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tv   Novosti  1TV  February 2, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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we won the bloodiest battle, how the memory of the heroes is honored and what the descendants of the city’s defenders tell. clashes with the police, tear gas cannon. thousands of argentines who are protesting against the reforms of president meley, which congress has been considering for 3 days, tension is growing. echo. border
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conflict, protesters from virginia reached texas. right now we don't have a border, which means we don't have a country. did biden forget to give an ultimatum? as the white house changes tack, florida's governor directs 1,000 national guardsmen in texas. and at the beginning of the footage, which once again proves the courage and ingenuity of our fighters, a group of russian military personnel was overtaken by an enemy drone. they are trying to hide in the forest belt. one of them. the first thing that came to hand: a stick from the ground and with one blow knocks down the copter. the drone flies away but does not explode. this is how our hero saved his life and the life of his comrade. and more footage of the special operation zone. our military disrupted the rotation of militants west of artyomovsk. the enemy group was discovered by a drone and dropped fragmentation ammunition on it. the unit of paratroopers from buryat worked harmoniously to hit the target accurately. there, in the artyomovsk direction, near the contact line.
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enemy strongholds were destroyed. the strikes were carried out by fpv drones. over the course of several days, the ukrainian armed forces lost at least sixty militants, five units in this area. modern combat is often called drone warfare. one such bird, as the military says, can sometimes replace an assault squad and destroy enemy positions to smithereens. in the battalion , military intelligence is taught to manage, and repairing quadcopters, modifying projectiles there, and plans to create reusable komikaza drones. how is it going?
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didn’t fly, but i raised a bird with a digital protocol for them, put glasses on each of them, showed them, they were, to put it mildly, surprised by what they saw, well, actually kambat asked, well, are you ready to serve, i said, so you’ll definitely do, lieutenant colonel , the results were not long in coming, drones, komikazes of the sava group began to terrorize the enemy near artyomovsk, the results of the last two months were destroyed more than 600 nationalists and 50 units of equipment, since the appearance. komikaze tactics have also changed and the tactics of the assault squads have changed, their attack is now preceded not by artillery shelling of the enemy position, but by the work of drones, we see there either some object into which we can fly, as we can, we are already adjusting there from right to left, the group commander with the call sign sava equipped , as he says, a whole design bureau, a basement design bureau, here drones are soldered, programmed, tested before flight, among them there are captured ones, which will now serve our army, the enemy
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with his own weapon, the thermoboric grenade from rp-7 shots is now the most popular version of ammunition for our drones, ideal for destroying the enemy in semi-enclosed enclosed spaces, such as dugouts, and trenches, the factory version, of course, requires minor modifications, they are made here themselves, for this purpose, the unit has a separate engineering group, we can do about 20 a day, if it’s point-blank, that is , we fully provide ourselves with our crews, taking into account the intensified onslaught of our army on the enemy’s positions, more and more birds are needed, we need and modernization of drones. now more serious companies with more serious budgets are taking on this. well, let's hope that they will have competent consultants, competent engineers who will help push the product, there is room for growth. well, in the meantime , they are coming up with their own, one of the ideas is reusable deadly drones, they will have to work on the principle of dive bombers. i wouldn’t like to show a number of things, because
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this is still a surprise, even if yes, let it be a surprise for our enemy. sergey podmarev, raman serebrennikov and mikhail vasiliev, channel one. today is one anniversary. one of the most important events of the great patriotic war, 81 years ago , the battle of stalingrad ended with the victory of the red army. the turning point of the war, which laid the foundation for the final defeat of the nazi troops. 200 days of the hardest battles of unparalleled heroism of our soldiers. on this memorable date, three settlements in the volgograd region were awarded the honorary title of frontier of stalingrad valor. about how the offensive of the soviet troops began, how the battle unfolded. chronicle footage and memories of descendants, defenders of the city. medal for the defense of stalingrad, as a sign of the highest degree of gratitude to the defenders of stalingrad to the entire generation of winners, three settlements of the volgograd region, the village of kletskaya, the cities
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of kotelnikov and serafimovich were awarded the title of frontier of stalingrad valor. both of my grandfathers fought in... and its surroundings are one of the frontiers of stalingrad valor, the famous serafimovichsky bridgehead, in the summer of forty-two the battle of stalingrad began from here, in november of the same year, from here, from this high bank, the first volleys of guns sounded, a counteroffensive that ended in victory in the battle of stalingrad, small. the cossack town found itself in the path of the iron fist of the german sixth army. through the large bend of the don, the nazis rushed to stalingrad, they were opposed by a bloodless part of the red army. in one of the divisions, for example, instead of the regular 16 thousand there were only 900 fighters. but our soldiers left serafimovich, resisting to the last. one of them
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the seriously wounded sergeant nikolai kotov was hidden in their house by nadezhda nazarova’s mother and grandmother. apparently, he managed to crawl through the braid, and in the evening they heard it. the old house still stands on the same street , as my mother recalled, says nadezhda nazarova, the soldier was bandaged and changed, but the wound was too severe, at night the women carried him to the don in the arms and there they transported him to their people in the hospital, he arrived in the sixty- fifth year to us in the same year, he cried right looking at where they got him, to nadya herself she was then less than two months old, she says now it’s scary to imagine how her loved ones risked.
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but they held it for several months in difficult battles before the start of the counteroffensive. the defenders of this line were among those who formed an encirclement ring around the 300,000-strong group of fascists at stalingrad. and he reversed the course of the great patriotic war. elena pich, alexey serovoy, larisa nikitina, oleg statun, dmitry orekhov, channel one, volgograd region. just a quick ad now, we'll be back in a few minutes. don’t switch, the path to your calling is very challenging, what professions did our guests master on the path to their dreams, i also worked as an instructor at the komsomol reykom, and since there was no such rate, my work book says cleaner kubon, my pain, i’ve been for 3 years the library was working, i really didn’t like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library, oh, tatyana, can i take a selfie with you, all my professions, be it an apprentice cook, a loader , were selected taking into account how i had more time to do what i loved.
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i worked at central television, as a senior accountant. seniors? you said there will be a hedgehog. and what's that? my first entry was in the books, my favorite, night receptionist. it wasn’t a shame that everyone was listening to you, but i was constantly giving away my voice, one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, and there was a radio beacon hanging on my wall. and the girl sings, and i ’m sitting there appreciating how well the girl sings, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, that’s me singing, tomorrow after the program, today is sergei andreevich, theater for young spectators, set maker , welder, pyotr nikolaevich, master of sports, member of our country's olympic biathlon team, hello everyone.
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than with these fishermen, i don’t want to go to your olympics, i want to kill vitya. with anyone, tomorrow on the first day, you are the empress,
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katya, that’s it, and i want to be her , it seems to me that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne for a long time with the empress , there are practically no friends next to the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies. i need proof that in the event of a new revolution it’s me who will become the empress, god, help me, god, who, wait, you can’t do this, gentlemen, i’m your emperor, i’m a woman, you don’t have to love, it’s parsley. one thing was, who are you playing tricks with, i won’t tolerate it, i understand, but let you say, do you
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really want to rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the imperial council? russia has no friends in europe, and never will, where does this confidence come from? and you forget where i was born, you and i have so much more to do there is still work to be done, life is not enough, great one. golden age, big premiere, from monday on the first. this is news on the first, and we continue, expansion of eurasian cooperation, major transport projects, electronic commerce, modern information technologies. all this is being discussed today in almaat; a meeting of eu heads of government will be held there. russia is represented by mikhail mishustin, now he is on the international digital stage.
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the reason for the economic reforms that the new president, javier meley, is promoting. after the congress, where initiatives are discussed, thousands of demonstrators gathered, at some point the situation got out of control, and police started pushing. used rubber bullets, water cannons and tear gas. to put it mildly, the meley reforms evoke mixed reactions from deputies. many believe that the proposed measures to combat record inflation will not only not improve the situation in
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the country, but, on the contrary, will do harm. the president has repeatedly noted that he advocates minimal government intervention in the economy. intends to eliminate the central bank, still a future candidate, miley promised to replace the argentine pesa with dollar and withdraw the application to join brix. in the elections, the flamboyant politician was supported by just over 55.5% of citizens; this was the second round. now miley insists on the need for shock measures. in the united states , more and more protesters are joining the confrontation between texas and washington to support the state, where caravans of illegal migrants are heading, americans are traveling almost across the entire country. protesters from virginia. organized a car rally, the participants have already reached texas, and a battalion of national guardsmen has gone there to help the local authorities florida is sending, numbering up to a thousand people, but what about the white house, joe biden put forward an ultimatum a week ago, now it seems he has decided to change tactics, first things first, our american subcorrespondent georgy alisashvili, as the american patriots from virginia call themselves, which is
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absolutely near washington, in 3 days we reached texas under the motto, well, something like we’ll hit the car. it is significant that many came from the liberal states of the megalopolis, who were turned by the authorities into cities of refuge, where they were transported for further proceedings migrants who have entered the country, so the texas border problem echoes far beyond the borders of the cowboy state. right now we have no border, which means we don’t have a country, and this is the main responsibility of the federal authorities, to protect our borders. before the start of the rally , those gathered discuss the latest rumor,
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the white house insists for order on the border . congress must pass a law in which funding for ukraine will be tied to additional funds under the national security heading. this is the democrats’ last chance to get money for kiev. a week has already passed since the very ultimatum that biden put forward to the governor of texas. washington demanded that the local authorities, who had de facto blocked the flow of migrants,
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retreat; without receiving an answer, the president pretended that there was no ultimatum. changed the record and said that congress should pass a law and then they would restore order on the border. joo doesn't really need congress to do his job, he should just bring back the practices that the last administration had. under trump , the rules were so strict that even families were separated at the border, and this was also criticized by the whole country. now, however, who remembers about this? florida's governor is sending 1,000 national guard and state guard troops to texas. the latter is especially important because the florida guardsmen are not by law...
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and i say goodbye further on the anti-fake broadcast. ufimsky in the championship match of the continental hockey league.


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