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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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when a person disappears, there are 15 indirect and basic things that are given to the police to find out whether he left or not, here, of course , one of the main and first things comes in, these are what things the person who went missing took with him , that is, she took the main thing, this is her passport and card, phone number, she put it, she, yes, it happens when people disappear with us, they leave it behind, because this is a serious death, there somewhere...
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well, and this little by little lets her down, so that one day she can say, well, come on, where you suggested to me, let's go , we really need to look here , we need to look for the real culprits, we need to look for the woman, if she is still alive, we need to save her , that's where all efforts should be directed, in my opinion, i still really hope, the audience is the first channel is huge, that if she is alive , of course such a little eye will give a mental reaction, this is provided that if she is alive, i would like to believe in it, she was hit in the face several times, in front of me her mother hit her several times, a 13-year-old girl went out to take out the trash and didn't come back, she was so scared of her own mother, neither you nor the grandmother, no one will come near my child, you understand, that is, you don’t want her to go to her grandmother, no, now she wants to take the other two children, arina and matvey, how many these children have four fathers, arinin,
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good evening, there is a big game live, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, at 20:00 yesterday cranes flew all over the country, it was really very...
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this terrorist attack was about each of us, about us, it was a challenge to our society, a challenge to the country, a challenge to our will, a challenge to our unity, a challenge to our interethnic peace, interreligious peace, it was a challenge that was supposed to test our strength.
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a very serious emotional challenge, a psychological challenge in our country, here valery valerievich is in charge of our society, in its study, in its... mood, well, the right word is shock, of course, any terrorist attack causes shock first of all, and a terrorist attack of such a scale , especially taking into account the fact that there have been no terrorist attacks for a long time, but it causes a shock of significant proportions, fortunately several actions, here are a few elements of the development of events that help from this. to come out, well , firstly, after all, the participants in the terrorist attack were caught , and quickly enough they were presented to society, and secondly, this is that, as it turned out, we have heroes,
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it turned out once again, that we have heroes and they don’t have to wear shoulder straps, they can be absolutely civilians, and not even people, only adults, but teenagers. who is trusted, whose opinion is listened to, who is counted on, and of course, in such a shock situation, the leader said what was happening and what we would do, these three actions, in my opinion, they
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can help us quickly overcome this feeling of shock, well, feel, as always, stronger in a situation like this...
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terrorism, it won’t work out for them, but the terrorists will receive a proper answer, they get it, that is, today, yes, there were hypersonic missile attacks on kiev, the sbu building was destroyed, the enemy confirmed this, it is not yet known how many personnel were there, they were destroyed, well
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tentatively they talk about several really high-ranking officers, also don’t completely destroy the information about hits on the zhulyany airfield, where the zrkpet is located, there already once...
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directorates where the enemy is one way or another losing positions, entire settlements, if you take it situation along the front line, then in the zaporozhye direction, our troops continue to successfully advance on the rabotnitsa ledge taken. over the last 2 days, about five or six more strongholds northwest of verbovoy, it is intensifying pressure on work, we also continue to put pressure north of mirny, this is the walk and field area, there the front has also warmed up a little, on the temporary ledge our troops took new positions in the staromaisky area, here we advanced to the west, southwest of the village, we also we are pressing north of the shelter; in the ugledar direction we have made serious progress in the last 24 hours. the enemy lost part of the position in the center of novomikhailovka, we have made very serious progress there, in fact we already control
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more than half of novomikhailovka, we also have we are advancing to the north of it, in the marinsky direction we have an advance in georgievka, there are small advances in krasnogorovka, in the avdeevsky direction after the liberation of tonenkoye and orlovka, we are already actually conducting assault operations to liberate semyonovka, our troops have already entered there with attack aircraft, checking what the enemy has there can be expected in the near future. the beginning of full-fledged assaults with the aim of liberating semyonovka, in berdychi we control about 30-40% of the village, but the enemy notes that he is here holding your front line is becoming more and more difficult and there is all the talk about the need to retreat somewhere 10-15 km to the west, also our troops have achieved serious success in the artyomovsk direction, we have advanced south of bogdanovka, in the direction immediately after chasyar, in fact it is possible to say that the fighting has begun, there is already less than a kilometer from the outskirts of chavyar, we are storming strong points
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that cover the entrance to the city, we are also expanding the zone of control in the krasnoye area, which has been liberated, and are increasing pressure for pecking. on the northern ledge, our troops over the past 24 hours have made significant progress on the line between the disputed discord, there they occupied several strongholds in the fields, pushed back the enemy on a fairly wide front, and to a depth of up to a kilometer and a half. also our troops continue. action in belogorovka, in the krasnolimansky direction without changes, well , in the svatokupansky direction we have made small progress in the tabaevka area, that is , in general, in all areas we see the action of our army advancing, and the enemy’s terrorist attacks we are in ruins, they certainly won’t stop us, on the contrary, our people will support the army even more strongly and strive to achieve the goals of the northern military district. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen, as always, with an accurate analysis of what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation, indeed, i think we all do. the fighters at the front have become angrier , too, and it is no coincidence that the progress
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in all sectors of the front, as our president said, is slowly but surely, every day we are reconquering russian land from these non-humans, and we are reconquering quite successfully, these are the battles for hours, i think this is the main event today that can greatly change the situation on the battlefield, but those of our... guys, the fighters who ensured the capture of the non-humans who shot people in crocus city, received well-deserved awards, these are military cover borders that today no longer cover their faces, and we see the faces of these guys of ours who caught the evil spirits and received well-deserved military awards, but the nonhumans themselves... in the basmanny court received, well, for now 2 months in custody,
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although lawyers, by the way, lawyers are provided by the state, no one from the legal corps agreed to voluntarily defend them, in general i understand them, well, the lawyers even asked to be released on their own signature or under house arrest, but this is a murderer, cold-blooded murderers. those caught red-handed, who themselves recorded their crimes with their own video gadgets. and, of course, the question is, who are they, where are they from? it is clear that these are the perpetrators, behind whom there are chains of various kinds of people who ordered the crimes that they planned crimes that are the beneficial owners and ultimate beneficiaries of this terrorist attack, and we know. that in the west in ukraine it is clear, they announced that it is russia
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that is destroying itself, as usual, as we have been shelling donetsk there for 10 years, well, this is from this series, in the west they are diverting from ukraine, naturally all suspicions are all suspicions that this is isis, but especially since the americans told us in advance that you will catch them, and it will be isis, it was not even clear who, what, in two days.
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it is clear that isis is such an umbrella, there there can be people of any nationality , from anywhere at all, well, that’s what confuses me most from this point of view, isis fighters, they are ideological fighters for jihad fighters, which means they are going to death, going to death in the shahid belt there and so on, and they they still try to do this not on friday evening during ramadan, but when devout muslims are supposed to study. others, from this point of view, how they can be viewed in the context of isis, turkish traces and so on, firstly, vyacheslav alekseevich said very accurately, friday evening, ramadan, and it is impossible to imagine that any religion, including islam, calls for murder; most often
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people are recruited who have a low level of education and are inclined to various sectarian principles. they ran towards the ukrainian-belarusian border, this is completely different, obviously they are not running away to where they were expected. the second important point, if you like, is that this whole western policy is such a fertilizer for international terrorism. all that the west did was encourage international terrorism in the near middle east. third, for some reason the americans so quickly decided
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that it was egil, even before they were caught at all, they already said it. well, this was said back when, in my opinion.
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with the soviet space and within the country , and also to undermine our interaction with turkey, it turned out exactly the opposite, because immediately after the terrorist attack, almost all the leaders of turkey and erdogan personally called vladimir vladimirovich putin, and the head of the turkish parliament offered condolences and the foreign ministry brought condolences. moreover, in turkey yesterday, about 40 people were arrested and accused of collaborating with islamic terrorists.
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who simply gave orders there somewhere, and most importantly, to understand who is behind them, so that they suffer a fair punishment? the really key question is who is behind them, and it is this question that we will try to answer immediately after the advertisement. the world's largest investment corporation black rock, the black rock company places its people and stretches its tentacles across... the office of government, its leader, a certain mr. fink, maybe it’s time for larry to become president? no, i'm still too young for this, he is more than the president of the united states, a shadow ruler. under management today, they have shares in military companies, they are swallowing up entire countries, ukraine has already been sold, the one who owns
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the enterprises is the de facto power, he gives the management of investment assets to artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence considers the population of ukraine to be 17 million people , there are 11 million pensioners in ukraine, people are indifferent to him, we are not interested in ending this conflict. the longer this goes on, the more russia will weaken. the ultimate goal is to take control of russia and its resources. america and its next dirty fink. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done? nobody wants to work with him. behind the wheel he is like a fish in water.
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he himself decided to start the investigation himself , persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here, why are you helping me, you’re not calm down, until you catch them , what’s your name, for you i’m just a taxi driver, an undercover taxi, the premiere, watch the time after the program, then you fell, or something else, well, this is how to live with you, well, you and you don’t live, you opened it to me.
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turned into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, amid the whistle of bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. today is the first one. vluchannya. new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns. darkness, something is flying, something is whistling. someone on some something is screaming in his tongue. shoot down a rocket in the dark.
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiered on saturday at the first, when you entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that
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there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died, maybe we can have dinner together, well , come on, then your wife came to you, asked how you were, you should sit down and talk to each other. and under the guise of the premiere, watch after the program time. big game live
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continues to deal with versions of who is behind the crime in crocus city. in the west, in fact, there are now two versions, one version is that russia is blowing itself up, as it does regularly, say, with donetsk over the past 10 years, the other version that has appeared.
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the vice president of the united states has already made a statement almost officially. let's listen. vladimir putin is already trying to connect this with ukraine and says that ukraine is responsible for the terrorist attack. does america have evidence of this? no, and first of all, let me start by saying that what happened as a result of the terrorist attack and the number of people who died is obviously a tragedy and we should all express our condolences to these families. no, there is no evidence. and we know that isis is responsible for what happened, well, they naturally know, they know everything in advance, naturally, when terrorist attacks are being prepared, but by the way, even let’s say that it is isis, but donald trump, for example, is still during the election campaign of the sixteenth year he said that who actually created egil was created by barack obama and secretary of state hillary clinton at one time, and, moreover, barack
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obama. he let it slip, so let's listen to his 2015 speech. following the additional measures i ordered last month, we are accelerating training of isis forces, including sunni tribal volunteers in anbar province. there are more and more sunni volunteers. well, then, however, a small note was made on the white house website that he meant the security forces of iraq itself. but. let's remember what general milley said in december '23, and just before '23 he headed the us joint chiefs of staff. there shouldn't be a single russian who goes to bed without wondering if his throat will be cut in the middle of the night, should you go back there and start a company in the rear? well, everything is clear to the americans, yes, it’s like isis, but they themselves created
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isis on the one hand, on the other hand. currently we can say that all the masks are all approximately clear, who organized it, practically overthrown, in modern conditions , who generally carried out, who was assigned,
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to destroy the terrorist act on the territory of the united states of america. in america , this powerful campaign immediately began, in which, by the way, linzey graham was involved , who said that all of america is on the eve of a new wave of terrorist attacks that
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could even eclipse the events of september 11 , 2001, and this is how they say, in a wave, suddenly the administration said: “well, yes, this is isis,” but a reaction immediately followed. republicans, well, here we are 3 years ago, we have been telling you for 3 years already, today you are saturating the united states of america with this terrorism. yesterday, speaking on abc , the famous senator mark rubeo , a trump supporter, directly stated: “well, you see what your immigration policy will come to, you want to turn all of america into a big city, crocus city hall, like in moscow. here this must also be kept in mind resin." they like to talk about rules, it’s interesting
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that they immediately named not just isis, but there are no rules of the game, although they often the islamic state of kharasan, which they immediately knew where its legs were coming from, but they also disappeared in the millet, as with this statement, which was immediately used against them... used, they immediately remembered that bilt, a german magazine, very authoritative, back in january he wrote that tajiks associated with the islamic state group kharasan were heading to europe with ukraine, these were citizens of tajikistan posing as ukrainian refugees, it was they who were sounding the alarm that some incomprehensible people from ukraine who pretend to be ukraine, but themselves represent this very islamic one, that is, still here...
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the united states said that ukraine did not do this, all because they knew that ukraine did it, that’s where we get it from it is known: on march 7 , the us british embassy in moscow issued a warning advising all americans and britons to stay away from crowded places for 48 hours because a terrorist attack would occur, this did not happen, but similar warnings are issued. what ukraine was going to do, and the fact is that ukraine not only
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did it, but did it with weapons and other aid provided by the us, which is what scared the crap out of the white house. by the way, we note that on march 7, one of these terrorists was already in kroku city, judging. apparently they were really preparing an attack on march 8th, there really was a big concert there, but since there was a really big holiday concert there, there was very serious security and most likely they just didn’t dare to do so. carried out terrorist attacks, did it's later. your version? yes, and firstly , i agree that this was a terrorist attack, that is, they planned to do it as part of the election campaign, it would have looked completely logical then, together with the attacks of jacob vlasovtsev in the bryansk region, along with other provocations in this regard, it in fact, it could, in any case, theoretically cause damage to the election campaign, but if we talk... in terms of performance style, then , understanding this anglo-saxon tangle, i
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still think that the leading violin is here of course britain played. firstly, britain very professionally knows how to stir up interethnic problems, starting with india, pakistan, where it essentially quarreled one nation and quarreled seriously for a long time, and, again, continuing with israel and the arab world, that is, where, in general, this schism arose in the first place.
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in this regard, the party of war, whether in the states or in britain, wins in any case, the stakes are long-term, and most importantly, why in france macron urgently convened a council, because in fact a very clear motivation arises the anglo-saxons confirm that it was isis, the upcoming events are the olympics in france, that is, in this regard, macron is very serious, knowing in general his counterparties who are on the other side of the channel and... the level of their unscrupulousness, he naturally does not
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exclude that terrorist attacks during the olympics are in fact an almost predetermined reality for which we need to somehow prepare, but again from the handwriting throughout, i would conclude that this is britain, of course, in agreement with the united states, or maybe it’s just that the anglo-british intelligence services didn’t tell the french that it’s not isis, that it’s them, and macron can... in vain he’s worried that some kind of trouble will happen to him there. well, here’s another fairly well-known blogger, journalist, jack posabe, united states of america, he ’s such a blogger, a millionaire, he has this opinion, let’s listen. ukraine is moving into a new phase of the war, into the underground phase, and i said that we will see terrorist attacks by militants using false flag provocations, blaming someone else, assertion that it was not us. our fingerprints are not here. zelensky
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said a couple of days ago that the russian people should feel the full weight of this. victoria said before leaving her post that this additional funding would provide putin with some unpleasant surprises. victoria said it, when she promises bad surprises, you get things like this just a couple of weeks later. what struck me was that usually isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack, they usually want to become martyrs, that's what still amazing. and indeed zelensky
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said a couple of days ago that the russian people should feel the full brunt of the attacks on their territory and so on, but zelensky generally blamed russia for all this, well, let's be honest, now there are very few facts, that's very there are a lot of conjectures about why these conjectures appear, because answers are really needed, well, because such a terrorist attack should not and cannot yes... go unpunished, so we are now, of course, in a rather dangerous zone, there are a lot of constructions that are now at the moment they seem very logical, they will be there tomorrow. destroyed, so when i remind you of september 11, 2001, it means planes began to fall on manhattan, also at first there were a lot of different versions, for example, it seemed to me that i remember this day, that these were palestinians, well, after some time, that means , they said that alkaida is a completely different force, which is why the fact that
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we are discussing this topic today is correct, it is important, it is timely, but the dots are far from settled, and today... will say about this, of course, trust is not in today kamala haris, not to vladimir zelensky , it’s even funny to say, no, there is trust in our officials, let me remind you that just a few days ago, 87% of voters trusted vladimir putin, voting for him for another
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presidential term, that’s if putin speaks authoritatively , what we found, we... hid and now we will make our move, i am sure people will support it, and approve, perhaps, even the toughest, yes, decisions, for now there is some pause, for now you and i can only work on analyzes, well, so far putin has only said that the terrorists went to ukraine, yes, and they were waiting there, a corridor was opened there, there was a window, they... should have come there, where i think they would have killed them safely, but at the same time putin, for example, knows exactly who blew up the northern streams , he spoke about this more than once, i think that in this case he also knows very well, these are the blows that are already being delivered today to the decision-making center, to the headquarters and the ukrainian guru, to the sbu,
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they indicate that in in general, we have an idea of ​​where the legs come from, but i think that there is a ukrainian trace here... far from the last, because again we know that all ukrainian intelligence services, they operate under the strict control of the same intelligence services, primarily the united states, and the uk, but what else are they preparing for us, we let's discuss after the advertisement, the world's largest investment corporation black rock, the black rock company is placing its... people and spreading its tentacles throughout the offices of government, its leader, a certain mr. fink, maybe it's time for laria to become president, no, what are you, i'm still too young for this, he is more than the president of the united states, the shadow ruler, not only the financial world 9.4 trillion under management today, they have shares in military companies, they swallow entire
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countries, ukraine has already been sold, the one who owns enterprises, de -facto power, investment management.
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we are launching an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without. partner, taxi, why does covering a taxi driver give such excellent results? yes, because there are no trespassers the law never pays attention to taxi drivers and taxis. at the same time , if necessary, with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator, with one press of a button, a taxi turns into a police car, not a car, but an animal, let me get busy. with our own affairs, and you with yours, we find a gunner, we cover the gang, our people, among yours, will do everything for him, we work. undercover taxi. premiere. watch
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the time after the program. a symphony of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion. after the death of total darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement. i, along with the whole country , rejoiced, finally ours have gone, we are breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet. in the blood, in the smoke, in the fires, amid the whistling of bullets. russia attacks, reclaiming its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession, first today. new ukrainian myths about old browning machine guns, darkness, something is flying, something is whistling, someone is on
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in some language he shouts something, in the dark, to shoot down a rocket, but how did they see it? tsypso got to the point of rewriting the history of architecture, the ukrainian empire style is hot ice, soft stone, this is something that cannot exist, the brosov palace in odessa, just the building is just solid russian classicism, and it also turns out that anti-tank missiles also need clothes. what kind of anti-fake premiere is tomorrow at the first will of zhenya belousov the battle for the inheritance the stars of the nineties are reaching the finish line, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you sued why a person writes a will at 30 years old. roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could be a forgery, i want to know the truth, you know, dad’s handwriting is fat, to be honest, no, and you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court divorced, just
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imagine, for me there was such a blow after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday on the first, when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only one, died. undercover taxi, premiere, turbin, can you hear me, i need to ask you a few questions, if you need any help , speak up, go murderer, watch the time after the program.
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posted slogans: long live putin and the russian, macron is a fraudster, brigitte macron is a transsexual, macron is a psychopath who snorts cocaine in his nose, he wants to lead us to war, all the ministers are rapists or pedophiles , alcoholics and drug addicts, the man was arrested, he could not place such politically incorrect slogans in his garage, this is what french democracy is like, but at the same time macron... in general, is now trying his best to show that he is a macho that he is a fighter against russian aggression, he is going to send
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troops, and apparently he has already sent someone, and apparently, those whom he sent have already been covered in the ranks and will be covered again, of course, but here is macron’s new initiative, which was announced today, it turns out that france will build up yours. listen to russia's deterrence potential. in connection with the replacement of strategic missile submarines , the french navy decided to begin construction of four new generation nuclear missile submarines. it is reported that each of the missile carriers being created will have 16 french- made ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads as their main weapons. the only thing, of course, that... should make the french very nervous is that the date for introducing the first submarine is 2035, in general
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it's clear why. here is pierre laurent, a french sovietologist, journalist, he explained quite well that, in fact, they have a tank, let’s listen, with the exception of the baltic countries to a very small extent , poland and the czech republic, which do not represent themselves, the whole of europe is against macron, and in a sharp manner. we were talking about the franco-german agreement, about military-technical cooperation. let's not forget that we have already jointly developed and abandoned a fighter for more than 10 years. we’re building a heavy tank together, but we haven’t made any progress. not a single step, because all this is very difficult, the arms industry needs cheap energy, this is not there, there is no competence in industry either, even germany is deindustrializing, well, finally we need money, which we also don’t have, so all this is chatter, well they are finding something for ukraine, of course, but the possibilities are really limited now, the possibilities are limited, i would
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say here that the very idea of ​​​​missile carriers, strictly speaking.
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exactly the same as what is generally gaining momentum, these enemies are needed, these enemies are they will be searched internally as part of the clash between arabs and turks, turks and kurds, this process in europe is just beginning, it is obvious that things will be even tougher there. the united states of america is now out for the easter holidays, but at
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the same time already. that is, this will happen no earlier than april 9, when you return with kanika. i would like this to happen as soon as possible. i think the situation in ukraine is terrible. we cannot lose ukraine the same way we lost afghanistan. we can't lose to putin allow him to take over ukraine, then moldova and georgia, leaving our allies behind just like he did in afghanistan. do you think this will make the us stronger or weaker?
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i think it's weaker. why is there such urgent pressure on... we are already experiencing a $4.900 billion deficit in health care and many others. now social security is being added to this, although we haven’t even done the calculation yet. the president doesn't have a plan, he has principles, he wants to work with congress to find a way to protect our social security to increase solvency until 2034. i'm confused because this
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will cut social benefits by 25% for those already receiving them now, and you say the president has no plan, madam minister, how can you justify it even though he 's been in office for 3 years. the president believes it is important to work together with congress. madam minister, he doesn’t work with us at all. well, will they give money to ukraine? yes, in short, firstly, in what was just approved and signed, in my opinion, yesterday or the day before yesterday, in the budget for until the end of the twenty -fourth year, ukraine was already allocated 300 million dollars, so it can be said that ukraine was allocated for starvation rations. as for that vote, which... perhaps johnson said that after returning from the holidays the house of representatives will consider the issue of allocating aid to ukraine, it will take place in unprecedented conditions and how everything will be unclear, what’s the matter, the point is that , that following
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the results of the vote on the budget, marjorie green, an ardent opponent of the allocation of aid, introduced this such a law, or rather, raised the question that maybe speaker johnson could be dismissed, and they began to say why she did it, she did it... maybe precisely because to prevent voting on ukraine, and well because in fact there is money in the budget for transgender people for abortions, but there is no money for border protection, johnson will not be forgiven for this, well, this terrorist attack, which was organized, it was clearly intended to cause a psychological breakdown in our country, this is our society, how it is now capable of resisting this kind. challenge, in fact, our bar is quite high, but let me remind you that the tests are not easy, it’s been more than 4 years now, that is, it didn’t all start on february 24
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, 2022, before that there were two very difficult pandemic years, so we can say that we are in trained in many ways, secondly, let's remember the high-profile terrorist attacks of the early 2000s, yes, that is... every terrorist attack is of course catastrophic, it has a shock effect, but it does not lead to any radical change positions, on the contrary, i agree with you that they have rather become angrier, we have a very strong immune system, because our cause is just, so the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 22:55. hello, the evening news is on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya, here is the main topic. an endless stream, despite...


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