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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 5, 2023 4:55am-5:36am MSK

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and the snow is falling and everything is flickering and floating because you are in my destiny. thank you snow, thank you. thank you snow. thank you for being with us in these first days. here is now the first night of the new year 2023. watch our podcasts at first and live with hope for the best. we'll get the story of my life.
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but stayed with you, only two dead end of this dark. the deer was divided into two, we are grief. we just can't deal with it. whether pulls two nights, if you keep silent. on
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the wind don't forgive if you don't forgive. we are left with you, only two, everything is destroyed by a hell of doubts. we drown in infinity of pain. we freeze in the cold touch. pulls sadness without you, i, of course, will rip. t nights
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of knowing hands, if two proclaim smarter, if you don’t forgive, if you don’t forgive. only yours has become with you and only the sadness of anxiety has become with you, as if the sea has been captured by a storm, as if the roads are covered with ashes.
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you know the lesson of life if you keep silent about yours. if you don't forgive yours. if you keep silent , but it’s a pity you don’t run away, you know, i’ll die, if not forgive if you don't. if not forgive me, i 'll die alexandrovna i'm so glad to see you. you
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look so amazing. it's the first time i 've ever heard of it. the way you sing live, if you haven't seen my fist-sized goosebumps, this is a very amazing bouquet. where to put it? i don't think there is one here. let's call everyone. where should i sit. please, let's, let's, everything. everything for you. everything for you. and we also have co-host karina, please, we have been waiting for you to come in, most likely, this is an amazing atmosphere. i have my own helmet. very nice. very nice. hello everyone, dear friends. it's not a format. today in our studio we have an absolutely incomparable, amazing magical, can this be continued indefinitely? my lovely co-hosts karina kross valya karnaval gypsy band
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in the background will know what you call it? these are, uh, absolutely amazing, guys. i am anton lavrentiev, actor, poet , musician, and you know many, many things resant, firstly, now my dream has come true. we performed together on stage. i accompanied you on the guitar. it's me now it just happened cool. see? let's go with alexandrovna. of course, i am very pleased that you gave me the central place, but still you are our guest, so i want to change places with you to be closer without any problems. and how did you already notice? our program is called not format. yes, it’s all for a reason, because here and we are already introducing, let’s say, established popular artists with young, novice generations of musicians who, so to speak, well, not in the format, and today we wanted to introduce you, an amazing musician, which for a minute is 100 million. listening to us mom on streaming sites and it
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's all the same for a year . please come in, you know this is a small postcard from the past. now you can watch it. and i 'll sing something for now. come on mom. wow, so that both the soul and the heart. and the song that the muggle chose moon melody. it was the stars that fell, my departed. shiy away me lunar melody. now my dream has come true, alexander guys. thank you very much. this photo passed a very long time, because
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larisa and i actually know each other. it was a very long time ago in russia and we took pictures with you. i really wanted you to sign it, but you were busy, and then, in general, you didn’t have time to sign it, so if you can sign any problems today, the mission will be completed. let's take the bouquet. what else are you hiding us, tell me please, otherwise we did not agree. i'll try anyone. no. we decided to sing a song with you. here, well they decided that sing a song to sing. which one is sleeping? here and so this song is the weather in the house, so i knew, wait, well, in order, as it were, well, not to go in some, well, standard way, we slightly redid the form and let me sing the verses that are, well other verses and the chorus will be yours good good. we don't say others, we say alternative alternative verses, and i mixed it up and with
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one of my songs it turned out so chic that we decided to publish it. it's called guys cause just a little bit of playing this harmony we song uh-huh now i'll tune in yeah no, nothing's more important than family. i understood it it dawned on money glory success on the way is all flashes, and misfortune was the measure. no, nothing is more important than family sounds trite like words on a fence. there is nothing more important than people more important than those who are with you in happiness and in sorrow. here is a short piece and you can start the song. it's cool, will you feel your refrain there , understand? somewhere we had a shaker val
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take it, i immediately i immediately created a girl, let's go. me only one, who brings peace to the heart, if there is fire around us, it will not end in the word. you are an ancestor there , you are my loneliness from heaven, a holy prophecy. i will be a shadow of your tears or in happiness, my back is your wall from people, and our children will tell, then about us. like it's the last time. i would not see happiness without my eyes. anything
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but easy. and everything that is not easy to settle with the help of a variety. what a cool collap we have born right in front of the guys, it's amazing. i had such a crazy idea. i have a solo concert on april 27 in a crocus, an anniversary solo concert of 50 years of the profession, by the way, what a figure. horror maybe then you and i will sing it there in the eyes there is a bath ready. i'm ready i was ready, what's going on
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a song specifically for your song. the weather in the house happens miracles. here we are now witnesses. you can’t even imagine what an interesting story about this song is going on all my life, please , from the song it means how much i go on tour, how long have i been without the internet? i received letters where they wrote to me. thank you. you helped us keep our relationship going. you helped us make another baby. you helped us not to quarrel. you we wanted to go and get divorced. you helped us and we the two were left. you understand how much the family i saved in general with this song, although not me, of course, but the authors, when mikhail tanich wrote these poems, that is, or, probably, many people know. i told it, and he wrote a female male text first and called larik told me i want you to listen now. i wrote a masculine masculine text. i like it i don't know you will like it. well , you just see me orientated, he begins
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to read, and i have a hail of tears. i say what kind of man you are not slowly rewriting this song for me on the same day ruslan both of them not in the world. unfortunately, both of them already wrote music the next day. we recorded it in the studio in one day. the song appeared stunned and became such a cult hit, namely cult magic is magic. a regalia that probably cannot boast. well, he's nobody the only one who interrupts andrey gubin i know that andrey is perfect, well, absolutely. e, very jealous of his songs. how did you do it? tell me completely by accident. i think let me write it down, i have a song for my friends favorite night, what a strange me freedom, and in general, i wrote down on the ball. it's just
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that once a day zero passes for me for 5,000 views, you know, 5,000 views. i think i already scored. i think , probably, well, covers are not my topic, and then another week passes, look at a million, i just update like this in a day, i don’t understand anything, i think, well, super. i think, well done, 2 million already slept in the morning. in the evening, 3 million. there are four million and just this sound is a short refrain to the guitar that i recorded, and it flies, people write all over the network. we want the full track, we want you to record it. and we are connected with andrey a gubin. well, they showed this version. he is like that in general, there is something, i'm not completely sure. oh well, if the authors are very jealous. it is one thing to overdrink when the composites are just written for someone for the performer, and another thing is when the author performer writes, he writes this for himself. basically and of course, is it possible to understand it? a little slower there, yes, yes, he is ours. what a strange freedom from sunset
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, sunrise, to wait for you reliably about the day. i ask you not to from sunrise to sunset. speaks me about love, and he's cute. maybe i 'll tell you, i'm a person who passed, and different commissions entered the institute, was at different competitions. so when larisa she looks so seriously, and she i know that she is a person who recruits students. i just remember. this shock, when you come you value them so much, you don’t think. are you doing everything right? of course, i would madly want to, maybe even learn from you, but i don’t know, i didn’t want to go there, vanya, who didn’t want to , in general, what is needed in order to enter you in the academy you show offensive exams, uh-huh fable and poetry. uh-huh and then it is sung, of course. and by the way, i can
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read the verse and evaluate the uh poem. and i have one, i got ready. yes , i always don’t know the poem, i’m always very touched. i think everyone knows this poem. and honestly i can say, i'm really very worried, although i studied at the theater. institute, yaroslavl state theater institute. wait, we'll get comfortable, and i'll try to read it. a here turn it on. please tell me the atmosphere. give something, this is alexander sergeevich pushkin for you pushkin, there are so many things still hidden in a person. i loved you love still be. maybe in my soul it has not completely died out. well , don't let her worry you anymore. i don't want to sadden you with anything. i loved you. silently hopeless, then we torment with shyness, then with jealousy. i
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loved you. so sincerely, so tenderly, when i am your god, beloved, it is wonderful to be different. if you can still sing, then i’m definitely ready to enter the academy, but the only thing let's say. so my ligaments were broken in my in my time, it’s very bad when god is under jazz. yes, i had a mismatch. i was doing. here i am, that's why i don't want to see him anymore, but it so happened that i was engaged in folk singing. that's what i had. well, that is such open vocals. actually, i got ready. you are mine. i'm sorry. you are my my valley you are my hmm i'm very worried, probably, to be honest i'll hold my hand cold hands, cold signs
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of worry, you're my my valley you're mine. my you are my valley, you are my valley. you sing wrong. also, now i have nothing to worry about. i have a very interesting question for you. our uh, the program is called not a format. here is my question. so have you ever heard in your address that they tell you that you are not a format. i'm really empty in my life, it would be unformatted just small. but for a very long time my songs were not rotated on the radio station, so i was not a format. why am i getting used to it? well, because i
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can't sing those songs that i ask i will go only what i like and what i love. well, by the way, here's coming to the topic. here is an unformatted one, because i asked the question very well. it seems to me that when they tell you something at all, that in general they forbid you something or somehow relate you to someone, this is very close to something related to this. we are now living in a very good time. yeah, and we can show our material as we want and everyone hears us from the soviet era. ah, the ban was so much that it was scary to turn your head to the left. you have no idea what time we lived and how it was difficult to do anything at all, to offer one’s own, and so on. yes, it was such a very difficult period of time at that time, that's what is now called a hate. no , it wasn't like that. that's because well, they say, i understand that now is the time
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, as it were, when you can develop, when you can, uh, it's just very good that you said that it wasn't there then. right now , we often encounter hate. and when you well, i can start, probably with myself and i can say that due to the fact that a i started my blogging career. i originally sang. well, that is, i originally sang before becoming a blogger, but all , uh, when we started, bloggers started to sing, they started creating music , they registered me as one of the bloggers and started hating because bloggers sing, they don’t climb at all, climb to the artists . and this, well, such a kind of hatred went. have you ever encountered a hate at all? after our broadcast, then you know how much it was, it was very, really sad, and i was very embarrassed for it. true, in general, in fact, very many of these millions who wrote to me, they did not understand the format of the program. they did not understand what happened there at all. no quarrel was just a conversation and uh hmm as
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natural. valya did not agree with what i was saying, she had the right to this, her absolute right, and i have the right to defend my point of view. but you have so many fans that they tore me apart. it’s just that they just tore me apart and, as it were, i didn’t, as it were, i didn’t tell the audience that do not do this. uh, a lot of people are just on their own. and actually a haters, in my personal opinion. and we love our fans, but in fact, fans are those who love with an open heart, they love with kindness. and haters are those who love, but do not want to admit it. they also watch the washing of the bones, as we all say, but it seems to me that the haters are the same fans. it's just that they can't open their hearts, and really, then i'm really really ashamed that you then grabbed so much, yes, and i know how much from an adult audience, they also drove money from me like you and i kvita girls. by the way, i would like to tell a story. that's when the haters, but wait there for such
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conversations. give me your molding below. i just wanted to say that when the haters are strangers, and those who write. there you are so-and-so you are so thousandth. how can you, well, if you are an adequate adult person , and confident in yourself, you can omit this and everything is fine, but now, well, when your mother is a hater, that's the main hater, yes, everything, everything is fine, everything fine. and when your mother is the main hater, and i had such a story. uh, my mom always told me you couldn't do anything. and there, well, to put it bluntly. and now i'm sorry, you're just now i won't. yes, you can't do anything. you are not doing that. in general, everything is not there. i had the same relationship with my mother, then you perfectly understand what i am talking about now, and i
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had such a situation. that's what the haters to this whole story. in general, i have, uh, mom there was a wedding for the first time at the age of 51, and i decided to give my mother a gift about the miracle of my husband of music. here i want. how to say, i gave my mother a car, and i really wanted her to cry. er, i'll explain. my mom is very emotional. and i just wanted her to give you emotions, wait , yes, a hand, but so that she would cry, so that she would give me emotions, so that i could see that i am not indifferent. so a, in short , a miracle happened, because my mother turned on the machines, and there my song was played on the radio. she turned around and cried oh so i want to say that often, that's how the weather is in the house, how are your songs? guys this is a very important point. and what about hatred, in short, i would very much like to say that very often. i know that parents work a lot with teenagers with an audience. that is, these are mine. well, my majority of the audience want to tell parents
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, please do not become haters of your children and support them in everything, because this is very important when a person is creative. all this is important, it is important that parents become friends for their children. to me was 16 years old. e hmm well i already knew at 13 that i didn't choose him. here, he chose me. god. he chose me or led me along this path. and my parents were categorically against it, especially moms, dad was still such a very loyal person, and he always winked at me, like, i'll help you, there and so on. it was impossible for mom and mom to give, and i had to. just when she was at work to pack her suitcase. and to leave, because they didn’t let me go, and at the age of 16 i already went on tour. in general, i am very good i perceive. oh, guys , you know something about me, the only thing is that we are leaving quickly, right now we are picking up the negative and gaining positive now. i ask for poetry. yes, in
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the end. i want. to make him lucky. to turn you on. so that the ceiling goes like stars, so that unicorns are maned, so that you can dream and breathe together without fail and not sleep without each other at all and it doesn’t matter in some place. i want it to be warm under the skin, so that the unspoken tangle of words is dearer to you than the world, that basements, porches, bridges the elevators of the kitchen of the car of embarrassment went out of themselves to the redness of the hall. i want each of you to feel the body with every cell, so that tears from the eyes, so that the hands do not dare , so that life beats with veins, so that the heart, and the heart hurts, so that everyone would whisper that this is how he wanted it, so that from the difference points to each other to other people's addresses wonders. and if i were, but stanislavsky, i would say i believe you, yes larisa aleksandrovna, i'm very
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interested in how you are doing with trends. i know that you just blew up all social networks with their incredible photographic images, but i'm wondering about the 15-second short clips. like on the internet they shoot their own videos on the track. shoot short. uh, sometimes daughter, daughter. mom, let's shoot something with her. here we are now in the maldives, she filmed something there for some very famous song rock mom. let's shoot, now let's see how much you'll collect well, that's it for a week. well , it's not enough, really, 300,000 of your total is not enough. well, that means, but just the same , i came up with a trend for your song in a restaurant in a restaurant. and we can right now e. implement this trend in real time, and then i’ll take off this trend by phone, please, millions of phones are coming, please, the phones are coming. i will support morally
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so well. so i need here different phones go. please, please. here's another green one to show it. everything, just everything, you just promise, more than 300,000 views, we will generally have a million. larisa alexandrovna and i will collect so much. i don't doubt it. show me the trend. and dance, and that the soul ended? choose you somewhere here and start and again in side, and there are guitars, and there are gypsies and that the soul comes in, choose and where did you start us here yes, i'll try. let's try the application, then once again, too, play everything. this is how i
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shoot, beautifully, so that everything has a soul. i declare it was. thanks a lot. thanks a lot guys. it was super. anton's now i understand, you know, well, about the magic of your music. how many songs, but not only that how many songs connected, judging and how many songs created the mood for the cinema and in general did entourage about eighty paintings that my voice sounds, here, well, i i remember offhand bluebeard. yes we are. yes, uh, we are now an ordinary miracle, my favorite enchantresses. i would ask, yes, because this
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is just a fantastic person. from the boulevards beautiful men antosh in the city it's warm and damp, and outside the city it's winter winter winter, and he wears me and takes me away ringing snowy. tribute and white
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chases. three white horses running down. january and takes me away and takes me away. it's gentle here. charm you cute horse you and yours. i wanted to find more you know, probably 20 years old . uh, in general, in the country they didn’t know that it was me sang a song in the film, to be honest, if i always watched, and then there was a very interesting story, the author of the song evgeny krylatov called me when the film was already filming in full swing. larisa, please, sing me a song for the film three white horses, there is a girl, a little ten-year-old heroine. i say yes, but you gave women's songs to another singer. yes, there they sang luxurious women's songs beautifully to sing it, but hmm, i
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say, but how in general, take some child from popov's children's choir, why do you need it? i no, they didn't sleep like that. am i saying there 's nothing to sing here? well, in general, he told me , and now all these songs are actually somewhere in our subcortex. but i would like to ask such a question ask ask such a question. and larisa is social, but uh, many artists who are already such, they say that they are modern musicians. somehow , the words are distorted in a strange way. uh accent herd worked with you. so we have a proposal for you, uh, to make such a master class, but on songs about those very artists and musicians. can i please cards with aha thank you very much, i'm looking forward to it. and larisa we have a song here , i won't even ask a specific one , let's say. so. i didn't even sing it the way she sings in the original. that's aha this is a song me
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briskly. pikachu look at you. i understand that we have prepared. a little bit of pikachu is possible,
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it turns out that any song can be presented in absolutely any genre, right? let's come up with another one. oh, i already like abstinence. as if now syutkin came in with song from above, you know, so suddenly oh yes. crimson
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sunset beautiful single beautiful i have one more song for you no problem. i love hate, i'm blown off the roof that's
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all, because in my head a psychiatric hospital. i love hate, i'm blown away it's all because, because because the psychiatric hospital thank you psychiatric hospital. my dream came true, look viktorovna thank you very much, this is great. and you can kiss me too. valya this is amazing. i have
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so many emotions. i don't know how i will sleep. today, guys, we stay friends until the morning, i remind you that there is an unformat on the air and in our studio today larisa dolina ivan chabanov irina cross. valya carnival anton vrentiev jeepsie band. we are now live, we can say at a moment in time live , we will make a musical composition. i hope that it will be x and t, that is, a hit, and not vice versa. and ah. we choose we choose our friends. you understand, we choose , uh, the direction. we choose the mood, and then these, these, these, these, with our hands, with their eyes, we make great music. i say it's funky good. from funky yes to he gave directly good, but directly yes, yes. i think that there must be such pipes such things to try. come on, any person here
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is born. so it happened today. well, let's start such a thing, let the people smell of carnival to you now i will read on the go the violence of valya brown larry, i can't believe it inhabits a generation, but there are no barriers for mouzon. let's go girls. now there will be your performances. and it will be information. l
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deformation you are also very cool. to be honest, i can’t read, but maybe larisa can help me, you can count me here too some fisherman, look at the first one and don't get high. we want to look at the first about about. how the bottom will lose 16
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ok, done thanks. hugs guys, these were the best eats. thank you all my life. it's just awesome. i have never decided on this form, but i like it so much. it's so serious.
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the last chapter of a broken love and so often blows the roof. let's not change each other.


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