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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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notice, this will really become a problem , it will be too late, your pride is not really pride, you consider yourself, well, unworthy, but to accept help from some people, now life is sending you this opportunity, and i really ask you, accept it, you are a woman, you really have the right and are worthy to accept this help to help yourself. victoria, the day will come, you probably, perhaps, and god willing, will say thank you to lisa for ringing the bells today, just ask yourself the question that i i’m doing, where i’m going, what i want, what i have today, honestly answer these questions for yourself, you may have a good future, you will have it,
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with you, yes, in a month, let’s say, okay, i i will work, and if things really improve for you, we will consider our task completed, if not, i will not refuse my offer, that’s it, i ’ll meet you, good evening, the big game is live, yakonov, today.
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speaker, let's begin: neo-nazism, unfortunately, is now being relived in the so-called in the civilized world in the west, where the ukrainian armed forces are perceived as a liberating force, and bandera’s supporters as a force that defended the freedom of ukraine. on this day, march 22, 1943,
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9,400 people were burned in belarus, destroyed along with all the inhabitants; monuments are now being erected to these people who did this.
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of these are the central streets of ukrainian cities, so what our security council will talk about today is the most important topic, and the fight against neo-nazism is in many ways what we are carrying out within the framework of a special military operations and tonight our aerospace forces and not only inflicted a massive blow on energy...
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the enemy carried out the largest attack on the ukrainian energy sector in recent times, unfortunately, there were damage to generation facilities, as well as power transmission and distribution systems in different areas. there are power outages in some regions. that's putting it mildly. our permanent military expert is in direct contact. boris alexander, what are the details of the consequences of our night strike, to what extent are they are really critical and what is happening in general on the fronts of the northern military district. good evening , yes, indeed, in the morning a very powerful blow was delivered, which continues the blows that were delivered yesterday, early in the morning, then today there was a continuation of the enemy’s air
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defense, which was quite mediocre, again due to the fact that due to the attacks of our factories, they were forced to transfer a significant part of their air defense systems to the front, which covered the infrastructure. object and today, as it were, again at all levels, and as for strikes, the most but this had an impact, this again shows that our team retains the initiative for serious arrivals in the dnieper, the turbine room was hit there, the damage is unlikely to be restored in a fairly short-term medium term, the enemy admits this, the station is turned off, well, i don’t think so, that in the coming months it will be fully introduced, that is, although most likely they will try to introduce it at least partially. there are also serious problems with electricity in kharkov, at least two tes are affected there, several substations, as a result of the strike, the metro stopped working , communications and the internet dropped, well, problems arose with water supply and sewerage, that is, in general, now they are trying to redistribute electricity from other sources in order to
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more or less restore power, but in fact today’s strike cut off power for about a third of the day territory of ukraine. caused problems with military logistics, because there were massive delays in trains, including military trains, that is, again, russia shows that it has missiles, of course but they haven’t ended, there are opportunities to deliver a critical blow to the most important infrastructure facilities, again, as president putin noted, we are not hitting residential areas, we are striking specifically at the military-industrial and logistics infrastructure, that is, we are not retreating from this course, in contrast to the terror that the zelensky regime professes. today they shelled belgorod, one civilian was killed , there are wounded, that is, they are simply hitting residential areas chaotically without any specific military goals, that is, we have, as it were, the approach is fundamentally different, and as for the situation at the front, it is now developing in favor of the russian troops, our troops
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have advanced a little more to the north-west of verbovoy, we continue to reduce the rabotinsky ledge, and our troops continue attacks on the temporary ledge in the area of ​​staromaisky and. .. north of priyutnoye in the novomikhailovka area in the nougledarsky direction , our troops are fighting for control of the village and also advanced north of novomikhailovka, in the georgievka area our troops advanced in the novy village, as well as they are advancing in the direction of krasnogorovka and , well, bypassing and also in krasnogorovka itself there is an advance in the south, which means that in the ovdeevsky direction, after the liberation of the thin one, our troops are also now expanding the zone of control, and our troops are also fighting for the possession of berdych.
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infrastructure, for military purposes, and kiev rightly noted that we are hitting targets , continues the tactics of terror, and has just demonstrated in recent days what you are doing professionally, namely the crimes of the kiev regime, these crimes continue, unfortunately, people are dying; they ask themselves the question, what is the responsibility in the end? those who are behind these crimes, look, firstly, now just since the beginning of the year , more than 600 people have been injured, these are civilians, about 170 people have died of them, these are the people who were directly affected, attacks were carried out on civilian facilities, in civilian cities,
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now the number of people who suffer is increasing in the belgorod direction, enough is used there massively, rszzz with a large radius of destruction is used, they hit border villages, that is, two districts and two urban districts are subject to almost permanent shelling, that is, shelling is constantly going on and people suffer from this, what will be the responsibility, the responsibility will be...
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already received their terms, from about 12 to life, so this process is ongoing, but thousands more must sit in the dock, not to mention the fact that this should be a multi-level structure, which is now goes, now we are mainly judging privates, privates, sergeants, junior officers there, that is, but next in line we have the middle level, to which orders were given, who are responsible for these orders, so they must bear responsibility and political tribunal, this is the format of the political tribunal, it should be determined already in some political decision... by decision, foreign states can be there first of all, because they can independently participate in the form of observers, in the form of
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this foreign segment, which would, let’s say, legitimize this process and emphasize its compliance with international international law, so it seems to me in this format that a political solution is ripening, but the key question is, the closer to victory, the closer to achieving the results of a special military operations, the more clearly the form of holding the tribunal will be clearly formulated, which will certainly be, well... a form, of course, of persecuting war criminals , punishing them is our blows too, which are now carried out across the territory of ukraine, at infrastructure facilities, when they shell our territories, they must remember everything that the answer will be, the answer will be, maybe not immediately, the next day for sure, and it will be very, very serious, and they will regret it, well, our armed forces are demonstrating technological superiority here, ukrainian air defense is here... it really worked, to put it mildly, not to the highest standards, a huge number
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of infrastructure facilities were hit, well our current long-range weapons, such as heavy ammunition, bombs, they reach their target, and absolutely unhindered, defense minister sergei shaigu yesterday visited the enterprise in the nizhny novgorod region where ours are produced. those same high-explosive bombs that reach the target, overcoming any air defense and missile defense systems, and there he was informed that the number of fabs of 500-500 gram bombs had increased many times, almost doubled by 1,500 and already demonstrated 3,000 fabs, and this is already serious. well, i would also add that all these factories, they are equipped
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with correction systems, accordingly, these are more likely a guided weapon than a free-falling one, respectively, the aircraft that carries, the carrier that carries this bomb, it does not need to enter the enemy’s air defense system, into its coverage area, it works behind the zone , and accordingly, the ammunition hits the target, in general, of course, you correctly noted that now is one of these... with such trends, which the ukrainians themselves, to their regret , note and their western allies, is that we constantly catch them with their air defense systems either on the march, or when they try to transfer from one point to another in order to cover there, they have a rather patchwork, after all, this air defense system, they cannot create the entire configuration due to our attacks , there was a well-known blow, you remember well, when three systems were covered just on the march, of course. it was surprising, which means it was reckless for the americans themselves, but the fact that the ukrainians, okay, but when they looked where
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they looked, they nevertheless got it, that’s how since now, you know, oddly enough, related things, the french are talking about sending troops, others there have also started talking about it, forgive me for blathering, in fact, those who object are told to them: wait, and you see how skillfully the russians they are catching you, foreign mercenaries, it is you who are being hunted, in addition to equipment. but a well-known blow to the french legionnaires, who seemed to be about to appear again, yes, when a sniper was also destroyed, and the best sniper of the french army, who is serving, already served in the legion, so... and the actions our e-vks to the strikes of our missiles and drones, they concern not only critical infrastructure, of course, but they generally affect the military-political situation, they make those people on the other side think, well, the counts have already gone from the french side, among those who died on ukraine, yesterday there was a summit of the european union,
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issues of assistance to ukraine were discussed, but about something?
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i want to draw your attention to the fact that the situation is already very bad, since the minister of finance is not here today, i will quote him, only in the last 2 months we received 10% of planned financial resources necessary for the survival of the state, and also did not receive military assistance, which had been planned for almost a year within the ramstein format by more than 50 countries of the world. well, today, after our missiles arrived along the energy structure, zelensky. made a statement that russian missiles, unlike western aid , are not late for something, let’s listen: russian missiles do not have delays, like aid packages for our state, suicide bombers do not have indecisiveness, like some politicians, it is important to understand the cost of delays and deferred decisions, but it is no coincidence
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that posters have now appeared in berlin in the most crowded places near the main buildings such as the bundestag and the government building.
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further confuses the entire discussion that is going on, a striking example is the notorious money of russia, which, so to speak, haunts the europeans and especially zelensky, today, first of all in belgium in clarestream, i apologize, quite large sums are already accumulating in the euroclerk in cash, because some of the papers belonging to russia has been repaid.
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“i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to make, it does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovitsky.
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the life of others, premiered on sunday on the first, this is a program, have you seen the video, my name is nikolai drozdov, this is the first time i have seen this contact between man and whale, it’s scary with whales, not very much, he blew bubbles, he blew bubbles, and i popped them, i don’t know about you, but i just love cleaning, we bought him a ball for his birthday, took a long time to choose and he destroyed it in 5 minutes we didn’t even have time to go outside, it’s always a new year, it’s always a housewarming, if the owner is with him, you saw the video,
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watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first, alenavna, let’s somehow pay more attention to work, today that's it, yes, russia allegedly kidnaps children for cadet schools, children are taught to become adults, that is, not just make decisions, but bear responsibility for them. places his people and extends his tentacles through the offices of government , its leader, a certain mr. fink, maybe it’s time for larry to become president, no, what are you saying, i
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’m still too young for that, he’s more than the president of the united states, a shadow ruler, not only the financial world, 9.4 trillion under management today, they have shares in military companies, they swallow entire countries, ukraine has already been sold, the one who owns the enterprises, de facto power. tutti on monday at first, maybe we can have dinner together, well, come on, your wife came to you, asked how you were, would you like...
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attention, an armed attack at severnaya 27, there are victims. big game on first. jake saleon, assistant to the us president for national security , visited kiev, after which he came up with a formula
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for the future of ukraine. what kind of ukraine will suit the united states of america? let's listen: the united states will consider ukraine a victory if it emerges from the war as a sovereign, democratic, a free and independent country with a developed economy and innovation in the field of high technology, that's what victory is, and we will work for it. i must say that our goals here are absolutely the same. surprisingly, we also want to see ukraine sovereign, that is, independent from.
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agree, well, moreover, jake sellevan is no longer talking about any possibilities of victory for zelensky and his entourage, the goals set are unclear and quite modest compared to the rhetoric that washington had at the beginning, and it is clear that the americans are rolling back, this is especially evident in comparison with the position of some european hawks, the americans understand. it’s good that zelensky’s positions are weak , ukraine will definitely not be able to launch a second counter-offensive, and jake salevan understands this very well, moreover, there are increasingly more reports about a drop in morale in ukraine, about the injuries of some commanders-in-chief, well, there will probably be more to come with this to understand and confirm these proposals, but jake salevan couldn’t even
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find an answer. to the question of when american aid to ukraine will still be accepted, he says that, yes, it will probably arrive in some volumes, but when this will happen is unknown, because the us congress, again, is in no hurry with this either, and april , starting in april , congress will generally be more and more busy with election affairs, many congressmen are leaving, they simply really won’t have time to approve this help and...
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death, let’s listen to what he said, what became known to the politician’s publication , now is the time for words, not for mobilization, i would really like the situation to change, we really need to get the troops back on track and mobilize them a lot more, we
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are at a turning point in history and ukraine could fall very quickly. well, grent went so far as to say that he was very surprised, how could this be, why is the conscription age 27, we need to conscript earlier, which ones? problems, let's go there at 25, but that's also not good, let's take it even lower, and what they came up with was an amendment to the document, this one to the law on mobilization, that the person who passed training, basic , military, combat training, despite the fact that we allow eighteen more years, he can, in principle, be involved in - let's say, work in the armed forces, no one knows what it will look like, but nevertheless less, in principle, he may already be recruited, which means what kind of boys will they take? yes, everyone in a row, so they, as we have already discussed this point, have contradictory approaches, of course, but they definitely have one approach, the common one, it’s clear, that there are ukrainians, they need to be taken, abandoned v hell, will they be able to do something there
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to make europe and the united states satisfied, this is the second question, on this issue they are all united, even surprisingly, absolute, which means unity of opinions, only orban is silent, but there are other reasons for it, that's why.
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which is shocking to hungarians, so i felt like i was in another galaxy and we have to be careful not to fall into the psychosis of these twenty or so government leaders. the most alarming thing in this whole story is that another 2-3 months ago it was unthinkable, now after 2-3 months, this is becoming an ordinary event, that is, the discussion of sending howls is already becoming an ordinary event, even scenarios are being proposed for where to place them, well, for now they are saying that this is the border with belarus. kiev, in order to replace the ukrainian units , the ukrainian units will, of course, be sent for slaughter to the front line, where our armed forces actually grind them, but when they appear there, they will naturally immediately become not just a legitimate target, but
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truly an enemy, one hundred percent an enemy legitimate target, because we still consider the ukrainians to be our own, but they are not there, and against them... we should not have any restraining factors, and we also have no restraining factors against the ukrainians, because in a certain to the extent that we have no restraining factors in relation to the regime that now heads ukraine and really makes it absolutely toxic towards us, which is why strikes will be delivered where we consider necessary, and naturally russia, as it adhered to international humanitarian right, it adheres to this, that is, we are hitting military targets, and naturally the troops being brought in, they will definitely be... a full-fledged military target, you know, i am very surprised when this scenario that you outlined, yes, that is, it is necessary, it is necessary to enter the territory of western ukraine , so you push the ukrainians to the front line, yes, that is, in essence, this is a friendly
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occupation, yes, that is, such a friendly occupation is underway, that is, security forces are entering the territory of ukraine , they take control of its territories, yes, that is , don’t worry about your washers, about your wives, children, of course we will worry about who the french contingent is, there is a german continent. polish, especially polish , is very concerned about everyone, about everything that is happening, so what ukrainian politicians and ukrainian military think is quite difficult for me, but if a year ago this narrative caused some kind of rejection, now it is literally swallowed up, there is no resistance to this, they think, they say, yes, westerners, let them they will help with at least something, let them go to yavoriv, ​​let them go to western ukraine, then at their rates somewhere, well, in their opinion, up to 70% of the troops are now in the rear, so these ukrainians, to whom, to whom it hasn’t arrived yet, yes, that is, they can be quite easily sent to the front line and put there directly, so that you know , service in the armed forces of ukraine doesn’t seem like honey, so it doesn’t seem so fearless, so these are these.
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and they must also be aware of this, because russia, if there really are some restraining moments in relation to the ukrainian people, then why should we have restraining moments in relation to the nato countries that are killing our guys? i don’t see any reason for this, but it’s really becoming more and more difficult for the united states to provide assistance to ukraine, because the election campaign is approaching, it actually influences from the most interesting, so to speak, angles... assistance to ukraine on ukrainian military tactics,
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completely unexpectedly, suddenly financial the times reported that the united states administration the states are against the ukrainian regime's attacks on russian energy facilities at the oil refinery, why? let's listen. according to informed sources, the united states called on ukraine to stop attacks on russian energy infrastructure. they warned that drone strikes could cause a rise in global oil prices to provoke a response. measures. repeated warnings from washington were addressed to senior officials of the sbu and the gur of ukraine. the source said the white house is increasingly frustrated by the brazen attacks by ukrainian drones on oil refineries in western russia, which remains one of the world's most important energy exporters despite western sanctions. oil prices have risen about 15% this year, pushing up fuel prices just as us president joe biden begins his re-election campaign. the current american president is not as frightened by a sharp rise
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in gasoline prices in an election year, explained former white house energy adviser bob mcnally. zelensky said that this is supposedly a fake, that supposedly nothing can prevent him from striking russian energy facilities, but it’s true that some members of his administration confirmed that there were such signals from washington, and well, the budget, the military budget, which is not approved in any way.
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even buying a car under such pressure, a 1012 page contract with no real opportunity to review and make changes. no sane person would . members of congress should be even more reluctant to vote for a 1,012 -page, $1,200 billion bill. let us note that none of these 1012. pages of assistance to ukraine is provided, well, indeed this is so, the budget is being delayed, consideration is taking a long time, what the results will be today is difficult to predict, with a high probability the conversation will begin again about some temporary resolutions on financing the government, of course , which today is much more. americans are more concerned about the situation
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within their country, and even military assistance, i think, is beginning to be viewed again through the prism of their own own economy, so there was already a statement that almost 60 percent of that same sixty-billion dollar aid, which has not yet been approved, will go to the us military-industrial complex, there has already been talk that in general all this money is better would provide on credit, and not in... republicans, of course, they are forming some kind of economic agenda, preparing the population for the fact that in general the authorities, so to speak, the biden administration, have essentially led the economy to collapse, therefore in this, in this context, yes, this cynical hint that such
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warnings about not attacking russian energy facilities were made by the americans, it may well be cynicism, it is of course striking, that is, you can hit it measuredly. residents, but so to speak, not in terms of energy, but this is indeed the case, because lately we have seen the price of oil rising, this is spurring general nervousness in the markets, we see that today gold is at record levels, which, so to speak , began to grow quite dynamically, here therefore, this all means that in large part , plus we have always talked about this, russia plays a very important role in the energy markets, including our oil products are in demand on world markets and... any loss of any barrel, ton, or liter, relatively speaking, yes, it means that all this affects the price, and as it was correctly said , this, excuse the word, is a stranglehold on biden’s neck before the elections, well, it must be said that not only russia is an oil-refining country, there is also a large country, norway ,
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an oil producing and refining company, well , it could live with its own oil, no, it needed to conduct nato military exercises on its territory. well, what came of it, let's listen to the local press. the norwegian armed forces received many complaints after the nato exercise, ski slopes and snowmobile tracks were partially destroyed by heavy equipment, changes of pleasant complaints were made from soldiers on the walls of the cabins, those who drove along the raft at the end or after the exercise were not difficult to notice their obvious traces. along the highway in in many places the production part was severely damaged. alenevodskaya...
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they do what they want, these aggressive , that is, vikings, who once, then, put the whole of europe on their ears, they look at this in horror, they chase deer, and most importantly, why, why, this is a really interesting story , anthony blinken, meanwhile, in the middle east, yesterday he met with the king of saudi arabia, looked quite
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pale, today he looks no less pale , he has a meeting with the prime minister of israel, more on this after the advertisement. ukraine will in nato, they want ukraine to be a member of nato, so that ukraine is not just not russia, but so that it is anti-russia, it is clear that there is a coup in the state, there is no power in the country, such a good situation has been created in which decisions can be made in accordance with the will of the people. stood here and said: guys, we need to block off all strategically important objects. we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation. we understood that we could not control the situation ourselves. we need our russian troops to arrive quickly. the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical
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oversight that was corrected by a referendum. more than 96% were in favor of reunification with russia. we are in russia. to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, crimea, as it was, is on the first tomorrow. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to throw, i would came from the very beginning, filled out everything, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know? i’ll be honest, no, but you got divorced on target , it turned out that the court got us divorced, can you imagine, 26 years later there was such a blow for me, exclusive with dmitry borisov,
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premiere, tomorrow at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you said notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, anatoly konstantinovich. give her to me as a wife , you can give it away, it’s a good idea to collect it as a dowry with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her put on her wedding dress outfit, who came to us, well, who, who is young, bring out our beauty, well, the groom, the wedding will be
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in the first place. big history, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand
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present and see the future. law enforcement officers stand outside the verkhovna rada building. i brought the police into the presidential administration and gave them military weapons and warned everyone that in the event of an attack on the administrative building, the police have the right to use weapons. it was a uniquely cold winter for ukraine. froze and he captured the buildings that were nearby, due to the fact that the decision was not made at the very top, we could not turn off the captured buildings from heat, they set me up with this trade union house, like he burned people, yanukovych was already played a note, he had to leave, and preferably die, the current ukrainian prosecutor's office admitted that there were no russian snipers there, the nazis carried out pogroms, murders,
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from monday on the first, live broadcast of the big game, we recalled the tragedy of khatyn, where bandera's , the nazis burned 75 children; all three gases have already killed 14,000 children. in total , more than 100 thousand people were affected; israel's policies are meeting with less and less support, even
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from the united states. anthony damn, once again in the middle east, he had pale appearance in saudi arabia. yesterday he was in egypt and made a statement there against the further expansionist plans of the idf. that's what he said then. we discussed the situation in rafah. we all share our common concerns. there is a better way to deal with the ongoing threat posed by hamas. gaza cannot be used as a platform for terrorists. there can be no displacement of its population due to re -occupation by israel. we all also agreed that for this it is necessary continue the path to a two-state solution with real guarantees. and with this agenda, he went to israel for a secret meeting, a closed meeting with prime minister
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netanyahu, the meeting had already ended, that’s what he said.
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borders, we don’t care about your opinion, yes, when the americans have been demanding for so long that israel adjust its military operation, stop it, not go into rafah, which is located in the south of the gaza strip near supposedly all this time common positions, when, but with egypt, this could actually be a humanitarian catastrophe, netanyahu answers all this directly to his face, saying: you have your own red lines, and we have our own red lines. russia, china, algeria argued about this resolution, it was a complete lie, they did not
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stop, the americans did not call for a ceasefire. in the gas sector, but were engaged in casuistry, well, now we will just listen to our leader, our representative in the united nations, vasily nebenzia, who actually substantiated the position of the russian federation. the un security council has been cannot accept a document demanding a ceasefire in gaza. all attempts were repeatedly defeated by the opposition of the united states, which coolly used the power of veto in this hall four times. during this time, we heard many different excuses from our american colleagues. now, six months later, when the gas has almost been razed to the ground, the representative of the united states, without blinking an eye, declares that washington is finally beginning to realize the need
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for a ceasefire. washington's slow thought process cost his life 32 palestinian civilians, 2/3 of whom are women and children. well, it must be said that in the resolution that the united states introduced on a ceasefire, there was not a word about a ceasefire. this is the favorite position of the americans, who manage to turn any decision inside out, literally building dances with tambourines around the solution they need. the americans have clearly occupied it for a long time. their position in which they are simply covering up the hostile actions of israel, that is, israel is trying and declaring, now in in netanyahu’s statements this is all clearly audible, israel is solving the palestinian issue for itself, solving it in its own way, the americans are simply creating a diplomatic roof for this, not allowing it means making an appropriate decision that would force or group people to block the
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actions of israel, as it were, or prohibit prohibit continued fire. it must be said that the way israel is solving the palestinian problem is currently not supported by anyone in the world. the latest issue of the economist magazine has a rather eloquent cover. actually, israel is one or lonely israel. here is israel alone, to the extent that it is able to militarily resist the entire environment that is opposed to it. and will such a situation happen? can you imagine the united states withdrawing its support? and you know, if you look at the history of the arabs. israeli wars, then israel never directly won victories, it was always the intervention of the allies, it was a political decision, it was, could be the subject of an agreement, could have been the subject of an agreement between the united states and the soviet union, yes, they inflicted defeat directly on the battlefield, but they were able to achieve the peace they needed only once, when they carried out a serious occupation, from where they were kicked out later, and here in the current
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situation there is a huge population territory of absolutely hostile people. even with all the support of the united states, it is impossible to solve this problem through military means, and there are also external forces that are already actively influencing, including the houthis, who have blocked the essence. traffic in the soviet channel, but now there is an official statement from the houthis that they will not touch russian and chinese ships, how important is this really in this geopolitical situation, it is certainly important, firstly, chinese ships really use this route and quite actively, first of all , this is container transportation, for russia this is also important, because this is also a route to india and, so to speak, ships that carry oil there from the same novorossiysk, which is important for us. here, but this situation, it, you see, as for us more and more, it seems to signal the need to fully use the seversky route, it is shorter, and the fact that today
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the ice and climate conditions are like this, that for a long time, in fact, the open part of the water, plus our icebreakers, i think that this is the future and not far away, well, there is also a transpam, there is also a north-south route, which we must now build to the indian one. police said the car became stuck between the locking arms and was then hit by a passenger train, several carriages caught fire, exeter, nebraska,
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bnsf train derailed after hitting semitrailer, near this city, fertilizer truck was crossing the tracks when it was hit by train police... found between 15 and twenty, well, since they counted they don’t know how, here’s the figure: from 15 to twenty wagons that came off the real estate. kearney, nebraska, crews are on the scene responding to a train crash. about, again, about nine cars with grain derailed near the elevator, a construction rental company materials, traffic in the region is blocked for an indefinite period. so everything is fine with this, but the main problem that is now being solved in the united states, regarding domestic politics, is the bankruptcy of trump,
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they are trying to bankrupt him in order to deprive him of money for the election campaign, whether this can be done or not, this is now the main the intrigue of american political life, and of course the question is, if they bankrupt him, will this add? by popularity or not, well, our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. in response to attacks on our territory, the russian army launched one.


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