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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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they are thinking about how to defeat us and how to bite us harder, so they decided to engage in a real racket, olaf scholz headed this brigade, for several years now there has been talk about the possibility of confiscating our assets, whereas before such a possibility existed only in theory, only discussed , then today they are trying to put it into practice, now they seriously want to transfer them to ukraine, well, chancellor scholz is actually undercover, he is the highest agility... a pickpocket, rummaging through the pockets of other countries. news on channel one. hello, on channel one news, andrey ukharev is with you. and let's start with messages from belgorod. one person was killed and two were injured as a result of another barbaric shelling of residential buildings by ukrainian terrorists.
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a block in the city was apparently targeted, several apartment buildings were damaged, as well as four medical institutions, including an explosion near the perinatal center, all patients had to be urgently evacuated. in addition, one of the shells exploded in the parking lot, several were burned cars, clouds of smoke rise above the city. anna prokofieva is monitoring the situation in belgorod. two arrivals, one after the other, took place in the neighboring courtyards of the residential area. early morning 7:30 there are residential high-rise buildings around.
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dogs, when a shell fell on the road a few meters from it, where it will go, it will hit there simply by feeling, they finger at the weapon, where they will shoot, they will shoot there, it flies at residential buildings, that is, they just hit civilians, or just where it will hit , will get there, another blow hit the maternity hospital on bishop street, in the perinatal building glass of the center was broken, shrapnel cut the façade of the building, three more medical institutions in the city were damaged, anna prokofieva, urgent message from the fsb
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, seven traitors from the so-called russian volunteer corps , a terrorist organization banned in our country, were detained in moscow. they were going to create a criminal group and carry out violent actions against representatives of law enforcement agencies and foreign military personnel. it was established that the detainees maintained contacts with traitors who acted as part of armed formations. ukraine against our army. this is confirmed by correspondence in the seized means of communication. also found were machetes, a tactical axe, eight knives, an aerosol pistol, pepper spray and flags with nazi symbols. the russian army launched a massive attack on targets behind enemy lines that are associated with supplying ukrainian militants. explosions occurred in many regions, drones were used, as well as missiles, including kinzhal hypersonic systems. according to reports from the field, the primary target steel energy enterprises. thanks
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to which the ukrainian military industry continues to operate, supplying vysa, armored vehicles and ammunition. thus, in the list of affected objects, the turbine hall of the dnepro ges, in kharkov, the railway station, one of the main ones in the supply chain of the vayanized formations of kiev, was de-energized. in addition, several enemy military airfields, where enemy carriers of nato missiles are based, also came under attack. alexey ivanov will talk about the results. photos and videos of a fire at the largest hydroelectric power station. of the cascade began to appear on social networks in the morning. our troops with precise strikes disabled the most important energy facility in ukraine. according to eyewitnesses, the turbine hall of the power plant was destroyed, the gateway devices and power lines were destroyed. the station supplied approximately a tenth of the country's electricity and served as a so-called peak regulator. it is important to emphasize that the power plant dam itself is intact, there is no threat of its breaking, but you can cross the dam from one bank of the dnieper to the other. it won’t
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work out anymore, i thought it was the sun, light in the area no, this is called good morning everyone, in the ministry of energy of ukraine the current missile attack on critical facilities. structures have already been called the largest, emergency power outage schedules are being introduced throughout square , in some cities, such as in kharkov, there was a complete blockade, no electricity, no water, no communications. in the kharkov region , the target of our military space forces was at least two energy facilities, zmeevskaya aggression and tets-2. in western ukraine , the burshtyn tes in the ivano-frankivsk region was damaged, it is the largest thermal power plant in the country. reportedly destroyed. turbine hall, at least three of the twelve generators are destroyed. lepat, burshtynska tes also go to neighboring countries, romania, hungary, slovakia. also last night, strikes were carried out on objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. one of them is the kharkov transport equipment plant named after malyshev, which is part of the
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ugroborunprom concern; it is known that the plant repaired and restored armored vehicles for the armed forces of ukraine. energy infrastructure damaged also in vinnytsia, lviv and khmelnytsky regions. there is electricity in odessa, although no explosions were reported there; ukraine is unlikely to be able to eliminate the consequences of this powerful blow in a short time. alexey ivanov, natalya moshtakova, channel one. the european union at the summit in brussels was unable to agree on a decision to help kiev by stealing russian money frozen in the west. let me remind you that the idea to seize income from our assets was put forward by chief diplomat esjap barel. he has previously said that his weapons resources are for ukraine. europe is exhausted. zelensky, whose the video message was shown at the summit, threw, as the media write, hysterics, insulted his sponsors, calling the lack of military assistance a disgrace, the head of the european commission tried to convince european leaders to use funds belonging to russia, but to no avail. i told european
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leaders that if we quickly complete the divestment of these assets, we could distribute the first billion by july 1st. so it depends on us, everything is in our hands, if we act quickly, concrete measures will be taken in the summer actions. meanwhile, the states, which are also not eager to finance kiev from their own pockets, offered europe another option, how to get into someone else’s. washington believes that eu countries could now issue bonds worth at least $50 billion, and these securities will someday be backed by profits from... sovereign russian assets, in germany and france, as bloomberg writes, the idea was received with caution, estonia, on the contrary, enthusiastically proposed confiscating assets altogether. however, even on the west understands that financial robbery can undermine the reputation of the eu itself as a safe haven for big capital. therefore, in order to
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push through the idea of ​​using russian assets, intimidation is used, allegedly in ukraine, russia will not stop, it will go further, this thesis is promoted by the head of the european council, charles michel. despite the fact that moscow has repeatedly stated at all levels that we have no aggressive plans, in ukraine russia is protecting its strategic interests, and today the topic of the possible sending of troops to nato to ukraine was continued, prime minister hungarian viktor orban expressed alarm at the very fact of this discussion. the most alarming thing in this whole story is that what was unthinkable just 2-3 months ago is now becoming commonplace. i remember how the germans said, they are not ready to send deadly weapons to ukraine, we will send better equipment, helmets, what now looks absurd and impossible will become a reality in two or 3 months. fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack in the zaporozhye region, which was being prepared on instructions from the ukrainian special services.
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a recruited citizen was detained in berdyansk russia, as security forces reported before the presidential election, he tried to take weapons from the stash, offered armed resistance during arrest and was arrested. a makarov pistol with cartridges was seized on the spot, and at the agent’s home they found a homemade bomb and a mobile phone for secret communication with curators from kiev . it was also established that he was involved in the murder of a russian military officer in october last year. in addition, he transmitted the coordinates of our military personnel.
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hit a target simulating a firing position conditional enemy on the syurkum tactical field in the khabarovsk territory. defense officials also noted that during the shooting , the specified area was closed by naval vessels, as well as aircraft and drones. usa, thousands of migrants have accumulated there and are trying to get into texas. these footage shows how they break through the cordon of national guard soldiers and storm the fence. borders attract additional forces. illegal immigration is one of the most pressing problems in the united states, and it is the republicans' electoral trump card. the democrats showed taking control of the situation not in state, or maybe they don’t want to, only in december last year the border was daily. more than 10,000 illegal immigrants crossed. china is preparing to launch the world's first unmanned
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flying taxi. what we have seen only in science fiction films may soon become completely commonplace. flights over busy streets, without traffic jams, at the same time the opportunity to observe the surroundings from a bird's eye view. the tests have been completed, the license has already been received, all that remains is to build the necessary infrastructure. natalya lyublinskaya tested a new type of transport, here her impression. the hangar, which is also an ordinary garage for storing an unmanned air taxi, cannot be classified as a classic helicopter or airplane, it is closest to modern drones, 16 electric motors, each of which is equipped with a propeller. the lift is distributed among sixteen propellers, so if even five propellers stop, say, the flight will still be stable. the electric ice for vertical takeoff and landing, to literally translate the name, is made of coal...
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passengers are completely removed from control, coordinates and commands are received by the earth from flight center operators. we are now at an altitude of 40 m, looking at the all-round panorama, the cockpit is missing, that is, it flies very smoothly.
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ambitious plans to launch transportation and tourist sightseeing routes have existed for several years, but are awaiting final permission from the civil aviation authority and china for a certificate for operating the facilities, that is, the air taxi itself is already a licensed vehicle for the infrastructure business. taxi requires many infrastructural improvements, including communications 5g level high in the air, creating a digital airspace management system. the first commercial routes will connect popular urban points such as train stations and airports. china sees enormous potential in a new industry called the low-altitude economy. a demonstration flight was made by another five-seater vehicle, connecting the two shores of a large bay, two chinese ports - shekhou and duzhou, in a straight line, that is, by water. between them. 50 km, maintenance costs are much lower here,
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than in conventional aviation, i think that over time the cost of a flight from shenzhen to zhuhai will not be more expensive than a trip by regular taxi. a real technology race has unfolded today between manufacturers from china, europe and the usa, each has its own design advantages, but the winner will be the one who is the first to... visit of us presidential national security adviser jake salevan to kiev, well, in
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kiev it is clear that everything is so to say, lately they have been traveling, mostly these are trips, of course, they are, so to speak, associated with rhetorical support, they said there, they said here , salivaan came secretly, but clearly told the ukrainians the good news, what kind of news, you ask, let's listen, i stood on the podium of the white house and said that ukraine must win, here today that ukraine must win , and what does it mean? this means that ukraine is emerging from this war sovereign, independent and free. we believe that russia has already lost in this war, that... russia has failed to do this, erase ukraine from the map, erase the very idea of ​​being ukrainian from history . attack on your capital failed because the ukrainians stood up and defended kiev. putin has failed to crush ukraine's democratically elected government. well, there’s a natural question here, just a logical one, but what if ukraine is already...


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