happening there in france, and what happened to macron? now i’ll tell you everything , president macron, i think this is exactly the person for whom what happened in
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russia can become the straw that will allow him to steer out of that whirlpool of completely thoughtless and wildest statements that he has accumulated in recent weeks and for which he has actually been reporting to the press for the last few weeks. the general public, allies and comrades, in order to at least somehow explain what exactly he wanted to say, why? i must clarify, let’s be journalistically precise, that the level is of the highest the danger was introduced before the terrorist attack, why during crocus holi? you probably heard that 3 days before this terrorist attack, more precisely last wednesday, dozens of parisian lyceums and colleges were in dozens of parisian lyceums and colleges...
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who does not support jihad and all that stuff, a video with decapitation, after they blocked the entire system again so that schoolchildren would no longer receive such things, the next day in the seine-et-marne department 50 lyceums and a college received the same thing, after that president macron introduced a level increased danger, and after and after what happened, respectively in russia , he points out: god himself, one might say , ordered isis, that’s one thing, now here’s another moment, no matter who’s in charge, of course we won’t continue to the end of the investigation without providing evidence , blame anyone , we will, so to speak, behave with dignity
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, we’ll wait, besides, we don’t lose anything from this, i think so, but the fact is that many people here, of course, remembered the botaclan, yes what is important to know about all these groups, to distinguish between all types of jihad absolutely. it’s not necessary, but to know that even some of them that are controlled, the most terrible danger is posed by those that are not controlled by anyone and where the first one who raised kalashnikov is the boss, they all copy each other according to the same pattern, that the same bataclan, where the well-known tactics of small cuts were used, that is, many different attacks simultaneously in different parts of the city, in order to completely disorient all law enforcement services; in the bataclan there were seven attacks. in india in bombay, there was 10 coordinated attacks by a group
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of terrorists who came from pakistan, by the way, i note that tajikistan shares a border with pakistan, there is no need to form groups in turkey, i know that training continues in pakistan and... no, we just know that uh, islamic terrorists are being trained on the territory of ukraine, and these characters, two out of four, they just arrived shortly before from turkey, and not from pakistan or not from bakistan, perhaps, perhaps, but simply to the fact that they are each other everyone imitates, the same batoclan - it was an imitation of bombay, when i saw the first footage of what happened in crocus hall, if you look at the materials, it’s absolutely the same scheme. one of the taken hotels, the palace hotels in bombay, there was a train station, there were restaurants, cafes, two hotels, including the largest large hotel at the taj mahal, here is the same marble hall, the same terrorists who entered along with the hiding crowd,
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starting to shoot for 60 hours , i think they shot 175 people there, you understand, i don’t know about each of these the terrorists could be completely different political forces, of course, or maybe it’s just... an opportune moment to use a false flag, but for president macron, why am i talking about this, being in guinea on monday, as you know, he approached and proposed cooperation in the field of terrorism. and at the moment this is how it is interpreted. i must remind you that in the message that was published, one phrase is clearly visible: this is an attack on a large meeting of christians. here's to mr macron now publicists and journalists remind us that with russia we not only have big disagreements , but we have a lot in common, the same civilization that is currently fighting for survival, we definitely do not have the same civilization, i can tell you that for sure, with us. christian civilization, let me finish, you have already
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asked my opinion about macron, i will finish with how french journalists now perceive what happened, so they believe that it is time for mr. macron to remember that if in europe , through his efforts, at least some kind of something combat clash, this will primarily benefit the jihadists, yeah, since everyone, in general, may have their own stated goals in this game, but... there are some that are pointless to deny now, yeah, well, we had it once too the idea that we have a common civilization, but somehow you quickly realized recently, especially after the twenty -second year, that we have completely different civilizations with completely different values, which fortunately do not come into contact with each other now, because this is interaction was not the most fruitful, well, besides , macron, of course, really needs to do something now, because his proposal to send troops to ukraine, it turned out...
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amaka that the attackers safely retreated contradicts reports about their
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capture. amak usually does not report the results of attacks until all the results are in, but in this case they prematurely declared success despite the fact that the terrorists were arrested. secondly, the attackers in this case were not westerners, but for non-western members it is unprecedented for organizations to use a voice changing device. third, live webcasting of attacks is not a method used by isis. finally, amaq regularly publishes the name of his media agency in both arabic and english when attacks occur outside the middle east, a detail missing from this statement. for these reasons, coupled with my professional reluctance based on past experience with reported attacks in iran, where subsequent reports have been corrected, i am inclined reject the claim that isis was involved in the moscow attack. professional analysis of what actually appears to be the site from which it was reported. well, yes, but in
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any case, i would say that, of course, it is impossible to say so categorically that isis, as an assistant, did not exist, but, but 100%, even if something like that was involved through the base that we discussed in the first part, slav freseevich, that is, preparation, so to speak, hiring, there is information that supposedly , through the ukrainian embassy in tajikistan , hiring was opened approximately 2 weeks ago in the international brigade or the legion. as it is called in ukraine, and that allegedly this four passed through the testimony of one former colonel, a former colonel who held a position in the border troops of tajikistan, supposedly these four were thus co-opted, but in any case, isis puts forward a demand, here the demand is not put forward, slogans no, there are no statements related to the fact that isis wanted the organization to end in russia, from russia, no, and moreover, isis, which did not show itself in any way.
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we cannot allow russia to win this war, otherwise the interests of the united states and europe will be greatly damaged. this is not just a question of generosity and not a question of supporting ukraine because we love the ukrainian people. this is in our own interests, as well as in the interests of the united states as a global player, one who should be perceived as a reliable partner that ensures the security
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of allies. that's why we called on the united states to consider and approve a supplementary budget. it’s not a question of supporting ukraine at all. well, the worse things go for the kiev regime, the more western politicians are becoming frank. and the second is a tendency, as they say, in the same direction. the longer the khatovian pause that american politicians keep in allocating money to the kiev regime, the more outspoken european politicians become , who, due to their subordinate state , have already made a statement, as if they now alone must pay for the war on the european continent, which did not begin in their interests at all . of course, barel is absolutely frank in this case, but i propose to hear a slightly different meaning of what what he says: the war that was unleashed on the territory of europe in the interests of the west, and ukraine, the kiev regime is just a tool, it is an instrument of a strike against russia, the terrorist attack that occurred in moscow is also a strike against russia, that is,
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even instruments different, of course, or rather the opposite, absolutely identical, despite the fact that they are one. one of them seems to be political, and the other is purely terrorist, so these are all the hands of the same organism, but as for the similarity of the supposed terrorist act to isis, in fact, the similarity was created artificially, which is why the killers did not wear any masks so that their , so to speak, non-european faces could be seen, which is, as it were , evidence for the americans and europeans, although in fact it is not any evidence. the organizers of the terrorist attack wanted it to be clear in the first minutes, no matter what its outcome, that representatives of central asia, who can be assigned to the isis organization banned in russia, carried out this crime. let me just listen to what many, including including botaklan, the same bombay that she mentioned, there were no masks there either and there weren’t even barots, but they were ready to die on
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the spot, but they were also teleported through the phone, this same preacher who... the united states adopted a budget of 300 million was allocated to ukraine, but suddenly it turns out that these 300 million have already been spent, ukraine will not receive them, they were spent, it turns out in november, that is, in advance, now the question
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again comes down to a vote in the house of representatives , it seems like they said that johnson is going endure, but karin janpierre is absolutely not sure, let's listen to her. i think mr. speaker is making unfounded and unnecessary excuses because we know that this bill will be approved if put to a vote. we know that the majority of republicans and democrats will support this bill, those are the facts and we see it, so we urge and will continue to urge speaker johnson to bring this bill to a vote. the fact is that speaker johnson was put in a very a really difficult situation, the pressure on him has increased, a new element has appeared in this, the fact is that the democrats also decided to use this whole situation with
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help for election purposes, now we are talking about the fact that they are trying to destroy the republican majority in general before the elections . in the house of representatives, and this suggests that apparently they are expecting a very big crisis in connection with the elections, so they want to control not only the senate, but also the lower house before the elections; in general, this is unprecedented in that what the democrats are doing now, never in the history of the united states has the majority in the house of representatives changed, as if between elections, and now the democrats are trying to do this, i think. to do this, they are organizing a very strong attack on johnson, on trump, and at the same time they are trying to either overthrow johnson, or recruit, yes, lure him into their camp, so i think that... this will be a very decisive week, indeed, we will see after their easter, there will be a decisive
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week, my forecast, after all, he will be afraid put this issue to a vote, but we'll see, as they say, a lot of news after the small advertisement, miscellaneous section, president of finland, i agree with the nato secretary general that the path to peace lies through the battlefield. he was such a patron who was included in patronage, he studied in the states. the globalists install their own political functionaries who will pursue their interests. and he is a big hypocrite, the finnish economy is broken, after all, he is actually burying its well-being, he organized and supervised the gay pride parade in helsinki, so there is no need to be mistaken about his wife and children. his preference is known, to eat well, drink, and then go to sala with him, when he talks about security, he talks about what, about nato security, his children
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do not speak finnish, finland is just a stepping stone for him, nothing there is no question of national interests, finland is preparing for a big war, we agreed to become part of the nato nuclear planning system, against whom, against russia, alexander stup, a complete european stupa, dolls heir. we are launching an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, so you can work. without a partner, taxi , why does covering up a taxi driver give such excellent results, and because no
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lawbreakers ever pay attention to a taxi driver and a taxi, and if necessary, a taxi with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator turns into a police car at the touch of a button, not a car , and the beast, let me mind my own business, and you do yours, we find a gunner, we cover the gang, our people are among yours, everything is for him will do, we are working, undercover taxi , premiere, watch the time after the program, the head of the international olympic committee called for a boycott of the friendship games, talked to the president... the idea of ​​holding the friendship games contradicts the olympic games, we need
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to talk with other leaders, convince them not to participate in these games. in fact, they are trying to destroy russian sport at the international level. who is behind this? i took the initiative to stop them from ruining the olympic games. shocking confession of western sports officials in exclusive investigation from vavan and lexus. antifake. war was declared on russian sports, the results of our team at the beijing olympics were revised, the team ended up in third place, but the united states was in first, the russians will not be allowed in until they show that they are a pure nation, what is wada’s position really, we decided find out from vitold banka himself what he thinks, in normal countries there are no politicians who say: no, no, she is not guilty at all, why did they get to valiev... they dug and are not lagging behind, we are not giving anyone one of the most watchable sports, don't like it, usa olympic basketball team
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won't touch wada, they don't do drug tests, russians are suspended and they definitely want to organize these friendship games to try to undermine the olympics, that's why we're calling on countries not to participate, olympic the movement, as well as the organization, has been turned into... the battle for the inheritance of a star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, the novel is sure that once upon a time, the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, arranged everything for myself, why is the singer’s son so sure? that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you will recognize dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but you
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were divorced on purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us, can you imagine it was for me? after 26 years, such a blow. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there is more potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died. big game live. and today brought a lot of news, which we will try to discuss very briefly. the un security council voted for a truce in the gas sector , and voted in such a way that the united states abstained, which means it did not veto, which means that the security council made a decision, but the united states then stated that the decision was not valid, since the united states did not voted for
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him, although this directly contradicts the united nations.
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simply a classic, because at first they again opposed themselves to the entire world community, the entire security council, because they were the only ones who abstained, and this resolution was not adopted by china, not by the russian federation, it was adopted by ten non-permanent members, all non-permanent members of the security council, in in general, in these cases, it is customary to support, oppose themselves to everyone, and then take a courtyard position.
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of the opposition, who basically just got out of prison, said that he would expel the french, get rid of the franc, and so on and so forth, this is already the fourth country from which they are going to expel the french , and again with a focus on russia for the next one, here is macron’s rage, his anti-russian fervor, it is not connected with the fact that france is simply being kicked out of africa now and they are raising russian personal opinion, which does not bias anyone. absolutely the french are leaving on their own, the french agency afp 2 years before the beginning of the puchi vburkina fassou in gabon has already announced everywhere that the french contingent will leave there in 2023, in the twenty -first year, excuse me, that is, it was all foreseen in advance, now the french are leaving africa, for approximately the same reason
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why dogol in at the same time , macron decided to leave algeria. unsuccessfully tries to make up for lost time from what is left, but this comes out at a higher cost, say, with the same uranium in ukraine among other things, but the french leave on their own, macron’s rage is connected exclusively with his personal duel, i say on all the broadcasts, i repeat, he has a personal rivalry with vladimir putin, because he was rejected and was not allowed to play with big politicians, as he wanted, well , of course, he has no chance here, but i must say, when burkina- fasso or...
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let's say, an american military man who uncovered a crime, in this case , the pentagon on the territory of afghanistan, i mean the shooting from a helicopter of pari, afghan civilians, so expect that they
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are selling some kind of mercy to ossange, i would never stand up, under any soviet rule, moreover, besides, viktor bout , whom they still did not accuse so much, i would say angrily, well, to be honest, viktor will still have nothing to do with wikileaks... had nothing to do with it, and the matter was more which is controversial , nevertheless, he was not released for many years and was kept in difficult conditions in fact, well , not on death row, but in principle - the tightening of serious crimes did not remove the shackles, so of course everything here is clear, well, it must be said that the court hearing took place in london not only surrounded by a crowd, but in surrounded by tractors, farmers who occupied westminster, because now there is a farmers' uprising in great britain, well, in brussels today they also organized the maidan around the european union. well, there really is a tragedy in the united states, a bridge collapsed in the state of maryland, in baltimore, due to the fact that a container ship drove into it,
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cars were walking along the bridge, we see, yes, and the bridge collapsed in one part, the container ship sank, that is, large human sacrifices, our condolences naturally, but the situation is truly monstrous, it doesn’t amount to a terrorist attack. well you you know, there really is a tragedy here, but i think that if the west needed to blame someone for something, they would use it as a fact within 10-15 minutes, they would assign someone to blame, they would say that this is a blow to freedom and so on and so forth, but life is structured in such a way that there are man-made disasters that the west does not take advantage of its interests, and unfortunately, terrorist organizations are one... of the instruments of western policy, this was the case, this is what is happening today, and i don’t i think that we have reason to believe that the west will refuse this instrument, yes, unfortunately, terror has been a method of western politics for many, not even centuries, already
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centuries of millennia, and rome and greece are, in general, a history of a significant degree of terror, blood, conquests, so really nothing new , and we really must now understand that... we, we are not like that, we have our civilizational foundations, they are still different, that our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated and victory will be ours. we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello! the evening news is on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, these are the main topics.


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